QB64 can support the **specific Windows Operating System Libraries** on your PC. They should be located in the **System32** folder. Use [DECLARE LIBRARY](DECLARE-LIBRARY) with the appropriate [ALIAS](ALIAS). Loaded DLL files are NOT required to be named in the Declaration! **Note: C++ Header files should be placed in the QB64 folder and are not required after a program is compiled.** **Note: QB64 requires all DLL files to either be with the program or in the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 folder!** Maximum Windows path: MAX_PATH = drive letter + ":\" + 256 + CHR$(0) = 260 characters. **Your code contribution using the Windows Libraries could end up here!** | **Table of Contents** | | | | ---------------- | -------------------- | --- | |1 [Computer Date/Time](#Computer-datetime) | 10 [#Focus](#Focus) | 19 [#Open another Program](#Open another Program) | 28 [#Window Focus](#Window Focus) |2 [#Borderless Window](#Borderless Window)||11 [#Folder Dialog Box](#Folder Dialog Box)||20 [#Play WAV Sounds](#Play WAV Sounds)||29 [#Windows Menu](#Windows Menu) |3 [#Color Dialog Box](#Color Dialog Box)||12 [#Font Dialog Box](#Font Dialog Box)||21 [#Run One Instance](#Run One Instance)||30 [#Windows Notification](#Windows Notification) |4 [#Desktop Size](#Desktop Size)||13 [#Registered Fonts](#Registered Fonts)||22 [#Send Keys](#Send Keys)||31 [#Windows Ports](#Windows Ports) |5 [#Directory Environment](#Directory Environment)||14 [#Game Pad](#Game Pad)||23 [#System Metrics](#System Metrics)||32 [#Windows Sounds](#Windows Sounds) |6 [#Disk Drives](#Disk Drives)||15 [#Hot Keys (maximize)](#Hot Keys (maximize))||24 [#Top Most Window](#Top Most Window)||33 [#Window Transparency](#Window Transparency) |7 [#File Attributes](#File Attributes)||16 [#Keyboard Lock Settings](#Keyboard Lock Settings)||25 [#Video File Player](#Video File Player)||34 [#Windows User](#Windows User) |8 [#File Open and Save Dialog](#File Open and Save Dialog)||17 [#Message Box](#Message Box)||26 [#Web Page Download](#Web Page Download)||35 [#Windows Version](#Windows Version) |9 [#File Times](#File Times) | 18 [#Mouse Area](#Mouse Area) | 27 [#Windows API](#Windows API) | 36 [#Reference](#Reference) | ```text ** Windows API Data Structures** **Name Description Bits QB64 Type** bit 8 bits in one byte 1 [_BIT](_BIT) nybble 2 nybbles in one byte 4 [_BIT](_BIT) * 4 byte 1 byte (2 nybbles) 8 [_BYTE](_BYTE) Boolean 1 byte (signed/unsigned) 8 [_BYTE](_BYTE) CharA(FunctA) [ASCII](ASCII) character 8([LEN](LEN)(buffer)) [_BYTE](_BYTE) WORD 2 bytes 16 [INTEGER](INTEGER) CharW(FunctW) [Unicode](Unicode) wide character 16([LEN](LEN)(buffer)\2) [INTEGER](INTEGER) DWORD 4 bytes 32 [LONG](LONG) QWORD 8 bytes 64 [_INTEGER64](_INTEGER64) LP or hwnd Short or Long Pointer ANY [INTEGER](INTEGER) [_OFFSET](_OFFSET) Void * in C code is also an [_OFFSET](_OFFSET) ``` **[http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa383751(v=vs.85).aspx Windows Data Types]** **[http://doc.pcsoft.fr/en-US/?6510001 Windows 32 API constant values]** ## Computer Date/Time **NOTE: You might need to run this program as Administrator** ```vb '#### 'DATE&TIME.BAS '#### 'A DATE$ and TIME$ alternative. 'Gets & Sets System DATE & TIME using Windows API. 'Coded for QB64 by Dav FEB/2012 '#### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### = 'NOTE: THIS DEMO WILL ATTEMPT TO CHANGE YOUR SYSTEM DATE FOR 5 SECONDS. ' AFTER 5 SECONDS IT WILL ATTEMPT TO RESTORE ORIGINAL DATE SETTING. '#### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### = TYPE SYSTEMTIME wYear AS INTEGER wMonth AS INTEGER wDayOfWeek AS INTEGER wDay AS INTEGER wHour AS INTEGER wMinute AS INTEGER wSecond AS INTEGER wMilliseconds AS INTEGER END TYPE DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "Kernel32" '## NOTE: SetSystemTime& returns Zero if it Fails. '## NOTE: GetSystemTime does not return a value. FUNCTION SetSystemTime& (lpSystemTime AS SYSTEMTIME) SUB GetSystemTime (lpSystemTime AS SYSTEMTIME) END DECLARE ' Holds current values... DIM CurrentTime AS SYSTEMTIME ' For the new values to set... DIM NewTime AS SYSTEMTIME ' Get & Show current System Date/Time GetSystemTime CurrentTime PRINT PRINT "--------------------------------" PRINT "Current System DATE & TIME is..." PRINT "DATE:"; CurrentTime.wMonth; "-"; CurrentTime.wDay; "-"; CurrentTime.wYear PRINT "TIME:"; CurrentTime.wHour; ":"; CurrentTime.wMinute; ":"; CurrentTime.wSecond PRINT "--------------------------------" '### Now Set new DATE only '### NOTICE we're using CurrentTime TIME value's '< '### So we're just changing the DATE, not the TIME here... NewTime.wYear = 2011 'move date back to prevent trial version expiration! NewTime.wMonth = 12 NewTime.wDayOfWeek = -1 NewTime.wDay = 25 NewTime.wHour = CurrentTime.wHour '< NewTime.wMinute = CurrentTime.wMinute '< NewTime.wSecond = CurrentTime.wSecond '< NewTime.wMilliseconds = CurrentTime.wMilliseconds '< ' Set the new values x = SetSystemTime&(NewTime) IF x = 0 THEN PRINT "Failed to change DATE/TIME!": END ' Grab new System DATE settings... ' Temporary holding space...for TIME... DIM CurrentTime2 AS SYSTEMTIME GetSystemTime CurrentTime2 PRINT PRINT "--------------------------------" PRINT "Now the NEW System DATE is..." PRINT "DATE:"; CurrentTime2.wMonth; "-"; CurrentTime2.wDay; "-"; CurrentTime2.wYear PRINT "--------------------------------" PRINT PRINT "Waiting 5 seconds! Check computer date in taskbar....." SLEEP 5 '### Now set everything back to what it was at the beginning. '### Using TIME values from CurrentTime2 so we don't lose any '### seconds from SLEEPing.... ' Grab current values again, keeps the running TIME... GetSystemTime CurrentTime2 PRINT "Resetting DATE back..." NewTime.wYear = CurrentTime.wYear NewTime.wMonth = CurrentTime.wMonth NewTime.wDayOfWeek = -1 NewTime.wDay = CurrentTime.wDay NewTime.wHour = CurrentTime2.wHour '< NewTime.wMinute = CurrentTime2.wMinute '< NewTime.wSecond = CurrentTime2.wSecond '< NewTime.wMilliseconds = CurrentTime2.wMilliseconds '< ' Set the DATE & TIME values back x = SetSystemTime&(NewTime): IF x = 0 THEN PRINT "Failed to change DATE/TIME!": END ' Now let's get & show Current values, see if it worked... GetSystemTime CurrentTime PRINT PRINT "--------------------------------" PRINT "Now the System DATE & TIME is..." PRINT "DATE:"; CurrentTime.wMonth; "-"; CurrentTime.wDay; "-"; CurrentTime.wYear PRINT "TIME:"; CurrentTime.wHour; ":"; CurrentTime.wMinute; ":"; CurrentTime.wSecond PRINT "--------------------------------" END ``` Code by Dav ## Borderless Window ```vb '### 'NOBORDER.BAS '### DECLARE CUSTOMTYPE LIBRARY FUNCTION FindWindow& (BYVAL ClassName AS _OFFSET, WindowName$) END DECLARE DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "User32" FUNCTION GetWindowLongA& (BYVAL hwnd AS LONG, BYVAL nIndex AS LONG) FUNCTION SetWindowLongA& (BYVAL hwnd AS LONG, BYVAL nIndex AS LONG, BYVAL dwNewLong AS LONG) FUNCTION SetWindowPos& (BYVAL hwnd AS LONG, BYVAL hWndInsertAfter AS LONG, BYVAL x AS LONG, BYVAL y AS LONG, BYVAL cx AS LONG, BYVAL cy AS LONG, BYVAL wFlags AS LONG) END DECLARE GWL_STYLE = -16 WS_BORDER = &H800000 _TITLE "No Border" hwnd& = _WINDOWHANDLE 'FindWindow(0, "No Border" + CHR$(0)) PRINT "Press any key for no border...": A$ = INPUT$(1) winstyle& = GetWindowLongA&(hwnd&, GWL_STYLE) a& = SetWindowLongA&(hwnd&, GWL_STYLE, winstyle& AND NOT WS_BORDER) a& = SetWindowPos&(hwnd&, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 39) PRINT "Press any key to get back border...": SLEEP winstyle& = GetWindowLongA&(hwnd&, GWL_STYLE) a& = SetWindowLongA&(hwnd&, GWL_STYLE, winstyle& OR WS_BORDER) a& = SetWindowPos&(hwnd&, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 39) PRINT "The end" ``` Code by Dav ## Color Dialog Box The Color Dialog Box can set custom colors and alpha saturation levels. ```vb ' Color Dialog flag constants (use + or OR to use more than 1 flag) CONST CC_RGBINIT = &H1& ' Sets the initial color (don't know how to set it) CONST CC_FULLOPEN = &H2& ' Opens all dialog sections such as the custom color selector CONST CC_PREVENTFULLOPEN = &H4& ' Prevents the user from opening the custom color selector CONST CC_SHOWHELP = &H8& ' Shows the help button (USELESS!) '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $IF 32BIT THEN ' Checking for 32 bit IDE TYPE COLORDIALOGTYPE lStructSize AS LONG ' Length of this TYPE structure hwndOwner AS LONG ' Dialog owner's handle hInstance AS LONG ' ? rgbResult AS LONG ' The RGB color the user selected lpCustColors AS _OFFSET ' Pointer to an array of 16 custom colors (will be changed by user) flags AS LONG ' Dialog flags lCustData AS LONG ' Custom data lpfnHook AS LONG ' Hook lpTemplateName AS _OFFSET ' Custom template END TYPE $ELSE ' If the IDE is 64 bit then... TYPE COLORDIALOGTYPE lStructSize AS _INTEGER64 ' Length of this TYPE structure hwndOwner AS _INTEGER64 ' Dialog owner's handle hInstance AS _INTEGER64 ' ? rgbResult AS _INTEGER64 ' The RGB color the user selected lpCustColors AS _OFFSET ' Pointer to an array of 16 custom colors (will be changed by user) flags AS _INTEGER64 ' Dialog flags lCustData AS _INTEGER64 ' Custom data lpfnHook AS _INTEGER64 ' Hook lpTemplateName AS _OFFSET ' Custom template END TYPE $END IF DIM ColorString AS STRING * 64 ColorString = "FFFFFFFFFF" 'not sure how this works? DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "comdlg32" FUNCTION ChooseColorA& (DIALOGPARAMS AS COLORDIALOGTYPE) ' Yet the also famous color dialog box END DECLARE DECLARE LIBRARY FUNCTION FindWindow& (BYVAL ClassName AS _OFFSET, WindowName$) ' To get hWnd handle, or use _WINDOWHANDLE END DECLARE SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 12) '32 or 16 or 256 color screen modes _TITLE "Color Common Dialog demo" 'set Title of program hWnd& = _WINDOWHANDLE 'FindWindow(0, "Color Common Dialog demo" + CHR$(0)) 'get window handle using _TITLE string clr~& = ChooseColor&(_RGB32(0, 0, 0), ColorString$, Cancel, CC_FULLOPEN, hWnd&) CLS , clr~& 'make background chosen color LOCATE 10, 31 IF Cancel <> -1 THEN COLOR _RGB(255, 255, 255) 'white text PRINT "Color:"; clr~&; "&H" + HEX$(clr~&) ' use last color chosen PRINT ColorString$ ' display user custom color values chosen ELSE: PRINT "No color was chosen!" END IF END FUNCTION ChooseColor& (InitialColor&, CustomColors$, Cancel, Flags&, hWnd&) ' Parameters: ' InitialColor& - The initial color used, will take effect if CC_RGBINIT flag is specified ' CustomColors$ - A 64-byte string where the user's custom colors will be stored (4 bytes per color in RGB0 format). ' Cancel - Variable where the cancel flag will be stored. ' Flags& - Dialog flags ' hWnd& - Your program's window handle that should be aquired by the FindWindow function. DIM ColorCall AS COLORDIALOGTYPE ColorCall.rgbResult = _RGB32(_BLUE32(InitialColor&), _GREEN32(InitialColor&), _RED32(InitialColor&)) ColorCall.lStructSize = LEN(ColorCall) ColorCall.hwndOwner = hWnd& ColorCall.flags = Flags& ColorCall.lpCustColors = _OFFSET(CustomColors$) ' Do dialog call Result = ChooseColorA(ColorCall) IF Result THEN rgbResult& = ColorCall.rgbResult ' Swap RED and BLUE color intensity values using _RGB ChooseColor& = _RGB(_BLUE32(rgbResult&), _GREEN32(rgbResult&), _RED32(rgbResult&)) ELSE Cancel = -1 END IF END FUNCTION ``` Adapted from code by Jobert14 > *Note:* The ChooseColor value is converted using [_RGB32](_RGB32) with the Blue and Red values being swapped. **Converting 32 bit Dialog Box Color values for 4 or 8 BPP Screen modes** ```text SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 12) 'change from screen 12 to 32 to see the difference rgbresult& = &H8080FF 'Dialog box long color reverse HEX$ return value clr~& = _RGB(_BLUE32(rgbresult&), _GREEN32(rgbresult&), _RED32(rgbresult&)) 'swap red and blue COLOR clr~&: PRINT clr~&, HEX$(clr~&) '_UNSIGNED LONG color values ``` > *Note:* The [_RGB](_RGB) value returned is full [_ALPHA](_ALPHA). Use _ALPHA or [_RGBA](_RGBA) to set the transparency in a program. ## Desktop Size > Returns the Left, Top, Right and Bottom coordinates of the current desktop area. ```vb DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "user32" FUNCTION SystemParametersInfoW& (BYVAL uiAction~&, BYVAL uiParam~&, BYVAL pvParam%&, BYVAL