See [OPEN](OPEN). The [OUTPUT](OUTPUT) file mode is used in an [OPEN](OPEN) statement to send new data to files or ports. ## Syntax > [OPEN](OPEN) fileName$ **FOR** [OUTPUT](OUTPUT) **AS** #1 ## Description * OUTPUT mode erases all previous data in an existing file or clears a port receive buffer. * Creates an empty file if the filename does not exist. Use [APPEND](APPEND) if previous file data is to be preserved. * Mode can use [PRINT (file statement)](PRINT-(file-statement)), [WRITE (file statement)](WRITE-(file-statement)) or [PRINT USING (file statement)](PRINT-USING-(file-statement)) to output file data. ## Example(s) Writes new data to a text file sequentially and reads it back to the program screen. ```vb filename$ = "testfile.dat" x = 1: y = 2: z$ = "Three" OPEN filename$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1 'opens and clears an existing file or creates new empty file WRITE #1, x, y, z$ CLOSE #1 PRINT "File created with data. Press a key!" K$ = INPUT$(1) 'press a key OPEN filename$ FOR INPUT AS #2 'opens a file to read it INPUT #2, a, b, c$ CLOSE #2 PRINT a, b, c$ END ``` ## See Also * [APPEND](APPEND), [RANDOM](RANDOM) * [INPUT (file mode)](INPUT-(file-mode)), [BINARY](BINARY) * [WRITE](WRITE), [INPUT (file statement)](INPUT-(file-statement))