fWinlni~&) END DECLARE CONST SPI_GETWORKAREA = &H30 TYPE RECT left AS LONG top AS LONG right AS LONG bottom AS LONG END TYPE DIM Rec AS RECT IF 0 = SystemParametersInfoW(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, _OFFSET(Rec), 0) THEN 'function failed. You may call kernel32's GetLastError for more info. PRINT "failed." END IF PRINT Rec.left PRINT Rec.top PRINT Rec.right PRINT Rec.bottom PRINT scr& = _SCREENIMAGE PRINT _WIDTH(scr&) PRINT _HEIGHT(scr&) _FREEIMAGE scr& END ``` ## Directory Environment > Returns various system environment settings including the current program's EXE name. ```vb DECLARE LIBRARY 'Directory Information using KERNEL32 provided by Dav FUNCTION WINDirectory ALIAS GetWindowsDirectoryA (lpBuffer AS STRING, BYVAL nSize AS LONG) FUNCTION SYSDirectory ALIAS GetSystemDirectoryA (lpBuffer AS STRING, BYVAL nSize AS LONG) FUNCTION CURDirectory ALIAS GetCurrentDirectoryA (BYVAL nBufferLen AS LONG, lpBuffer AS STRING) FUNCTION TempPath ALIAS GetTempPathA (BYVAL nBufferLen AS LONG, lpBuffer AS STRING) FUNCTION GetModuleFileNameA (BYVAL hModule AS LONG, lpFileName AS STRING, BYVAL nSize AS LONG) END DECLARE '### SHOW WINDOWS DIRECTORY WinDir$ = SPACE$(144) Result = WINDirectory(WinDir$, LEN(WinDir$)) IF Result THEN PRINT "WINDOWS DIRECTORY: "; LEFT$(WinDir$, Result) '### SHOW SYSTEM DIRECTORY SysDir$ = SPACE$(144) Result = SYSDirectory(SysDir$, LEN(SysDir$)) IF Result THEN PRINT "SYSTEM DIRECTORY: "; LEFT$(SysDir$, Result) '### SHOW CURRENT DIRECTORY CurDir$ = SPACE$(255) Result = CURDirectory(LEN(CurDir$), CurDir$) IF Result THEN PRINT "CURRENT DIRECTORY: "; LEFT$(CurDir$, Result) '### SHOW TEMP DIRECTORY TempDir$ = SPACE$(100) Result = TempPath(LEN(TempDir$), TempDir$) IF Result THEN PRINT "TEMP DIRECTORY: "; LEFT$(TempDir$, Result) '### SHOW CURRENT PROGRAM FileName$ = SPACE$(256) Result = GetModuleFileNameA(0, FileName$, LEN(FileName$)) IF Result THEN PRINT "CURRENT PROGRAM: "; LEFT$(FileName$, Result) END ``` Windows APIs courtesy of Dav > Returns the DOS 8.3 path and file name. The DLL used is in the QB64 folder. ```vb DECLARE LIBRARY 'Directory Information using KERNEL32 FUNCTION GetShortPathNameA (lpLongPath AS STRING, lpShortPath AS STRING, BYVAL cBufferLen AS LONG) END DECLARE '### SHOW SHORT PATH NAME FileOrPath$ = "c:\qb64\SDL_image.dll" '<< change to a relevant path or file name on computer ShortPathName$ = SPACE$(260) Result = GetShortPathNameA(FileOrPath$ + CHR$(0), ShortPathName$, LEN(ShortPathName$)) IF Result THEN PRINT "SHORT PATH NAME: " + ShortPathName$ ELSE PRINT "NOT Found!" END ``` Courtesy of Dav ## Disk Drives Uses Kernel32 API to lists all available drives on system. Shows the drives type: HD/CD/DVD/RAM/NET/Removable/Unknown ```vb CONST REMOVABLE = 2 CONST FIXED = 3 CONST REMOTE = 4 CONST CDROM = 5 CONST RAMDISK = 6 DECLARE LIBRARY FUNCTION GetDriveTypeA& (nDrive AS STRING) FUNCTION GetLogicalDriveStringsA (BYVAL nBuff AS LONG, lpbuff AS STRING) END DECLARE DIM DList AS STRING, DL AS STRING DIM i AS LONG, typ AS LONG i = GetLogicalDriveStringsA(0, DList) 'zero returns the drive string byte size DList = SPACE$(i) 'set drive string length. Each drive is followed by CHR$(0) i = GetLogicalDriveStringsA(i, DList) 'the byte size returns a string that long PRINT DList FOR n = 65 TO 90 IF INSTR(DList, CHR$(n)) THEN DL = CHR$(n) + ":\" + CHR$(0) typ = GetDriveTypeA(DL) SELECT CASE typ CASE REMOVABLE: PRINT DL + "Removable" CASE FIXED: PRINT DL + "Fixed" CASE REMOTE: PRINT DL + "Remote" CASE CDROM: PRINT DL + "CDROM" CASE RAMDISK: PRINT DL + "RAM" END SELECT END IF NEXT ``` Adapted from code by Dav > *Note:* The length of the string returned by *GetLogicalDriveStringsA* can be divided by 4 to tell the number of physical and ram drives. ## File Attributes ```vb DECLARE LIBRARY FUNCTION GetFileAttributes& (f$) FUNCTION SetFileAttributes& (f$, BYVAL attrib&) END DECLARE CONST INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES = -1 CONST FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY = 1 CONST FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN = 2 CONST FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM = 4 CONST FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY = 16 CONST FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE = 32 file$ = "temp.txt" a = GetFileAttributes(file$) PRINT a 'if no file, then you'll see a -1 here OPEN file$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1 CLOSE #1 a = GetFileAttributes(file$) PRINT a 'a new file, it prints 32 for me here x = SetFileAttributes(file$, 1) 'set the read only flag a = GetFileAttributes(file$) PRINT a 'notice, it prints 1 here and not 32. We didn't add a flag, we changed it completel ``` ## File Open and Save Dialog **Open and Save Dialog Boxes get file names** ```vb ' Dialog flag constants (use + or OR to use more than 1 flag value) CONST OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT = &H200& ' Allows the user to select more than one file, not recommended! CONST OFN_CREATEPROMPT = &H2000& ' Prompts if a file not found should be created(GetOpenFileName only). CONST OFN_EXTENSIONDIFFERENT = &H400& 'Allows user to specify file extension other than default extension. CONST OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST = &H1000& ' Chechs File name exists(GetOpenFileName only). CONST OFN_HIDEREADONLY = &H4& ' Hides read-only checkbox(GetOpenFileName only) CONST OFN_NOCHANGEDIR = &H8& ' Restores the current directory to original value if user changed CONST OFN_NODEREFERENCELINKS = &H100000& 'Returns path and file name of selected shortcut(.LNK) file instead of file referenced. CONST OFN_NONETWORKBUTTON = &H20000& ' Hides and disables the Network button. CONST OFN_NOREADONLYRETURN = &H8000& ' Prevents selection of read-only files, or files in read-only subdirectory. CONST OFN_NOVALIDATE = &H100& ' Allows invalid file name characters. CONST OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT = &H2& ' Prompts if file already exists(GetSaveFileName only) CONST OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST = &H800& ' Checks Path name exists (set with OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST). CONST OFN_READONLY = &H1& ' Checks read-only checkbox. Returns if checkbox is checked CONST OFN_SHAREAWARE = &H4000& ' Ignores sharing violations in networking CONST OFN_SHOWHELP = &H10& ' Shows the help button (useless!) '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINT A-Z 'not recommended to use this statement in a final application! TYPE FILEDIALOGTYPE $IF 32BIT THEN lStructSize AS LONG ' For the DLL call hwndOwner AS LONG ' Dialog will hide behind window when not set correctly hInstance AS LONG ' Handle to a module that contains a dialog box template. lpstrFilter AS _OFFSET ' Pointer of the string of file filters lpstrCustFilter AS _OFFSET nMaxCustFilter AS LONG nFilterIndex AS LONG ' One based starting filter index to use when dialog is called lpstrFile AS _OFFSET ' String full of 0's for the selected file name nMaxFile AS LONG ' Maximum length of the string stuffed with 0's minus 1 lpstrFileTitle AS _OFFSET ' Same as lpstrFile nMaxFileTitle AS LONG ' Same as nMaxFile lpstrInitialDir AS _OFFSET ' Starting directory lpstrTitle AS _OFFSET ' Dialog title flags AS LONG ' Dialog flags nFileOffset AS INTEGER ' Zero-based offset from path beginning to file name string pointed to by lpstrFile nFileExtension AS INTEGER ' Zero-based offset from path beginning to file extension string pointed to by lpstrFile. lpstrDefExt AS _OFFSET ' Default/selected file extension lCustData AS LONG lpfnHook AS LONG lpTemplateName AS _OFFSET $ELSE lStructSize AS _OFFSET ' For the DLL call hwndOwner AS _OFFSET ' Dialog will hide behind window when not set correctly hInstance AS _OFFSET ' Handle to a module that contains a dialog box template. lpstrFilter AS _OFFSET ' Pointer of the string of file filters lpstrCustFilter AS LONG nMaxCustFilter AS LONG nFilterIndex AS _INTEGER64 ' One based starting filter index to use when dialog is called lpstrFile AS _OFFSET ' String full of 0's for the selected file name nMaxFile AS _OFFSET ' Maximum length of the string stuffed with 0's minus 1 lpstrFileTitle AS _OFFSET ' Same as lpstrFile nMaxFileTitle AS _OFFSET ' Same as nMaxFile lpstrInitialDir AS _OFFSET ' Starting directory lpstrTitle AS _OFFSET ' Dialog title flags AS _INTEGER64 ' Dialog flags nFileOffset AS _INTEGER64 ' Zero-based offset from path beginning to file name string pointed to by lpstrFile nFileExtension AS _INTEGER64 'Zero-based offset from path beginning to file extension string pointed to by lpstrFile. lpstrDefExt AS _OFFSET ' Default/selected file extension lCustData AS _INTEGER64 lpfnHook AS _INTEGER64 lpTemplateName AS _OFFSET $END IF END TYPE DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "comdlg32" ' Library declarations using _OFFSET types FUNCTION GetOpenFileNameA& (DIALOGPARAMS AS FILEDIALOGTYPE) ' The Open file dialog FUNCTION GetSaveFileNameA& (DIALOGPARAMS AS FILEDIALOGTYPE) ' The Save file dialog END DECLARE DECLARE LIBRARY FUNCTION FindWindow& (BYVAL ClassName AS _OFFSET, WindowName$) ' To get hWnd handle END DECLARE _TITLE "FileOpen Common Dialog demo" 'set Title of program hWnd& = _WINDOWHANDLE 'FindWindow(0, "Open and Save Dialog demo" + CHR$(0)) 'get window handle using _TITLE string ' Do the Open File dialog call! Filter$ = "Batch files (*.bat)|*.BAT|JPEG images (*.jpg)|*.JPG|All files (*.*)|*.*" Flags& = OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST + OFN_NOCHANGEDIR + OFN_READONLY ' add flag constants here OFile$ = GetOpenFileName$("YEAH! Common Dialogs in QB64!!!", ".\", Filter$, 1, Flags&, hWnd&) IF OFile$ = "" THEN ' Display Open dialog results PRINT "Shame on you! You didn't pick any file..." ELSE PRINT "You picked this file: " PRINT OFile$ IF (Flags& AND OFN_READONLY) THEN PRINT "Read-only checkbox checked." 'read-only value in return END IF _DELAY 5 ' Do the Save File dialog call! Filter$ = "Basic files (*.bas)|*.BAS|All files (*.*)|*.*" Flags& = OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT + OFN_NOCHANGEDIR ' add flag constants here SFile$ = GetSaveFileName$("Save will not create a file!!!", ".\", Filter$, 1, Flags&, hWnd&) IF SFile$ = "" THEN ' Display Save dialog results PRINT "You didn't save the file..." ELSE PRINT "You saved this file: " PRINT SFile$ END IF END FUNCTION GetOpenFileName$ (Title$, InitialDir$, Filter$, FilterIndex, Flags&, hWnd&) ' Title$ - The dialog title. ' InitialDir$ - If this left blank, it will use the directory where the last opened file is ' located. Specify ".\" if you want to always use the current directory. ' Filter$ - File filters separated by pipes (|) in the same format as using VB6 common dialogs. ' FilterIndex - The initial file filter to use. Will be altered by user during the call. ' Flags& - Dialog flags. Will be altered by the user during the call. ' hWnd& - Your program's window handle that should be aquired by the FindWindow function. ' ' Returns: Blank when cancel is clicked otherwise, the file name selected by the user. ' FilterIndex and Flags& will be changed depending on the user's selections. DIM OpenCall AS FILEDIALOGTYPE ' Needed for dialog call fFilter$ = Filter$ FOR R = 1 TO LEN(fFilter$) ' Replace the pipes with character zero IF MID$(fFilter$, R, 1) = "|" THEN MID$(fFilter$, R, 1) = CHR$(0) NEXT R fFilter$ = fFilter$ + CHR$(0) lpstrFile$ = STRING$(2048, 0) ' For the returned file name lpstrDefExt$ = STRING$(10, 0) ' Extension will not be added when this is not specified OpenCall.lStructSize = LEN(OpenCall) OpenCall.hwndOwner = hWnd& OpenCall.lpstrFilter = _OFFSET(fFilter$) OpenCall.nFilterIndex = FilterIndex OpenCall.lpstrFile = _OFFSET(lpstrFile$) OpenCall.nMaxFile = LEN(lpstrFile$) - 1 OpenCall.lpstrFileTitle = OpenCall.lpstrFile OpenCall.nMaxFileTitle = OpenCall.nMaxFile OpenCall.lpstrInitialDir = _OFFSET(InitialDir$) OpenCall.lpstrTitle = _OFFSET(Title$) OpenCall.lpstrDefExt = _OFFSET(lpstrDefExt$) OpenCall.flags = Flags& Result = GetOpenFileNameA&(OpenCall) ' Do Open File dialog call! IF Result THEN ' Trim the remaining zeros GetOpenFileName$ = LEFT$(lpstrFile$, INSTR(lpstrFile$, CHR$(0)) - 1) Flags& = OpenCall.flags FilterIndex = OpenCall.nFilterIndex END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION GetSaveFileName$ (Title$, InitialDir$, Filter$, FilterIndex, Flags&, hWnd&) ' Title$ - The dialog title. ' InitialDir$ - If this left blank, it will use the directory where the last opened file is ' located. Specify ".\" if you want to always use the current directory. ' Filter$ - File filters separated by pipes (|) in the same format as VB6 common dialogs. ' FilterIndex - The initial file filter to use. Will be altered by user during the call. ' Flags& - Dialog flags. Will be altered by the user during the call. ' hWnd& - Your program's window handle that should be aquired by the FindWindow function. ' Returns: Blank when cancel is clicked otherwise, the file name entered by the user. ' FilterIndex and Flags& will be changed depending on the user's selections. DIM SaveCall AS FILEDIALOGTYPE ' Needed for dialog call fFilter$ = Filter$ FOR R = 1 TO LEN(fFilter$) ' Replace the pipes with zeros IF MID$(fFilter$, R, 1) = "|" THEN MID$(fFilter$, R, 1) = CHR$(0) NEXT R fFilter$ = fFilter$ + CHR$(0) lpstrFile$ = STRING$(2048, 0) ' For the returned file name lpstrDefExt$ = STRING$(10, 0) ' Extension will not be added when this is not specified SaveCall.lStructSize = LEN(SaveCall) SaveCall.hwndOwner = hWnd& SaveCall.lpstrFilter = _OFFSET(fFilter$) SaveCall.nFilterIndex = FilterIndex SaveCall.lpstrFile = _OFFSET(lpstrFile$) SaveCall.nMaxFile = LEN(lpstrFile$) - 1 SaveCall.lpstrFileTitle = SaveCall.lpstrFile SaveCall.nMaxFileTitle = SaveCall.nMaxFile SaveCall.lpstrInitialDir = _OFFSET(InitialDir$) SaveCall.lpstrTitle = _OFFSET(Title$) SaveCall.lpstrDefExt = _OFFSET(lpstrDefExt$) SaveCall.flags = Flags& Result& = GetSaveFileNameA&(SaveCall) ' Do dialog call! IF Result& THEN ' Trim the remaining zeros GetSaveFileName$ = LEFT$(lpstrFile$, INSTR(lpstrFile$, CHR$(0)) - 1) Flags& = SaveCall.flags FilterIndex = SaveCall.nFilterIndex END IF END FUNCTION ``` Code courtesy of Jobert14 > *Note:* The Open and Save Dialog boxes get user selections and do not actually open or create a file! Your program must do that. **[http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa155724(v=office.10).aspx Microsoft MSDN]** **[http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa259317(v=vs.60).aspx Common Dialog Flag Constants]** > In VB6, variable-length strings in user [TYPE](TYPE)s are actually pointer [_OFFSET](_OFFSET)s to those strings. ## File Times ```vb CONST GENERIC_READ = -&H80000000 CONST GENERIC_WRITE = &H40000000 CONST FILE_SHARE_READ = &H1 CONST FILE_SHARE_WRITE = &H2 CONST OPEN_EXISTING = &H3 CONST INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1 DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "kernel32" FUNCTION CreateFileA%& (BYVAL lpFileName AS _OFFSET, BYVAL dwDesiredAccess AS _UNSIGNED LONG, _ BYVAL dwShareMode AS _UNSIGNED LONG, BYVAL lpSecurityAttributes AS _OFFSET, _ BYVAL dwCreationDisposition AS _UNSIGNED LONG, BYVAL dwFlagsAndAttributes AS _UNSIGNED LONG, _ BYVAL hTemplateFile AS _OFFSET) FUNCTION CloseHandle& (BYVAL hObject AS _OFFSET) FUNCTION GetFileTime& (BYVAL hFile AS _OFFSET, BYVAL lpCreationTime AS _OFFSET, BYVAL lpLastAccessTime AS _OFFSET, BYVAL lpLastWriteTime AS _OFFSET) FUNCTION SetFileTime& (BYVAL hFile AS _OFFSET, BYVAL lpCreationTime AS _OFFSET, BYVAL lpLastAccessTime AS _OFFSET, BYVAL lpLastWriteTime AS _OFFSET) FUNCTION FileTimeToLocalFileTime& (BYVAL lpFileTime AS _OFFSET, BYVAL lpLocalFileTime AS _OFFSET) FUNCTION LocalFileTimeToFileTime& (BYVAL lpLocalFileTime AS _OFFSET, BYVAL lpFileTime AS _OFFSET) FUNCTION FileTimeToSystemTime& (BYVAL lpFileTime AS _OFFSET, BYVAL lpSystemTime AS _OFFSET) FUNCTION SystemTimeToFileTime& (BYVAL lpSystemTime AS _OFFSET, BYVAL lpFileTime AS _OFFSET) FUNCTION GetLastError& () END DECLARE TYPE FILETIME dwLowDateTime AS _UNSIGNED LONG dwHighDateTime AS _UNSIGNED LONG END TYPE TYPE SYSTEMTIME wYear AS _UNSIGNED INTEGER wMonth AS _UNSIGNED INTEGER wDayOfWeek AS _UNSIGNED INTEGER wDay AS _UNSIGNED INTEGER wHour AS _UNSIGNED INTEGER wMinute AS _UNSIGNED INTEGER wSecond AS _UNSIGNED INTEGER wMilliseconds AS _UNSIGNED INTEGER END TYPE DIM CreateDate AS FILETIME DIM ModifyDate AS FILETIME DIM AccessDate AS FILETIME DIM systime AS SYSTEMTIME DIM FileName AS STRING DIM FileHandle AS _OFFSET FileName = "readme.txt" + CHR$(0) '<<<<<< Existing file in QB64 folder. Use existing file path! FileHandle = CreateFileA%&(_OFFSET(FileName), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ OR FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0) IF FileHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE THEN IF GetFileTime&(FileHandle, _OFFSET(CreateDate), _OFFSET(ModifyDate), _OFFSET(AccessDate)) THEN PRINT HEX$(CreateDate.dwLowDateTime) + HEX$(CreateDate.dwHighDateTime) PRINT HEX$(ModifyDate.dwLowDateTime) + HEX$(ModifyDate.dwHighDateTime) PRINT HEX$(AccessDate.dwLowDateTime) + HEX$(AccessDate.dwHighDateTime) PRINT IF FileTimeToSystemTime&(_OFFSET(CreateDate), _OFFSET(systime)) THEN PRINT "Creation time, in GMT, in decimal:" PRINT "Year:"; systime.wYear PRINT "Month:"; systime.wMonth, "("; MID$("JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec", (systime.wMonth * 3) - 2, 3); ")" PRINT "DayOfWeek:"; systime.wDayOfWeek, "("; MID$("SunMonTueWedThuFriSat", (systime.wDayOfWeek * 3) + 1, 3); ")" PRINT "Day"; systime.wDay PRINT "Hour"; systime.wHour PRINT "Minute"; systime.wMinute PRINT "Second"; systime.wSecond PRINT "Milliseconds"; systime.wMilliseconds ELSE PRINT "FileTimeToSystemTime failed. Error: 0x" + LCASE$(HEX$(GetLastError&)) END IF ELSE PRINT "GetFileTime failed. Error: 0x" + LCASE$(HEX$(GetLastError&)) END IF IF CloseHandle&(FileHandle) = 0 THEN PRINT "CloseHandle failed. Error: 0x" + LCASE$(HEX$(GetLastError&)) END END IF ELSE PRINT "CreateFileA failed. Error: 0x" + LCASE$(HEX$(GetLastError&)) END END IF END ``` Code courtesy of Michael Calkins Use your own existing file name and path in this procedure. ## Focus > **Sets Focus on program with *SetForegroundWindow* after maximizing a minimized program when Shift+A is pressed.** (See [Windows Libraries](Windows-Libraries)) ```vb 'Uses GetKeyState Win API to monitor a Key state. 'This demo will maximize the window and focus on program when Shift+A is pressed. DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "user32" FUNCTION FindWindowA%& (BYVAL ClassName AS _OFFSET, WindowName$) 'find process handle by title FUNCTION GetKeyState% (BYVAL nVirtKey AS LONG) 'Windows virtual key presses FUNCTION ShowWindow& (BYVAL hwnd AS _OFFSET, BYVAL nCmdShow AS LONG) 'maximize process FUNCTION GetForegroundWindow%& 'find currently focused process handle FUNCTION SetForegroundWindow& (BYVAL hwnd AS _OFFSET) 'set foreground window process(focus) END DECLARE title$ = "Cheapo Hotkey (Shift+A)" 'title of program window _TITLE title$ 'set program title hwnd%& = _WINDOWHANDLE 'FindWindowA(0, title$ + CHR$(0)) 'find this program's process handle PRINT "Minimize window, click another then Press Shift+A to bring it back up." '### below minimizes it for you _DELAY 4 x& = ShowWindow&(hwnd%&, 2) '#### #### #### #### ## DO IF GetKeyState(16) < 0 AND GetKeyState(ASC("A")) < 0 THEN '<#### Shift+A FGwin%& = GetForegroundWindow%& 'get current process in focus PRINT "Program Handle:"; hwnd%&; "Focus handle:"; FGwin%& y& = ShowWindow&(hwnd%&, 1) 'maximize minimized program IF FGwin%& <> hwnd%& THEN z& = SetForegroundWindow&(hwnd%&) 'set focus when necessary PRINT "That is all. Return values:"; x&; y&; z& 'PUT PROGRAM CODE OR SUB CALLS HERE! '### below minimizes it for you again after code is done '_DELAY 4 'x& = ShowWindow&(hwnd%&, 2) '#### #### #### #### ## _DELAY 5: END 'delay allows user to not minimize the window END IF _LIMIT 30 'save CPU usage while waiting for key press LOOP ``` Adapted by Ted Weissgerber from code by Dav The *[Windows Libraries](Windows-Libraries)* function finds the process currently in focus. See: [Windows Libraries](Windows-Libraries) > **Always brings unfocused or minimized program to the top with focus when Shift+A hotkey combination is pressed.** ```vb '## 'HOTKEYS.BAS '## 'Windows Hotkey example. 'This demo sets Shift+A hotkey to maximize the program window when minimized. 'Returns focus to the program. 'Coded by Dav JULY/2012 DECLARE CUSTOMTYPE LIBRARY FUNCTION FindWindow& (BYVAL ClassName AS _OFFSET, WindowName$) FUNCTION ShowWindow& (BYVAL hwnd AS LONG, BYVAL nCmdShow AS LONG) END DECLARE DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "user32" FUNCTION SendMessageA& (BYVAL hwnd AS LONG, BYVAL wMsg AS LONG, BYVAL wParam AS LONG, BYVAL lParam AS LONG) FUNCTION DefWindowProcA& (BYVAL hwnd AS LONG, BYVAL wMsg AS LONG, BYVAL wParam AS LONG, BYVAL lParam AS LONG) END DECLARE _TITLE "My Focus Program" hwnd = _WINDOWHANDLE 'FindWindow(0, "My Focus Program" + CHR$(0)) 'get Windows program ID by title CONST WM_SETHOTKEY = &H32 CONST WM_SHOWWINDOW = &H18 'SendMessage function key combination values CONST HK_SHIFT = &H100 'NOTE: Send Message values are different than HotKey CONST HK_CTRL = &H200 'All other keys are the same as the HotKey values. CONST HK_ALT = &H400 PRINT "Press Shift+A to maximize or bring this window to top..." _DELAY 3 '### Tell windows what hotkey you want to use. hot& = SendMessageA&(hwnd, WM_SETHOTKEY, HK_SHIFT + ASC("A"), 0) 'use uppercase second key PRINT hot&; '### See if hotkey set ok... IF hot& <> 1 THEN PRINT "Hotkey not set." + "Error: "; hot& END END IF '### minimize program with this 'a& = ShowWindow&(hwnd, 6) '### Below tells Windows what to do when hotkey is pressed. '### (it maximizes the program window and returns focus over and over). top& = DefWindowProcA&(hwnd, WM_SHOWWINDOW, 0, 0) DO: _LIMIT 1 'do your program stuff here.... PRINT hot&; top&; LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ = CHR$(27) END ``` Adapted from code by Dav > **Note:** The *SetHotKey* message tells the designated Windows program ID when to do *DefWondowProcA* to focus the window. **This can also focus on other program IDs! See also: [Windows Libraries](Windows-Libraries)** Note: Minimized programs will always lose focus when minimized unless clicked in taskbar. ## Folder Dialog Box > The SHBrowseForFolder function receives information about the folder selected by the user in Windows XP to 7. ```vb DECLARE CUSTOMTYPE LIBRARY FUNCTION FindWindow& (BYVAL ClassName AS _OFFSET, WindowName$) END DECLARE _TITLE "Super Window" hwnd& = _WINDOWHANDLE 'FindWindow(0, "Super Window" + CHR$(0)) TYPE BROWSEINFO 'typedef struct _browseinfo 'Microsoft MSDN hwndOwner AS LONG ' ' HWND pidlRoot AS _OFFSET ' ' PCIDLIST_ABSOLUTE pszDisplayName AS _OFFSET ' ' LPTSTR lpszTitle AS _OFFSET ' ' LPCTSTR ulFlags AS _UNSIGNED LONG ' UINT lpfn AS _OFFSET ' ' BFFCALLBACK lParam AS _OFFSET ' ' LPARAM iImage AS LONG ' ' int END TYPE 'BROWSEINFO, *PBROWSEINFO, *LPBROWSEINFO; DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "shell32" FUNCTION SHBrowseForFolder%& (x AS BROWSEINFO) 'Microsoft MSDN SUB SHGetPathFromIDList (BYVAL lpItem AS _OFFSET, BYVAL szDir AS _OFFSET) 'Microsoft MSDN END DECLARE DIM b AS BROWSEINFO b.hwndOwner = hwnd DIM s AS STRING * 1024 b.pszDisplayName = _OFFSET(s$) a$ = "Choose a folder!!!" + CHR$(0) b.lpszTitle = _OFFSET(a$) DIM o AS _OFFSET o = SHBrowseForFolder(b) IF o THEN PRINT LEFT$(s$, INSTR(s$, CHR$(0)) - 1) DIM s2 AS STRING * 1024 SHGetPathFromIDList o, _OFFSET(s2$) PRINT LEFT$(s2$, INSTR(s2$, CHR$(0)) - 1) ELSE PRINT "Cancel?" END IF ``` Code by Galleon ## Font Dialog Box This dialog box does not return the actual font file name. Refer to the [Windows Libraries](Windows-Libraries) procedure below this one. ```vb ' Constants assigned to Flags. A LONG numerical suffix defines those constants as LONG CONST CF_APPLY = &H200& ' Displays Apply button CONST CF_ANSIONLY = &H400& ' list ANSI fonts only CONST CF_BOTH = &H3& ' list both Screen and Printer fonts CONST CF_EFFECTS = &H100& ' Display Underline and Strike Through boxes CONST CF_ENABLEHOOK = &H8& ' set hook to custom template CONST CF_ENABLETEMPLATE = &H10& ' enable custom template CONST CF_ENABLETEMPLATEHANDLE = &H20& CONST CF_FIXEDPITCHONLY = &H4000& ' list only fixed-pitch fonts CONST CF_FORCEFONTEXIST = &H10000& ' indicate error when font not listed is chosen CONST CF_INACTIVEFONTS = &H2000000& ' display hidden fonts in Win 7 only CONST CF_INITTOLOGFONTSTRUCT = &H40& 'use the structure pointed to by the lpLogFont member CONST CF_LIMITSIZE = &H2000& ' select font sizes only within nSizeMin and nSizeMax members CONST CF_NOOEMFONTS = &H800& ' should not allow vector font selections CONST CF_NOFACESEL = &H80000& ' prevent displaying initial selection in font name combo box. CONST CF_NOSCRIPTSEL = &H800000& ' Disables the Script combo box CONST CF_NOSIMULATIONS = &H1000& ' Disables selection of font simulations CONST CF_NOSIZESEL = &H200000& ' Disables Point Size selection CONST CF_NOSTYLESEL = &H100000& ' Disables Style selection CONST CF_NOVECTORFONTS = &H800& CONST CF_NOVERTFONTS = &H1000000& CONST CF_OEMTEXT = &H7& CONST CF_PRINTERFONTS = &H2& ' list fonts only supported by printer associated with the device CONST CF_SCALABLEONLY = &H20000& ' select only vector fonts, scalable printer fonts, and TrueType fonts CONST CF_SCREENFONTS = &H1& ' lists only the screen fonts supported by system CONST CF_SCRIPTSONLY = &H400& ' lists all non-OEM, Symbol and ANSI sets only CONST CF_SELECTSCRIPT = &H400000& ' can only use set specified in the Scripts combo box CONST CF_SHOWHELP = &H4& ' displays Help button reference CONST CF_TTONLY = &H40000& ' True Type only CONST CF_USESTYLE = &H80& ' copies style data for the user's selection to lpszStyle buffer CONST CF_WYSIWYG = &H8000& ' only list fonts available on both the printer and display ' Font Types returned by nFontType CONST BOLD_FONTTYPE = &H100& CONST ITALIC_FONTTYPE = &H200& CONST PRINTER_FONTTYPE = &H4000& CONST REGULAR_FONTTYPE = &H400& CONST SCREEN_FONTTYPE = &H2000& CONST SIMULATED_FONTTYPE = &H8000& ' Font Weights assigned to lfWeight CONST FW_DONTCARE = 0 CONST FW_THIN = 100 CONST FW_ULTRALIGHT = 200 CONST FW_LIGHT = 300 CONST FW_REGULAR = 400 CONST FW_MEDIUM = 500 CONST FW_SEMIBOLD = 600 CONST FW_BOLD = 700 CONST FW_ULTRABOLD = 800 CONST FW_HEAVY = 900 CONST DEFAULT_CHARSET = 1 CONST LF_DEFAULT = 0 CONST FF_ROMAN = 16 CONST LF_FACESIZE = 32 CONST GMEM_MOVEABLE = &H2 CONST GMEM_ZEROINIT = &H40 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "user32" FUNCTION FindWindowA%& (BYVAL ClassName AS _OFFSET, BYVAL WindowName AS _OFFSET) END DECLARE DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "comdlg32" FUNCTION ChooseFontA& (BYVAL lpcf AS _OFFSET) FUNCTION CommDlgExtendedError& () ' 'dialog box error checking procedure END DECLARE TYPE CHOOSEFONT lStructSize AS _UNSIGNED LONG hwndOwner AS _OFFSET HDC AS _OFFSET lpLogFont AS _OFFSET iPointSize AS LONG Flags AS LONG rgbColors AS _UNSIGNED LONG lCustData AS _OFFSET lpfnHook AS _OFFSET lpTemplateName AS _OFFSET hInstance AS _OFFSET lpszStyle AS _OFFSET nFontType AS LONG ' if used as Unsigned Integer add Integer padder below 'padder AS INTEGER ' use only when nFontType is designated as Unsigned Integer nSizeMin AS LONG nSizeMax AS LONG END TYPE TYPE LOGFONT lfHeight AS LONG lfWidth AS LONG lfEscapement AS LONG lfOrientation AS LONG lfWeight AS LONG lfItalic AS _BYTE ' not 0 when user selected lfUnderline AS _BYTE ' not 0 when user selected lfStrikeOut AS _BYTE ' not 0 when user selected lfCharSet AS _BYTE lfOutPrecision AS _BYTE lfClipPrecision AS _BYTE lfQuality AS _BYTE lfPitchAndFamily AS _BYTE lfFaceName AS STRING * 32 'contains name listed in dialog END TYPE DIM hWnd AS _OFFSET 'must DIM or hWnd won't work DIM Title AS STRING 'keeps Dialog with program window SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 12) '32 bit, 16 or 256 color screen modes Title$ = "Choose Font Dialog" _TITLE Title$ 'set Title of program _DELAY 1 hWnd = _WINDOWHANDLE 'FindWindowA%&(0, _OFFSET(Title)) 'get window handle Font$ = ShowFont$(hWnd) ' call Dialog Box and get the font selection PRINT Font$, HEX$(FontColor&), FontType$; FontEff$, PointSize& 'other values SHARED by function COLOR FontColor&: PRINT "Font Color Selected" END FUNCTION ShowFont$ (hWnd AS _OFFSET) DIM cf AS CHOOSEFONT DIM lfont AS LOGFONT SHARED FontColor&, FontType$, FontEff$, PointSize AS LONG 'shared with main program lfont.lfHeight = LF_DEFAULT ' determine default height ' set dailog box defaults lfont.lfWidth = LF_DEFAULT ' determine default width lfont.lfEscapement = LF_DEFAULT ' angle between baseline and escapement vector lfont.lfOrientation = LF_DEFAULT ' angle between baseline and orientation vector lfont.lfWeight = FW_REGULAR ' normal weight i.e. not bold lfont.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET ' use default character set lfont.lfOutPrecision = LF_DEFAULT ' default precision mapping lfont.lfClipPrecision = LF_DEFAULT ' default clipping precision lfont.lfQuality = LF_DEFAULT ' default quality setting lfont.lfPitchAndFamily = LF_DEFAULT OR FF_ROMAN ' default pitch, proportional with serifs lfont.lfFaceName = "Times New Roman" + CHR$(0) ' string must be null-terminated cf.lStructSize = LEN(cf) ' size of structure cf.hwndOwner = hWnd ' window opening the dialog box 'cf.HDC = Printer.hDC ' device context of default printer (using VB's mechanism) cf.lpLogFont = _OFFSET(lfont) cf.iPointSize = 120 ' 12 point font (in units of 1/10 point) cf.Flags = CF_BOTH OR CF_EFFECTS OR CF_FORCEFONTEXIST OR CF_INITTOLOGFONTSTRUCT OR CF_LIMITSIZE cf.rgbColors = _RGB(0, 0, 0) ' black cf.nFontType = REGULAR_FONTTYPE ' regular font type i.e. not bold or anything cf.nSizeMin = 10 ' minimum point size cf.nSizeMax = 72 ' maximum point size IF ChooseFontA&(_OFFSET(cf)) <> 0 THEN ' 'Initiate Dialog and Read user selections ShowFont = LEFT$(lfont.lfFaceName, INSTR(lfont.lfFaceName, CHR$(0)) - 1) 'returns closest color attribute or 32 bit value and swaps red and blue color values FontColor& = _RGB(_BLUE32(cf.rgbColors), _GREEN32(cf.rgbColors), _RED32(cf.rgbColors)) IF cf.nFontType AND BOLD_FONTTYPE THEN FontType$ = "Bold" IF cf.nFontType AND ITALIC_FONTTYPE THEN FontType$ = FontType$ + "Italic" IF cf.nFontType AND REGULAR_FONTTYPE THEN FontType$ = "Regular" IF lfont.lfUnderline THEN FontEff$ = "Underline" IF lfont.lfStrikeOut THEN FontEff$ = FontStyle$ + "Strikeout" PointSize = cf.iPointSize \ 10 ELSE IF CommDlgExtendedError& THEN PRINT "ChooseFontA failed. Error: 0x"; LCASE$(HEX$(CommDlgExtendedError&)) ELSE: PRINT "Entry was cancelled!" END IF END IF END FUNCTION ``` Code by Michael Calkins and Ted Weissgerber **Warning! This dialog box may error for no apparent reason! See [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms646916(v=vs.85).aspx CommDlgExtendedError] for more info!** > *Snippet:* Shows how to compare a Font Dialog Box request with [STRING](STRING) file data created by the [Windows Libraries](Windows-Libraries) below: ```text ' procedure assumes that all fonts have been loaded into an array as below: RegFont$(1) = "Times New Roman (TrueType) = TIMES.TTF" 'array simulates registry data from file RegFont$(2) = "Times New Roman Bold (TrueType) = TIMESBD.TTF" RegFont$(3) = "Times New Roman Bold Italic (TrueType) = TIMESBI.TTF" RegFont$(4) = "Times New Roman Italic (TrueType) = TIMESI.TTF" Font$ = "Times New Roman Bold Italic" 'font name returned by Font Dialog box File$ = "" FOR n = 1 TO 4 'numFiles% 'actual number of font file registry records IF INSTR$(RegFont$(n), Font$) THEN 'check for match of Dialog Box font name "Times New Roman" FontFile$ = MID$(RegFont$(n), INSTR(RegFont$(n), "=") + 2) 'get each file name value SELECT CASE FontType$ 'check for user requested font type to get file name CASE "Bold" IF INSTR(RegFont$(n), "Bold") AND INSTR(RegFont$(n), "Italic") = 0 THEN File$ = FontFile$ CASE "Italic" IF INSTR(RegFont$(n), "Italic") AND INSTR(RegFont$(n), "Bold") = 0 THEN File$ = FontFile$ CASE "BoldItalic" IF INSTR(RegFont$(n), "Bold") AND INSTR(RegFont$(n), "Italic") THEN File$ = FontFile$ CASE ELSE 'regular font as default IF INSTR(RegFont$(n), "Bold") = 0 AND INSTR(RegFont$(n), "Italic") = 0 THEN File$ = FontFile$ END SELECT END IF IF LEN(File$) THEN EXIT FOR 'quit searching NEXT ``` > *Note:* The Font Dialog name will not normally have descriptions such as Regular, Bold, Italics or (TrueType) so it ignores them. **[http://www.functionx.com/win32/Lesson14.htm GDI Tools - Font Guidlines]** ## Registered Fonts > The Registry lists the Font Names and associated TTF file names that are needed with the [Windows Libraries](Windows-Libraries) in a program. > The following program uses Registry functions from *advapi32.dll* to read the list of registered fonts and put them into a file. ```vb ' winreg.h CONST HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000~& CONST HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001~& CONST HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002~& CONST HKEY_USERS = &H80000003~& CONST HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA = &H80000004~& CONST HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG = &H80000005~& CONST HKEY_DYN_DATA = &H80000006~& CONST REG_OPTION_VOLATILE = 1 CONST REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE = 0 CONST REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY = 1 CONST REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY = 2 ' **http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724884(v=VS.85).aspx** CONST REG_NONE = 0 CONST REG_SZ = 1 CONST REG_EXPAND_SZ = 2 CONST REG_BINARY = 3 CONST REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN = 4 ' value is defined REG_DWORD in Windows header files CONST REG_DWORD = 4 ' 32-bit number CONST REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN = 5 ' some UNIX systems support big-endian architectures CONST REG_LINK = 6 CONST REG_MULTI_SZ = 7 CONST REG_RESOURCE_LIST = 8 CONST REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR = 9 CONST REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST = 10 CONST REG_QWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN = 11 ' 64-bit number in little-endian format CONST REG_QWORD = 11 ' 64-bit number CONST REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_NAME = 1 CONST REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES = 2 CONST REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_SET = 4 CONST REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SECURITY = 8 ' **http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724878(v=VS.85).aspx** CONST KEY_ALL_ACCESS = &HF003F& CONST KEY_CREATE_LINK = &H0020& CONST KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY = &H0004& CONST KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS = &H0008& CONST KEY_EXECUTE = &H20019& CONST KEY_NOTIFY = &H0010& CONST KEY_QUERY_VALUE = &H0001& CONST KEY_READ = &H20019& CONST KEY_SET_VALUE = &H0002& CONST KEY_WOW64_32KEY = &H0200& CONST KEY_WOW64_64KEY = &H0100& CONST KEY_WRITE = &H20006& ' winerror.h ' **http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms681382(v=VS.85).aspx** CONST ERROR_SUCCESS = 0 CONST ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = &H2& CONST ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE = &H6& CONST ERROR_MORE_DATA = &HEA& CONST ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS = &H103& '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' REGSAM is an ACCESS_MASK (winreg.h), which is a DWORD (winnt.h) 'Note: All of these functions, except RegCloseKey, have both ANSI (ending in A) 'and Unicode (ending in W) versions. I am not aware of any reason why both 'versions could not be used in the same program. To add the Unicode version, 'duplicate the function declaration, but change the ending A to W. Be sure that 'you know how to use the Unicode version! ANSI versions tested, sort of: DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "advapi32" ' **http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724897(v=VS.85).aspx** FUNCTION RegOpenKeyExA& (BYVAL hKey AS _OFFSET, BYVAL lpSubKey AS _OFFSET, BYVAL ulOptions AS _UNSIGNED LONG, BYVAL samDesired AS _UNSIGNED LONG, BYVAL phkResult AS _OFFSET) ' **http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724837(v=VS.85).aspx** FUNCTION RegCloseKey& (BYVAL hKey AS _OFFSET) ' **http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724865(v=VS.85).aspx** FUNCTION RegEnumValueA& (BYVAL hKey AS _OFFSET, BYVAL dwIndex AS _UNSIGNED LONG, BYVAL lpValueName AS _OFFSET,_ BYVAL lpcchValueName AS _OFFSET, BYVAL lpReserved AS _OFFSET, BYVAL lpType AS _OFFSET, BYVAL lpData AS _OFFSET,_ BYVAL lpcbData AS _OFFSET) END DECLARE DIM hKey AS _OFFSET DIM Ky AS _OFFSET DIM SubKey AS STRING DIM Value AS STRING DIM bData AS STRING DIM t AS STRING DIM dwType AS _UNSIGNED LONG DIM numBytes AS _UNSIGNED LONG DIM numTchars AS _UNSIGNED LONG DIM l AS LONG DIM dwIndex AS _UNSIGNED LONG OPEN "F0NTList.INF" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 'create a new file for font data PRINT PRINT "This key lists the registered fonts available to all users:" Ky = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SubKey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts" + CHR$(0) Value = SPACE$(261) 'ANSI Value name limit 260 chars + 1 null bData = SPACE$(&H7FFF) 'arbitrary l = RegOpenKeyExA(Ky, _OFFSET(SubKey), 0, KEY_READ, _OFFSET(hKey)) IF l THEN PRINT "RegOpenKeyExA failed. Error: 0x" + LCASE$(HEX$(l)) ELSE PRINT whatKey$(Ky) + "\" + SubKey dwIndex = 0 DO _DELAY .1 numBytes = LEN(bData) numTchars = LEN(Value) l = RegEnumValueA(hKey, dwIndex, _OFFSET(Value), _OFFSET(numTchars), 0, _OFFSET(dwType), _OFFSET(bData), _OFFSET(numBytes)) IF l THEN IF l <> ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS THEN PRINT "RegEnumValueA failed. Error: 0x" + LCASE$(HEX$(l)) END IF EXIT DO ELSE PRINT whatType(dwType) + " " + LEFT$(Value, numTchars) + " = " + formatData(dwType, numBytes, bData) PRINT #1, LEFT$(Value, numTchars) + " = " + formatData(dwType, numBytes, bData) END IF dwIndex = dwIndex + 1 LOOP CLOSE #1 PRINT dwIndex; "Values." l = RegCloseKey(hKey) IF l THEN PRINT "RegCloseKey failed. Error: 0x" + LCASE$(HEX$(l)) END END IF END IF END FUNCTION whatType$ (dwType AS _UNSIGNED LONG) SELECT CASE dwType CASE REG_SZ: whatType = "REG_SZ" CASE REG_EXPAND_SZ: whatType = "REG_EXPAND_SZ" CASE REG_BINARY: whatType = "REG_BINARY" CASE REG_DWORD: whatType = "REG_DWORD" CASE REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN: whatType = "REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN" CASE REG_LINK: whatType = "REG_LINK" CASE REG_MULTI_SZ: whatType = "REG_MULTI_SZ" CASE REG_RESOURCE_LIST: whatType = "REG_RESOURCE_LIST" CASE REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR: whatType = "REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR" CASE REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST: whatType = "REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST" CASE REG_QWORD: whatType = "REG_QWORD" CASE ELSE: whatType = "unknown" END SELECT END FUNCTION FUNCTION whatKey$ (hKey AS _OFFSET) SELECT CASE hKey CASE HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT: whatKey = "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" CASE HKEY_CURRENT_USER: whatKey = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" CASE HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE: whatKey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" CASE HKEY_USERS: whatKey = "HKEY_USERS" CASE HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA: whatKey = "HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA" CASE HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG: whatKey = "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG" CASE HKEY_DYN_DATA: whatKey = "HKEY_DYN_DATA" END SELECT END FUNCTION FUNCTION formatData$ (dwType AS _UNSIGNED LONG, numBytes AS _UNSIGNED LONG, bData AS STRING) DIM t AS STRING DIM ul AS _UNSIGNED LONG DIM b AS _UNSIGNED _BYTE SELECT CASE dwType CASE REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ, REG_MULTI_SZ formatData = LEFT$(bData, numBytes - 1) CASE REG_DWORD t = LCASE$(HEX$(CVL(LEFT$(bData, 4)))) formatData = "0x" + STRING$(8 - LEN(t), &H30) + t CASE ELSE IF numBytes THEN b = ASC(LEFT$(bData, 1)) IF b < &H10 THEN t = t + "0" + LCASE$(HEX$(b)) ELSE t = t + LCASE$(HEX$(b)) END IF END IF FOR ul = 2 TO numBytes b = ASC(MID$(bData, ul, 1)) IF b < &H10 THEN t = t + " 0" + LCASE$(HEX$(b)) ELSE t = t + " " + LCASE$(HEX$(b)) END IF NEXT formatData = t END SELECT END FUNCTION ``` Code courtesy of Michael Calkins > *Note:* The names used in a Font Dialog Box and the actual file names are saved to the *F0NTList.INF*(name uses zero) file to be compared with user entries. To check for *Bold* and *Italics* or combined types of font requests see [Windows Libraries](Windows-Libraries) above. **Note: The above procedure only reads the Registry. Edit or alter the Registry at your own peril!** [Windows Registry Access](Windows-Registry-Access) ## Game Pad > Function *joyGetPosEx* allows for more buttons and dual analog multiple sticks ```text DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "winmm" FUNCTION joyGetNumDevs% () ' Number of joysticks supported on system FUNCTION joyGetPosEx& (BYVAL uJoyID AS _UNSIGNED INTEGER, joyref AS LONG) END DECLARE TYPE JOYINFOEX dwSize AS LONG dwFlags AS LONG dwXpos AS LONG dwYpos AS LONG dwZpos AS LONG dwRpos AS LONG dwUpos AS LONG dwVpos AS LONG dwButtons AS LONG dwButtonNumber AS LONG dwPOV AS LONG dwReserved1 AS LONG dwReserved2 AS LONG END TYPE DIM Joy1 AS JOYINFOEX Joy1.dwSize = LEN(Joy1) DO x& = joyGetPosEx(0, Joy1.dwSize) LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT Joy1.dwSize PRINT Joy1.dwFlags PRINT Joy1.dwXpos PRINT Joy1.dwYpos PRINT Joy1.dwZpos PRINT Joy1.dwRpos PRINT Joy1.dwUpos PRINT Joy1.dwVpos LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> "" ``` Code courtesy of Unseenmachine ```text DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "winmm" FUNCTION joyGetNumDevs% () ' Number of joysticks supported on system FUNCTION joyGetPos& (BYVAL uJoyID AS _UNSIGNED INTEGER, joyref AS _UNSIGNED LONG) END DECLARE TYPE JOYINFO wXpos AS _UNSIGNED LONG wYpos AS _UNSIGNED LONG wZpos AS _UNSIGNED LONG wButtons AS _UNSIGNED LONG END TYPE TYPE PadCalibration IsAnalog AS INTEGER XMin AS LONG YMin AS LONG XMax AS LONG YMax AS LONG XNorm AS LONG YNorm AS LONG Button1 AS INTEGER Button2 AS INTEGER Button3 AS INTEGER Button4 AS INTEGER Button5 AS INTEGER Button6 AS INTEGER END TYPE DIM MyJoyCal AS PadCalibration, MyJoy AS JOYINFO '// Simple calibration. PRINT "Press button 1 (A on XBox | X on PS3) " DO d% = JoyButtons(0, MyJoy, MyJoyCal) LOOP UNTIL MyJoy.wButtons > 0 MyJoyCal.Button1 = MyJoy.wButtons SLEEP 1 PRINT "Press button 2 (B on XBox | Circle on PS3) " DO d% = JoyButtons(0, MyJoy, MyJoyCal) LOOP UNTIL MyJoy.wButtons <> 0 MyJoyCal.Button2 = MyJoy.wButtons SLEEP 1 PRINT "Press button 3 (X on XBox | Square on PS3) " DO d% = JoyButtons(0, MyJoy, MyJoyCal) LOOP UNTIL MyJoy.wButtons <> 0 MyJoyCal.Button3 = MyJoy.wButtons SLEEP 1 PRINT "Press button 4 (Y on XBox | Triangle on PS3) " DO d% = JoyButtons(0, MyJoy, MyJoyCal) LOOP UNTIL MyJoy.wButtons <> 0 MyJoyCal.Button4 = MyJoy.wButtons SLEEP 1 PRINT "Press button 5 (R1) " DO d% = JoyButtons(0, MyJoy, MyJoyCal) LOOP UNTIL MyJoy.wButtons <> 0 MyJoyCal.Button5 = MyJoy.wButtons SLEEP 1 PRINT "Press button 6 (L1) " DO d% = JoyButtons(0, MyJoy, MyJoyCal) LOOP UNTIL MyJoy.wButtons <> 0 MyJoyCal.Button6 = MyJoy.wButtons SLEEP 1 PRINT "Leave the joystick in its central position and press button 1" DO d% = JoyButtons(0, MyJoy, MyJoyCal) LOOP UNTIL MyJoy.wButtons = MyJoyCal.Button1 MyJoyCal.XNorm = MyJoy.wXpos SLEEP 1 PRINT "Push the joystick as far left as possible and press button 1" DO d% = JoyButtons(0, MyJoy, MyJoyCal) LOOP UNTIL MyJoy.wButtons = MyJoyCal.Button1 MyJoyCal.XMin = MyJoy.wXpos SLEEP 1 PRINT "Push the joystick as far right as possible and press button 1" DO d% = JoyButtons(0, MyJoy, MyJoyCal) LOOP UNTIL MyJoy.wButtons = MyJoyCal.Button1 MyJoyCal.XMax = MyJoy.wXpos SLEEP 1 PRINT "Push the joystick as far up as possible and press button 1" DO d% = JoyButtons(0, MyJoy, MyJoyCal) LOOP UNTIL MyJoy.wButtons = MyJoyCal.Button1 MyJoyCal.YMin = MyJoy.wXpos SLEEP 1 PRINT "Push the joystick as far down as possible and press button 1" DO d% = JoyButtons(0, MyJoy, MyJoyCal) LOOP UNTIL MyJoy.wButtons = MyJoyCal.Button1 MyJoyCal.YMax = MyJoy.wXpos SLEEP 1 CLS '//How to get the gamepads status. DO a% = StickXPos(0, MyJoy, MyJoyCal) b% = StickYPos(0, MyJoy, MyJoyCal) c% = StickZPos(0, MyJoy, MyJoyCal) d% = JoyButton1(0, MyJoy, MyJoyCal) e% = JoyButton2(0, MyJoy, MyJoyCal) f% = JoyButton3(0, MyJoy, MyJoyCal) g% = JoyButton4(0, MyJoy, MyJoyCal) h% = JoyButton5(0, MyJoy, MyJoyCal) i% = JoyButton6(0, MyJoy, MyJoyCal) LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT "X axis : ", MyJoy.wXpos PRINT "Y axis : ", MyJoy.wYpos PRINT "Z axis : ", MyJoy.wZpos PRINT "Button 1 : ", d% PRINT "Button 2 : ", e% PRINT "Button 3 : ", f% PRINT "Button 4 : ", g% PRINT "Button 5 : ", h% PRINT "Button 6 : ", i% LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> "" '// Functions FUNCTION StickXPos (Index AS _UNSIGNED INTEGER, Joyref AS JOYINFO, JoyCal AS PadCalibration) x = joyGetPos(Index, Joyref.wXpos) StickXPos = Joyref.wXpos END FUNCTION FUNCTION StickYPos (Index AS _UNSIGNED INTEGER, Joyref AS JOYINFO, JoyCal AS PadCalibration) x = joyGetPos(Index, Joyref.wXpos) StickYPos = Joyref.wYpos END FUNCTION FUNCTION StickZPos (Index AS _UNSIGNED INTEGER, Joyref AS JOYINFO, JoyCal AS PadCalibration) x = joyGetPos(Index, Joyref.wXpos) StickZPos = Joyref.wZpos END FUNCTION FUNCTION JoyButtons (Index AS _UNSIGNED INTEGER, Joyref AS JOYINFO, JoyCal AS PadCalibration) x = joyGetPos(Index, Joyref.wXpos) JoyButtons = Joyref.wButtons END FUNCTION FUNCTION JoyButton1 (Index AS _UNSIGNED INTEGER, Joyref AS JOYINFO, JoyCal AS PadCalibration) x = joyGetPos(Index, Joyref.wXpos) IF Joyref.wButtons = JoyCal.Button1 THEN JoyButton1 = -1 ELSE JoyButton1 = 0 END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION JoyButton2 (Index AS _UNSIGNED INTEGER, Joyref AS JOYINFO, JoyCal AS PadCalibration) x = joyGetPos(Index, Joyref.wXpos) IF Joyref.wButtons = JoyCal.Button2 THEN JoyButton2 = -1 ELSE JoyButton2 = 0 END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION JoyButton3 (Index AS _UNSIGNED INTEGER, Joyref AS JOYINFO, JoyCal AS PadCalibration) x = joyGetPos(Index, Joyref.wXpos) IF Joyref.wButtons = JoyCal.Button3 THEN JoyButton3 = -1 ELSE JoyButton3 = 0 END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION JoyButton4 (Index AS _UNSIGNED INTEGER, Joyref AS JOYINFO, JoyCal AS PadCalibration) x = joyGetPos(Index, Joyref.wXpos) IF Joyref.wButtons = JoyCal.Button4 THEN JoyButton4 = -1 ELSE JoyButton4 = 0 END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION JoyButton5 (Index AS _UNSIGNED INTEGER, Joyref AS JOYINFO, JoyCal AS PadCalibration) x = joyGetPos(Index, Joyref.wXpos) IF Joyref.wButtons = JoyCal.Button5 THEN JoyButton5 = -1 ELSE JoyButton5 = 0 END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION JoyButton6 (Index AS _UNSIGNED INTEGER, Joyref AS JOYINFO, JoyCal AS PadCalibration) x = joyGetPos(Index, Joyref.wXpos) IF Joyref.wButtons = JoyCal.Button6 THEN JoyButton6 = -1 ELSE JoyButton6 = 0 END IF END FUNCTION ``` ## Hot Keys (maximize) > **Maximizing a minimized program window not in focus using Shift + A as read by the Windows *GetKeyState* function.** ```vb '#### #### 'CHEAPO-HOTKEY.BAS '#### #### 'Uses GetKeyState Win API to monitor a Key state. 'This demo will maximize the window when Shift+A is pressed at any time. DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "user32" FUNCTION FindWindowA& (BYVAL ClassName AS _OFFSET, WindowName$) 'handle by title FUNCTION GetKeyState% (BYVAL nVirtKey AS LONG) 'reads Windows key presses independently FUNCTION ShowWindow& (BYVAL hwnd AS LONG, BYVAL nCmdShow AS LONG) 'minimize or maximize END DECLARE title$ = "Cheapo Hotkey (Shift+A)" 'string variable avoids title typo's _TITLE title$ hwnd& = _WINDOWHANDLE 'FindWindowA(0, title$ + CHR$(0)) PRINT "Minimize this window, then Press Shift+A to bring it back up." '### below minimizes it for you '_DELAY 4 'x& = ShowWindow&(hwnd&, 2) '#### #### #### #### ## DO IF GetKeyState(16) < 0 AND GetKeyState(ASC("A")) < 0 THEN '<#### Shift+A y& = ShowWindow&(hwnd&, 1) PRINT "That is all. Hoped it worked."; x&; y& END END IF _LIMIT 30 'Don't be a hog LOOP ``` Code courtesy of Dav > **Note:** Virtual Hot keys can be used when a QB64 program is **not in focus** too! See **[Windows Libraries](Windows-Libraries)** to bring a QB64 program into focus. ```text ' **Virtual KeyState Codes** ' **' Esc F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 Sys ScL Pause** ' 27 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 44 145 19 **' `~ 1! 2@ 3# 4$ 5% 6^ 7& 8* 9( 0) -_ =+ BkS Ins Hme PUp NumL / * -** ' 192 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 48 189 187 8 45 36 33 144 111 106 109 **' Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P [{ ]} \| Del End PDn 7Hme 8/? 9PU +** ' 9 81 87 69 82 84 89 85 73 79 80 219 221 120 46 35 34 103 104 105 107 **' CapL A S D F G H J K L ;: '" Enter 4/?- 5 6/-? E** ' 20 65 83 68 70 71 72 74 75 76 186 222 13 100 101 102 **n** **' Shift Z X C V B N M ,< .> /? Shift ? 1End 2/? 3PD t** ' 16/160 90 88 67 86 66 78 77 188 190 191 16/161 38 97 98 99 **e** **' Ctrl Win Alt Spacebar Alt Win Menu Ctrl ?- ? -? 0Ins .Del r** ' 17/162 91 18/164 32 18/165 92 93 17/163 37 40 39 96 110 13 ' ' Num Lock On values shown. Off values same as functions and arrows, 5 = code 12. ' ' **Mouse click returns: LB = 1, RB = 2, MB = 4, etc. [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd375731(v=vs.85).aspx Special keys] may also work.** ``` >NOTE: The above commented table can be copied and pasted directly into the QB64 IDE > **Invisible key and mouse logger that does not require program focus. Press ESCape key to view the logged activity. ** ```vb $CONSOLE _DEST _CONSOLE ' for demonstration only PRINT "The actual program is hiding. Type some stuff!" PRINT PRINT "Press ESC to quit logging keys and see results.": _DEST 0 '#### #### #### #### #### ## End Demo Console Code #### #### #### #### #### ## DO : LOOP UNTIL _SCREENEXISTS 'to prevent unexpected freezing _SCREENHIDE 'makes the program invisible to the user. Escape key displays log! DECLARE LIBRARY 'function is already used by QB64 so "User32" is not required FUNCTION GetAsyncKeyState% (BYVAL vkey AS LONG) END DECLARE DIM theitem$(1000) DO: _LIMIT 100 FOR thekey = &H30 TO &H5A IF GetAsyncKeyState(thekey) THEN theitem$(a) = theitem$(a) + CHR$(thekey) DO LOOP UNTIL GetAsyncKeyState(thekey) = 0 END IF NEXT IF GetAsyncKeyState(1) THEN a = a + 1 theitem$(a) = "{MOUSE LEFT}" DO LOOP UNTIL GetAsyncKeyState(1) = 0 END IF IF GetAsyncKeyState(2) THEN a = a + 1 theitem$(a) = "{MOUSE RIGHT}" DO LOOP UNTIL GetAsyncKeyState(2) = 0 END IF IF GetAsyncKeyState(4) THEN a = a + 1 theitem$(a) = "{MOUSE MIDDLE}" DO LOOP UNTIL GetAsyncKeyState(4) = 0 END IF IF GetAsyncKeyState(8) THEN theitem$(a) = theitem$(a) + "{BS}" DO LOOP UNTIL GetAsyncKeyState(8) = 0 END IF IF GetAsyncKeyState(9) THEN theitem$(a) = theitem$(a) + "{TAB}" DO LOOP UNTIL GetAsyncKeyState(9) = 0 END IF IF GetAsyncKeyState(&HD) THEN a = a + 1 theitem$(a) = "{ENTER}" DO LOOP UNTIL GetAsyncKeyState(&HD) = 0 END IF IF GetAsyncKeyState(&H14) THEN theitem$(a) = theitem$(a) + "{CAPS LOCK}" DO LOOP UNTIL GetAsyncKeyState(&H14) = 0 END IF IF GetAsyncKeyState(&H20) THEN theitem$(a) = theitem$(a) + " " DO LOOP UNTIL GetAsyncKeyState(&H20) = 0 END IF IF GetAsyncKeyState(&H1B) THEN theitem$(a) = theitem$(a) + "{ESC}" EXIT DO 'ESC key exits loop and prints logged key presses END IF LOOP _SCREENSHOW 'makes program visible with ESC key press FOR b = 0 TO a PRINT theitem$(b) IF b MOD 20 = 19 THEN COLOR 12: PRINT "press any key": SLEEP: COLOR 7 NEXT ``` Code by Cyperium > *Note:* The program will run invisibly without a program icon appearing in the task bar until the ESC key is pressed and the log will be displayed. ## Keyboard Lock Settings Change Cap Lock, Scroll Lock and Number Lock settings and respective lights or onscreen indicators. ```vb 'public domain, 2012 april, michael calkins CONST INPUT_KEYBOARD = 1 CONST KEYEVENTF_KEYDOWN = 0 CONST KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = &H2 CONST VK_CAPITAL = &H14 CONST VK_NUMLOCK = &H90 CONST VK_SCROLL = &H91 CONST scCapital = &H3A CONST scNumlock = &H45 CONST scScroll = &H46 DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "kernel32" FUNCTION GetLastError~& () END DECLARE DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "user32" FUNCTION SendInput~& (BYVAL nInputs~&, BYVAL pInputs%&, BYVAL cbSize&) FUNCTION GetMessageExtraInfo%& () END DECLARE TYPE KeyInputStruc type AS _UNSIGNED LONG wVk AS _UNSIGNED INTEGER wScan AS _UNSIGNED INTEGER dwFlags AS _UNSIGNED LONG time AS _UNSIGNED LONG dwExtraInfo AS _OFFSET pad0 AS LONG 'to accomodate the size of a MOUSEINPUT pad1 AS LONG END TYPE DIM ki(0 TO 1) AS KeyInputStruc '2 index array will be zero initialized ki(0).type = INPUT_KEYBOARD ki(1).type = INPUT_KEYBOARD ki(0).dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYDOWN ki(1).dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP ki(0).dwExtraInfo = GetMessageExtraInfo 'read function value ki(1).dwExtraInfo = ki(0).dwExtraInfo 'assign same value RANDOMIZE TIMER DO UNTIL INKEY$ = CHR$(&H1B) _DELAY 2 SELECT CASE INT(RND * 3) CASE 0 ki(0).wVk = VK_NUMLOCK ki(1).wVk = VK_NUMLOCK ki(0).wScan = scNumlock ki(1).wScan = scNumlock PRINT "Num lock..." CASE 1 ki(0).wVk = VK_CAPITAL ki(1).wVk = VK_CAPITAL ki(0).wScan = scCapital ki(1).wScan = scCapital PRINT "Caps lock..." CASE 2 ki(0).wVk = VK_SCROLL ki(1).wVk = VK_SCROLL ki(0).wScan = scScroll ki(1).wScan = scScroll PRINT "Scroll lock..." END SELECT l = SendInput(2, _OFFSET(ki(0)), LEN(ki(0))) '2 tells function to read two indices(0 and 1) IF l <> 2 THEN PRINT l PRINT "0x" + LCASE$(HEX$(GetLastError)) END IF LOOP END ``` Code by Michael Calkins > *Note:* In QB64 the number pad lock does not affect the [INP](INP)(&H60) release code returns of the [extended keys](extended-keys) like it did in QBasic. ## Message Box ```vb 'Message Box Constant values as defined by Microsoft (MBType) CONST MB_OK& = 0 'OK button only CONST MB_OKCANCEL& = 1 'OK & Cancel CONST MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE& = 2 'Abort, Retry & Ignore CONST MB_YESNOCANCEL& = 3 'Yes, No & Cancel CONST MB_YESNO& = 4 'Yes & No CONST MB_RETRYCANCEL& = 5 'Retry & Cancel CONST MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE& = 6 'Cancel, Try Again & Continue CONST MB_ICONSTOP& = 16 'Error stop sign icon CONST MB_ICONQUESTION& = 32 'Question-mark icon CONST MB_ICONEXCLAMATION& = 48 'Exclamation-point icon CONST MB_ICONINFORMATION& = 64 'Letter i in a circle icon CONST MB_DEFBUTTON1& = 0 '1st button default(left) CONST MB_DEFBUTTON2& = 256 '2nd button default CONST MB_DEFBUTTON3& = 512 '3rd button default(right) CONST MB_APPLMODAL& = 0 'Message box applies to application only CONST MB_SYSTEMMODAL& = 4096 'Message box on top of all other windows CONST MB_SETFOCUS& = 65536 'Set message box as focus CONST IDOK& = 1 'OK button pressed CONST IDCANCEL& = 2 'Cancel button pressed CONST IDABORT& = 3 'Abort button pressed CONST IDRETRY& = 4 'Retry button pressed CONST IDIGNORE& = 5 'Ignore button pressed CONST IDYES& = 6 'Yes button pressed CONST IDNO& = 7 'No button pressed CONST IDTRYAGAIN& = 10 'Try again button pressed CONST IDCONTINUE& = 1 'Continue button pressed '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE LIBRARY FUNCTION MessageBox& (BYVAL Zer0 AS LONG, Message AS STRING, Title AS STRING, BYVAL MBType AS _UNSIGNED LONG) END DECLARE DO msg& = 0: icon& = 0: DB& = 0 INPUT "Enter Message Box type(0 to 6 other Quits): ", BOX& IF BOX& < 0 OR BOX& > 6 THEN EXIT DO INPUT "Enter Icon&(0=none, 1=stop, 2=?, 3=!, 4=info): ", Icon& IF BOX& THEN INPUT "Enter Default Button(1st, 2nd or 3rd): ", DB& IF DB& THEN DB& = DB& - 1 'adjust value to 0, 1, or 2 msg& = MsgBox&("Box Title", "Box text message", BOX&, Icon&, DB&, 4096) 'on top of all windows PRINT "Button ="; msg& LOOP END FUNCTION MsgBox& (Title$, Message$, BoxType&, Icon&, DBtn&, Mode&) SELECT CASE Icon& CASE 1: Icon& = MB_ICONSTOP& 'warning X-sign icon CASE 2: Icon& = MB_ICONQUESTION& 'question-mark icon CASE 3: Icon& = MB_ICONEXCLAMATION& 'exclamation-point icon CASE 4: Icon& = MB_ICONINFORMATION& 'lowercase letter i in circle CASE ELSE: Icon& = 0 'no icon END SELECT IF BoxType& > 0 AND DBtn& > 0 THEN 'set default button as 2nd(256) or 3rd(512) SELECT CASE BoxType& CASE 2, 3, 6 IF DBtn& = 2 THEN Icon& = Icon& + MB_DEFBUTTON3& ELSE Icon& = Icon& + MB_DEFBUTTON2& '3 button CASE ELSE: Icon& = Icon& + MB_DEFBUTTON2& '2nd button default END SELECT END IF Focus& = MB_SetFocus& MsgBox& = MessageBox&(0, Message$, Title$, BoxType& + Icon& + Mode& + Focus&) 'focus on button END FUNCTION ``` > **Note:** The demo above can show all of the possible message box options. The actual code necessary is quite simple. ## Mouse Area > Program limits the mouse to a box portion of the Windows desktop using the Rectangle [TYPE](TYPE) to define the mouse area. ```vb TYPE Rectangle left AS LONG top AS LONG right AS LONG bottom AS LONG END TYPE DIM Rec AS Rectangle DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "User32" FUNCTION ClipCursor%% (Rect AS Rectangle) 'sets mouse box work area on desktop SUB SetCursorPos (BYVAL x AS LONG, BYVAL y AS LONG) 'move cursor position END DECLARE SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(320, 200, 32) SetCursorPos 40, 36 'move cursor to left side of desktop PRINT "Press a key and the mouse is boxed in!" K$ = INPUT$(1) Rec.left = 600 Rec.top = 400 Rec.bottom = 700 Rec.right = 800 work%% = ClipCursor(Rec) CLS PRINT work%% PRINT "Click the mouse and window to quit!" DO m = _MOUSEINPUT LOOP UNTIL _MOUSEBUTTON(2) OR _MOUSEBUTTON(1) SetCursorPos 40, 36 'attempts to move mouse to left SYSTEM ``` > *Note:* The left and top positions must be less than the bottom and right pixel position values. Click mouse to exit box area. Click program window to quit. ## Open another Program ```vb 'Uses Kernel32 WinAPI to execute a program in a QB64 program. Coded by Dav DECLARE LIBRARY Function WinExec (lpCmdLine AS STRING, BYVAL nCmdShow AS LONG) END DECLARE Winmode% = 1 '0 = Hides the window and activates another window. '1 = Activates and displays a normal sized window. '2 = Activates the window and minimized to taskbar. '3 = Activates the window and displays it as a maximized window. 'NOTE: If you do 0 (hide), you'll have to Kill the process using your TaskManager!!! '### Open notepad and load samples.txt in the QB64 directory Filename$ = "notepad.exe samples.txt" + CHR$(0) 'NOTE: EXE filename must be a NULL terminates..CHR$(0)... Result = WinExec(Filename$, Winmode%) '### Show results ... SELECT CASE Result CASE 0: PRINT "System out of memory or resources." CASE 2: PRINT "The specified file was not found." CASE 3: PRINT "The specified path was not found." CASE 11: PRINT "The file is invalid (non-Win32 .EXE or error in .EXE image)." CASE IS > 31: PRINT "Program opened normally." CASE ELSE: PRINT "Unknown error: "; Result END SELECT END ``` Code by Dav > *Note:* The Library file can only run valid Windows executable programs. Not DOS console EXE programs! ## Play WAV Sounds ```vb CONST SND_SYNC = 0 'Windows controlled CONST SND_ASYNC = 1 'user controlled CONST SND_NODEFAULT = 2 'only plays sound file requested CONST SND_LOOP = 8 'loops the sound. Use ASYNC also to stop later CONST SND_NOSTOP = &H10 'does not allow a sound to be stopped CONST SND_NOWAIT = &H2000 'will not play sound if driver is busy CONST SND_PURGE = &H40 'stop any sound playing DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "winmm" FUNCTION PlaySound% ALIAS PlaySoundA (lpszName AS STRING, BYVAL hModule AS INTEGER, BYVAL dwFlags AS INTEGER) END DECLARE LINE INPUT "Enter WAV sound file name: ", FileName$ PRINT "Play asynchronously?(Y/N) "; K$ = UCASE$(INPUT$(1)) PRINT K$ IF K$ = "Y" THEN Synch = SND_ASYNC ELSE Synch = SND_SYNC retval% = PlaySound(FileName$, 0, Synch) ``` Code by Ted Weissgerber > *Note:* ASYNC allows the program to stop the sound by sending a null file name. Flag constants can be added so loop and ASYNC would total 9. **[WINMM.DLL Functions](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms712636)** ## Run One Instance Program catches another instance of the program descriptor label running and closes it ```vb CONST ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS = &HB7 DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "kernel32" FUNCTION CreateMutexA%& (BYVAL lpMutexAttributes%&, BYVAL bInitialOwner&, BYVAL lpName%&) FUNCTION GetLastError~& () END DECLARE DIM t AS STRING t = "Global\Some name unique to your program" + CHR$(0) ' see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms682411(v=vs.85) IF 0 = CreateMutexA(0, 0, _OFFSET(t)) THEN PRINT "CreateMutexA failed. Error: 0x" + LCASE$(HEX$(GetLastError)) END END IF IF ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS = GetLastError THEN PRINT "Sorry. There can be only one." SLEEP 2 SYSTEM END IF PRINT "But the most wonderful thing about tiggers is I'm the only one." DO UNTIL INKEY$ = CHR$(&H1B) LOOP SYSTEM ``` Code courtesy of Michael Calkins > *Explanation:* The same identification string is used in both instances of the running program. Compile example, run the EXE and try to compile and run another instance. 'Sorry. There can be only one.' will be printed to the screen and then it will close. ## Send Keys ```vb '### 'SENDKEYS.BAS '### 'A kind of SENDKEYS clone for QB64. Sends keystrokes to active application. 'Coded for QB64 by Dav, JAN/2013 DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "user32" SUB SENDKEYS ALIAS keybd_event (BYVAL bVk AS LONG, BYVAL bScan AS LONG, BYVAL dwFlags AS LONG, BYVAL dwExtraInfo AS LONG) END DECLARE CONST KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = &H2 CONST VK_SNAPSHOT = &H2C 'PrtScn key CONST VK_MENU = &H12 'Alt key CONST VK_SHIFT = &H10 'Shift key CONST VK_LWIN = &H5B PRINT "" PRINT "SENDKEYS clone example. Press ENTER to begin..." PRINT WHILE INKEY$ <> CHR$(13): WEND '### Capture Active window to Clipoard as image (Like Alt+PrtSc) SENDKEYS VK_MENU, 0, 0, 0 SENDKEYS VK_SNAPSHOT, 0, 0, 0 SENDKEYS VK_SNAPSHOT, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0 SENDKEYS VK_MENU, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0 PRINT "SENDKEYS just sent a Alt+PrtSc keyboard press." PRINT "A screen-cap of this EXE WINDOW was just sent to your clipboard." PRINT "Go ahead, check it now, then come back here and press ENTER..." WHILE INKEY$ <> CHR$(13): WEND '### Capture Desktop screen to Clipoard as image (Like Shift+PrtSc) SENDKEYS VK_SHIFT, 0, 0, 0 SENDKEYS VK_SNAPSHOT, 0, 0, 0 SENDKEYS VK_SNAPSHOT, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0 SENDKEYS VK_SHIFT, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0 PRINT PRINT "Now SENDKEYS just sent a Shift+PrtSc keyboard press." PRINT "A screen-cap of your DESKTOP was just sent to your clipboard." PRINT "Go ahead, check it now, then come back here and press ENTER..." PRINT WHILE INKEY$ <> CHR$(13): WEND PRINT "Now 'Notepad.exe' will open and SENDKEYS will send text to it." PRINT "Press ENTER to do that now, then close notepad, come back here," PRINT "and press ENTER to continue..." WHILE INKEY$ <> CHR$(13): WEND SHELL _DONTWAIT "notepad.exe" SLEEP 1 'give time to make notepad the active window... '### Say Hi... SENDKEYS &H48, 0, 0, 0: SENDKEYS &H48, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0 'H SENDKEYS &H49, 0, 0, 0: SENDKEYS &H49, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0 'i PRINT PRINT "Now press ENTER for SENDKEYS to Minimize all your windows..." PRINT WHILE INKEY$ <> CHR$(13): WEND '### Minimize windows shortcut SENDKEYS VK_LWIN, 0, 0, 0 SENDKEYS &H4D, 0, 0, 0 SENDKEYS VK_LWIN, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0 PRINT "That's all. have a nice day." END ``` Code courtesy of Dav ```text ' **Virtual KeyState Codes** ' **' Esc F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 Sys ScL Pause** ' 27 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 44 145 19 **' `~ 1! 2@ 3# 4$ 5% 6^ 7& 8* 9( 0) -_ =+ BkS Ins Hme PUp NumL / * -** ' 192 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 48 189 187 8 45 36 33 144 111 106 109 **' Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P [{ ]} \| Del End PDn 7Hme 8/? 9PU +** ' 9 81 87 69 82 84 89 85 73 79 80 219 221 120 46 35 34 103 104 105 107 **' CapL A S D F G H J K L ;: '" Enter 4/?- 5 6/-? E** ' 20 65 83 68 70 71 72 74 75 76 186 222 13 100 101 102 **n** **' Shift Z X C V B N M ,< .> /? Shift ? 1End 2/? 3PD t** ' 16/160 90 88 67 86 66 78 77 188 190 191 16/161 38 97 98 99 **e** **' Ctrl Win Alt Spacebar Alt Win Menu Ctrl ?- ? -? 0Ins .Del r** ' 17/162 91 18/164 32 18/165 92 93 17/163 37 40 39 96 110 13 ' ' Num Lock On values shown. Off values same as functions and arrows, 5 = code 12. ' ' **Mouse click returns: LB = 1, RB = 2, MB = 4, etc. [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd375731(v=vs.85).aspx Special keys] may also work.** ``` > NOTE: The above commented table can be copied and pasted directly into the QB64 IDE ## System Metrics > Returns the dimensions of the current user's desktop. Can be used to get various Windows settings. ```vb CONST SM_CXSCREEN = 0 'Width of user desktop CONST SM_CYSCREEN = 1 'Height of user desktop CONST SM_CXFULLSCREEN = 16 ' Width of window client area CONST SM_CYFULLSCREEN = 17 ' Height of window client area CONST SM_CYMENU = 15 ' Height of menu CONST SM_CYCAPTION = 4 ' Height of caption or title CONST SM_CXFRAME = 32 ' Width of window frame CONST SM_CYFRAME = 33 ' Height of window frame CONST SM_CXHSCROLL = 21 ' Width of arrow bitmap on horizontal scroll bar CONST SM_CYHSCROLL = 3 ' Height of arrow bitmap on horizontal scroll bar CONST SM_CXVSCROLL = 2 ' Width of arrow bitmap on vertical scroll bar CONST SM_CYVSCROLL = 20 ' Height of arrow bitmap on vertical scroll bar CONST SM_CXSIZE = 30 ' Width of bitmaps in title bar CONST SM_CYSIZE = 31 ' Height of bitmaps in title bar CONST SM_CXCURSOR = 13 ' Width of cursor CONST SM_CYCURSOR = 14 ' Height of cursor CONST SM_CXBORDER = 5 ' Width of window frame that cannot be sized CONST SM_CYBORDER = 6 ' Height of window frame that cannot be sized CONST SM_CXDOUBLECLICK = 36 ' Width of rectangle around the location of the first click. CONST SM_CYDOUBLECLICK = 37 ' Height of rectangle around the location of the first click. CONST SM_CXDLGFRAME = 7 ' Width of dialog frame window CONST SM_CYDLGFRAME = 8 ' Height of dialog frame window CONST SM_CXICON = 11 ' Width of icon CONST SM_CYICON = 12 ' Height of icon CONST SM_CXICONSPACING = 38 ' Width of rectangles the system uses to position tiled icons CONST SM_CYICONSPACING = 39 ' Height of rectangles the system uses to position tiled icons CONST SM_CXMIN = 28 ' Minimum width of window CONST SM_CYMIN = 29 ' Minimum height of window CONST SM_CXMINTRACK = 34 ' Minimum tracking width of window CONST SM_CYMINTRACK = 35 ' Minimum tracking height of window CONST SM_CXHTHUMB = 10 ' Width of scroll box (thumb) on horizontal scroll bar CONST SM_CYVTHUMB = 9 ' Width of scroll box (thumb) on vertical scroll bar CONST SM_DBCSENABLED = 42 ' Returns a non-zero if the current Windows version uses double-byte characters, otherwise zero CONST SM_DEBUG = 22 ' Returns non-zero if the Windows version is a debugging version CONST SM_MENUDROPALIGNMENT = 40 'Alignment of pop-up menus. CONST SM_MOUSEPRESENT = 19 ' Non-zero if mouse hardware is installed CONST SM_PENWINDOWS = 41 ' Handle of Pen Windows dynamic link library if Pen Windows is installed CONST SM_SWAPBUTTON = 23 ' Non-zero if the left and right mouse buttons are swapped DECLARE LIBRARY FUNCTION GetSystemMetrics& (BYVAL n AS LONG) END DECLARE PRINT trimstr$(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN)); "x"; trimstr$(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)) s& = _SCREENIMAGE PRINT _WIDTH(s&); "X"; _HEIGHT(s&) END 3 FUNCTION trimstr$ (whatever) trimstr = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(STR$(whatever))) END FUNCTION ``` ## Top Most Window > This Windows only procedure will make the program window always stay on top of other windows, but not always in focus. (See [Windows Libraries](Windows-Libraries)) ```vb 'public domain CONST SWP_NOSIZE = &H0001 'ignores cx and cy size parameters CONST SWP_NOMOVE = &H0002 'ignores x and y position parameters CONST SWP_NOZORDER = &H0004 'keeps z order and ignores hWndInsertAfter parameter CONST SWP_NOREDRAW = &H0008 'does not redraw window changes CONST SWP_NOACTIVATE = &H0010 'does not activate window CONST SWP_FRAMECHANGED = &H0020 CONST SWP_SHOWWINDOW = &H0040 CONST SWP_HIDEWINDOW = &H0080 CONST SWP_NOCOPYBITS = &H0100 CONST SWP_NOOWNERZORDER = &H0200 CONST SWP_NOSENDCHANGING = &H0400 CONST SWP_DRAWFRAME = SWP_FRAMECHANGED CONST SWP_NOREPOSITION = SWP_NOOWNERZORDER CONST SWP_DEFERERASE = &H2000 CONST SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS = &H4000 CONST HWND_TOP = 0 'window at top of z order no focus CONST HWND_BOTTOM = 1 'window at bottom of z order no focus CONST HWND_TOPMOST = -1 'window above all others no focus unless active CONST HWND_NOTOPMOST = -2 'window below active no focus DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "user32" FUNCTION FindWindowA%& (BYVAL lpClassName%&, BYVAL lpWindowName%&) FUNCTION SetWindowPos& (BYVAL hWnd%&, BYVAL hWndInsertAfter%&, BYVAL X&, BYVAL Y&, BYVAL cx&, BYVAL cy&, BYVAL uFlags~&) FUNCTION GetForegroundWindow%& END DECLARE DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "kernel32" FUNCTION GetLastError~& () END DECLARE DIM t AS STRING DIM hWnd AS _OFFSET RANDOMIZE TIMER t = HEX$(RND * &H1000000) 'random title for FindWindowA _TITLE t t = t + CHR$(0) hWnd = _WINDOWHANDLE 'FindWindowA(0, _OFFSET(t)) _TITLE "This Window will always be on Top" 'any title _DELAY 4 'delay allows user to click focus on other windows 'set as topmost window and move without sizing or activation IF 0 = SetWindowPos(hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 200, 200, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE OR SWP_NOACTIVATE) THEN PRINT "SetWindowPos failed. 0x" + LCASE$(HEX$(GetLastError)) END IF x%& = GetForegroundWindow%& 'find currently focused process handle PRINT "Program handle:"; hWnd; "Focus handle:"; x%& IF hWnd <> x%& THEN _SCREENCLICK 240, 240 'add 40 to x and y to focus on positioned window END ``` Adapted from code by Michael Calkins > *Explanation:* When other windows are clicked on, this program window will stay on top. Click it to return focus. > *SetWindowPos* can also move the window's TLC corner position and re-size the window when not flagged. > When the window is moved to a position, [_SCREENCLICK](_SCREENCLICK) can be used to focus on the program window. ***[Windows Libraries](Windows-Libraries)* will not work with the *SetWindowPos*!** [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms633545(v=vs.85) http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms633545(v=vs.85)] ## Video File Player Video player for MPG or AVI video files: ```vb DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "WINMM" FUNCTION mciSendStringA% (lpstrCommand AS STRING, lpstrReturnString AS STRING, BYVAL uReturnLength AS INTEGER, BYVAL hwndCallback AS INTEGER) ' mciSendStringA function plays media files and returns the following: ' 0 = command sucessful ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' lpstrCommand is the MCI command string (and optional flags) to send. ' lpstrReturnString is a string that holds any return information. ' uReturnLength is the length of the lpstrReturnString string passed. ' NOTE: If lpstrCommand given doesn't retun a value then lpstrReturnString ' can be empty and uReturnLength can be set to 0. ' hwndCallback contains a callback window handle (only if the Notify flag used in lpstrCommand) '#### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### ### FUNCTION mciGetErrorStringA% (BYVAL dwError AS INTEGER, lpstrBuffer AS STRING, BYVAL uLength AS INTEGER) ' mciGetErrorStringA returns error info if the mciSendStringA failed. ' dwError is the return value from the mciSendString function. ' lpstrBuffer string holds the error information returned by the function. ' uLength is the length of the lpstrBuffer string buffer. '#### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### ### END DECLARE DECLARE CUSTOMTYPE LIBRARY FUNCTION FindWindow& (BYVAL ClassName AS _OFFSET, WindowName$) END DECLARE handle& = _NEWIMAGE(800, 600, 256) SCREEN handle& _TITLE "QB64 Video" hwnd& = _WINDOWHANDLE 'FindWindow(0, "QB64 Video" + CHR$(0)) ReturnString$ = SPACE$(255) ErrorString$ = SPACE$(255) filename$ = "c:\DavPiano.mpg" '<#### #### ## video file to play a% = mciSendStringA%("open " + filename$ + " style popup", ReturnString$, LEN(ReturnString$), 0) IF a% THEN x% = mciGetErrorStringA%(a%, ErrorString$, LEN(ErrorString$)) PRINT ErrorString$ END ELSE a2% = mciSendStringA%("window " + filename$ + " handle " + STR$(hwnd&), ReturnString$, LEN(ReturnString$), 0) b% = mciSendStringA%("play " + filename$, "", 0, 0) _SCREENMOVE _MIDDLE '### Play video... DO: _LIMIT 30: LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> "" x% = mciSendStringA%("stop " + filename$, "", 0, 0) x% = mciSendStringA%("close " + filename$, "", 0, 0) END IF ``` Code courtesy of Dav ## Web Page Download > Downloads the contents of a web page as an HTML or text file. Text can be edited for page information. ```vb DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "urlmon" FUNCTION URLDownloadToFileA% (BYVAL pCaller AS LONG, szURL AS STRING, szFileName AS STRING, BYVAL dwReserved AS LONG, BYVAL lpfnCB AS LONG) END DECLARE '### URL to grab (page or a file) URL$ = "http://www.qbasicnews.com/dav/" '### File to save URL as URLfile$ = "DavsIndex.html" '### Download it. Returns 0 if succeeded a% = URLDownloadToFileA%(0, URL$, URLfile$, 0, 0) PRINT "Grabbing : "; URL$: PRINT "Saving as: "; URLfile$ PRINT "Sleeping 7 secs to do the deed..." SLEEP 7 PRINT a% ``` Code courtesy of Dav ## Windows API > Program finds the window handle by the [_TITLE](_TITLE) and then does various things with the window using that handle [_OFFSET](_OFFSET) value. ```vb CONST HWND_BOTTOM = 1 'places the window at the bottom of the Z order CONST HWND_TOP = 0 'places the window at the top of the Z order CONST HWND_TOPMOST = -1 'places the window above all non-topmost windows CONST HWND_NOTOPMOST = -2 'places the window behind all topmost windows DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "user32" FUNCTION FindWindowA%& (BYVAL class AS _OFFSET, Title$) FUNCTION CloseWindow& (BYVAL hwnd AS _OFFSET) FUNCTION OpenIcon& (BYVAL hwnd AS _OFFSET) FUNCTION SetWindowTextA& (BYVAL hwnd AS _OFFSET, NewTitle$) FUNCTION GetWindowThreadProcessId& (BYVAL hwnd AS _OFFSET, BYVAL null AS LONG) FUNCTION SetWindowPos& (BYVAL hwnd%&, BYVAL Zorder&, BYVAL X&, BYVAL Y&, BYVAL cx&, BYVAL cy&, BYVAL flag&) END DECLARE _TITLE "Windows Test" '// Get the window handle (as a long) hwnd%& = _WINDOWHANDLE 'FindWindowA(0, "Windows Test" + CHR$(0)) PRINT "Handle:"; hwnd%& _DELAY 3 '// Minimize the window - places program on the task bar ret& = CloseWindow(hwnd%&) PRINT "Minimize"; ret& _DELAY 3 '// wait a few seconds '// Restore the window ret& = OpenIcon(hwnd%&) PRINT "Restore"; ret& _DELAY 3 '// Sets window priority as TOPMOST and moves the window position column 200, row 0 ret& = SetWindowPos(hwnd%&, HWND_TOPMOST, 200, 0, 0, 0, 0) PRINT "Position"; ret& _DELAY 3 '// Change the title of window header to new name ret& = SetWindowTextA(hwnd%&, "Windows API Test") PRINT "Title"; ret& '// Get and display the process id for the window using new title name PID& = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd%&, 0) PRINT "Process ID:"; PID& END ``` Adapted from header code by Cyperium and Unseenmachine > *Note:* *SetWindowPos&* function sets the pixel location on the desktop and the window dimensions. It can also set the window's Z order priority. **The window handle value and process ID never change! Even when the title is changed.** ## Window Focus Windows API routine can tell a program when it has lost focus by the user clicking on a different program window or the desktop. ```vb DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "user32" FUNCTION GetForegroundWindow%& () FUNCTION FindWindowA%& (BYVAL lpClassName%&, BYVAL lpWindowName%&) END DECLARE DIM title AS STRING DIM hWnd AS _OFFSET title = "Whatever you actually want the title to be" _TITLE title title = title + CHR$(0) 'always add character zero to FindWindowA string parameter hWnd = _WINDOWHANDLE 'FindWindowA(0, _OFFSET(title)) DO UNTIL LEN(INKEY$) IF hWnd = GetForegroundWindow THEN PRINT "foreground" ELSE PRINT "not foreground" SLEEP 1 LOOP END ``` Adapted from code by Michael Calkins > *Note:* [CHR$](CHR$)(0) could actually be added to the original title string and it wouldn't hurt anything. Compared values are [_OFFSET](_OFFSET)s. **See [Windows Libraries](Windows-Libraries) on program.** ## Windows Menu **Creates a menu bar in the program window with a name that can be clicked on to execute a procedure.** ```vb DEFLNG A-Z CONST MIIM_STATE = &H1 CONST MIIM_ID = &H2 CONST MIIM_TYPE = &H10 CONST MFT_SEPARATOR = &H800 CONST MFT_STRING = &H0 CONST MFS_ENABLED = &H0 CONST MFS_CHECKED = &H8 CONST HWND_TOPMOST = -1 CONST HWND_NOTOPMOST = -2 CONST SWP_NOMOVE = &H2 CONST SWP_NOSIZE = &H1 '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE MENUITEMINFO cbSize AS LONG fMask AS LONG fType AS LONG fState AS LONG wID AS LONG hSubMenu AS LONG hbmpChecked AS LONG hbmpUnchecked AS LONG dwItemData AS _OFFSET dwTypeData AS _OFFSET cch AS LONG END TYPE DECLARE LIBRARY FUNCTION FindWindow& (BYVAL ClassName AS _OFFSET, WindowName$) ' To get hWnd handle END DECLARE DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "user32" FUNCTION CreateMenu& () FUNCTION DrawMenuBar (BYVAL hWnd&) FUNCTION SetMenu& (BYVAL hWnd&, BYVAL hMenu&) FUNCTION InsertMenuItemA& (BYVAL hMenu&, BYVAL uItem&, BYVAL fByPosition&, BYVAL lpmii AS _OFFSET) FUNCTION GetMenuItemCount& (BYVAL hMenu&) FUNCTION GetMenuItemInfoA& (BYVAL hMenu&, BYVAL uItem&, BYVAL fByPosition&, BYVAL lpmii AS _OFFSET) END DECLARE DIM hWnd AS LONG DIM hMenu AS LONG DIM MenuItem AS MENUITEMINFO, BlankMenuItem AS MENUITEMINFO DIM TypeData AS STRING * 1000 _TITLE "Menu bar API demo" hWnd = _WINDOWHANDLE 'FindWindow(0, "Menu bar API demo" + CHR$(0)) hMenu = CreateMenu: BlankMenuItem.cbSize = LEN(BlankMenuItem) COLOR 7, 1: CLS 'Add a separator bar count = GetMenuItemCount(hMenu): PRINT "MenuItemCount:"; count MenuItem = BlankMenuItem MenuItem.fMask = MIIM_ID OR MIIM_TYPE MenuItem.fType = MFT_SEPARATOR MenuItem.wID = count IF InsertMenuItemA(hMenu, count, 1, _OFFSET(MenuItem)) THEN PRINT "Successfully added menu item!" ELSE PRINT "Failed to add menu item!": END 'Add a button MenuItem = BlankMenuItem count = GetMenuItemCount(hMenu): PRINT "MenuItemCount:"; count MenuItem.fMask = MIIM_STATE OR MIIM_ID OR MIIM_TYPE MenuItem.fType = MFT_STRING MenuItem.fState = MFS_ENABLED MenuItem.wID = count TypeData = "&Fire Laser!" + CHR$(0) MenuItem.dwTypeData = _OFFSET(TypeData) MenuItem.cch = LEN(MenuItem.dwTypeData) MyButton = MenuItem.wID IF InsertMenuItemA(hMenu, count, 1, _OFFSET(MenuItem)) THEN PRINT "Successfully added menu item!" ELSE PRINT "Failed to add menu item!": END IF SetMenu(hWnd, hMenu) THEN PRINT "Successfully set menu!": PRINT "Menu handle is:"; hMenu ELSE PRINT "Failed to set menu!": END DO: _LIMIT 70 prev_state = new_state ok = GetMenuItemInfoA(hMenu, MyButton, 1, _OFFSET(MenuItem)) new_state = MenuItem.fState AND 128 IF prev_state = 0 AND new_state <> 0 THEN PRINT "Ouch! "; LOOP WHILE INKEY$ = "" ``` Code by Galleon > Links/References: > [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms647980(v=vs.85).aspx](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms647980(v=vs.85).aspx) ## Windows Notification The following code creates a pop-up notification balloon in the Windows task bar or from the Windows 10 side bar. ```vb 'public domain, 2012 feb, michael calkins CONST NIM_ADD = 0 CONST NIM_MODIFY = 1 CONST NIM_DELETE = 2 CONST NIF_ICON = 2 CONST NIF_TIP = 4 CONST NIF_INFO = &H10 CONST NIIF_NONE = 0 CONST NIIF_INFO = 1 CONST NIIF_WARNING = 2 CONST NIIF_ERROR = 3 CONST NIIF_USER = 4 CONST IDI_APPLICATION = 32512 CONST IDI_HAND = 32513 CONST IDI_QUESTION = 32514 CONST IDI_EXCLAMATION = 32515 CONST IDI_ASTERISK = 32516 DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "kernel32" FUNCTION GetLastError~& () END DECLARE DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "user32" FUNCTION FindWindowA%& (BYVAL lpClassName%&, BYVAL lpWindowName%&) FUNCTION LoadIconA%& (BYVAL hInstance%&, BYVAL lpIconName%&) END DECLARE DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "shell32" FUNCTION Shell_NotifyIconA& (BYVAL dwMessage~&, BYVAL lpdata%&) END DECLARE TYPE NOTIFYICONDATA cbSize AS _UNSIGNED LONG hWnd AS _OFFSET uID AS _UNSIGNED LONG uFlags AS _UNSIGNED LONG uCallbackMessage AS _UNSIGNED LONG hIcon AS _OFFSET szTip AS STRING * 128 dwState AS _UNSIGNED LONG dwStateMask AS _UNSIGNED LONG szInfo AS STRING * 256 uTimeout AS _UNSIGNED LONG szInfoTitle AS STRING * 64 dwInfoFlags AS _UNSIGNED LONG END TYPE DIM hWnd AS _OFFSET DIM hIcon AS _OFFSET DIM t AS STRING DIM notifydata AS NOTIFYICONDATA notifydata.cbSize = LEN(notifydata) t = "qb64 notification test" _TITLE t t = t + CHR$(0) hWnd = _WINDOWHANDLE 'FindWindowA(0, _OFFSET(t)) 'find window ID IF hWnd = 0 THEN PRINT "FindWindowA failed. Error: 0x" + LCASE$(HEX$(GetLastError)) END END IF hIcon = LoadIconA(0, IDI_ASTERISK) IF hIcon = 0 THEN PRINT "LoadIconA failed. Error: 0x" + LCASE$(HEX$(GetLastError)) END IF 'first notification notifydata.hWnd = hWnd notifydata.uID = 0 notifydata.uFlags = NIF_ICON OR NIF_TIP OR NIF_INFO notifydata.hIcon = hIcon notifydata.szTip = "Connect charger!" + CHR$(0) 'tool tip notifydata.szInfo = "Recharge" + CHR$(0) 'information notifydata.uTimeout = 10000 'milliseconds notifydata.szInfoTitle = "Low Battery" + CHR$(0) 'balloon title FALSE LOW BATTERY warning notifydata.dwInfoFlags = NIIF_INFO IF 0 = Shell_NotifyIconA(NIM_ADD, _OFFSET(notifydata)) THEN PRINT "Shell_NotifyIconA failed. Error: 0x" + LCASE$(HEX$(GetLastError)) END END IF PRINT "Press any key to modify it." SLEEP: DO WHILE LEN(INKEY$): LOOP hIcon = LoadIconA(0, IDI_HAND) IF hIcon = 0 THEN PRINT "LoadIconA failed. Error: 0x" + LCASE$(HEX$(GetLastError)) END IF 'second notification notifydata.uFlags = NIF_ICON OR NIF_TIP OR NIF_INFO notifydata.hIcon = hIcon notifydata.szTip = "hahaha" + CHR$(0) notifydata.szInfo = ":-)" + CHR$(0) notifydata.uTimeout = 10000 'milliseconds notifydata.szInfoTitle = "Howdy." + CHR$(0) notifydata.dwInfoFlags = NIIF_WARNING IF 0 = Shell_NotifyIconA(NIM_MODIFY, _OFFSET(notifydata)) THEN PRINT "Shell_NotifyIconA failed. Error: 0x" + LCASE$(HEX$(GetLastError)) END END IF PRINT "Press any key to delete the notification icon." SLEEP: DO WHILE LEN(INKEY$): LOOP IF 0 = Shell_NotifyIconA(NIM_DELETE, _OFFSET(notifydata)) THEN PRINT "Shell_NotifyIconA failed. Error: 0x" + LCASE$(HEX$(GetLastError)) END END IF END ``` Adapted from code by Michael Calkins **NOTE: The program emulates a FALSE Low Battery warning! > *MSDN References:* [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms633499(v=vs.85).aspx](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms633499(v=vs.85).aspx) [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms648072(v=vs.85).aspx](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms648072(v=vs.85).aspx) [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb762159(v=vs.85).aspx](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb762159(v=vs.85).aspx) [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb773352(v=vs.85).aspx](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb773352(v=vs.85).aspx) ## Windows Ports > The following library uses QueryDosDeviceA to find the COM or LPT ports on a Windows computer only. ```vb 'this example uses QueryDosDeviceA to enumerate COM ports. 'public domain, sept 2011, michael calkins DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "kernel32" FUNCTION QueryDosDeviceA~& (BYVAL lpDeviceName AS _UNSIGNED _OFFSET, BYVAL lpTargetPath AS _UNSIGNED _OFFSET, BYVAL ucchMax AS _UNSIGNED LONG) FUNCTION GetLastError~& () END DECLARE DIM sizeofbuffer AS _UNSIGNED LONG DIM buffer AS STRING DIM i AS _UNSIGNED LONG DIM x AS _UNSIGNED LONG DIM n AS _UNSIGNED LONG sizeofbuffer = 1024 buffer = SPACE$(sizeofbuffer) DO x = 0 IF QueryDosDeviceA~&(0, _OFFSET(buffer), sizeofbuffer) = 0 THEN x = GetLastError~& IF x = &H7A THEN sizeofbuffer = sizeofbuffer + 1024 buffer = SPACE$(sizeofbuffer) ELSE PRINT "Error: 0x"; HEX$(x) END END IF END IF LOOP WHILE x = &H7A i = 1 n = 0 DO WHILE ASC(MID$(buffer, i, 1)) x = INSTR(i, buffer, CHR$(0)) PRINT MID$(buffer, i, x - i) IF MID$(buffer, i, 3) = "COM" THEN 'change to "LPT" for parallel ports REDIM _PRESERVE comports(0 TO (n * 2) + 1) AS STRING comports(n * 2) = MID$(buffer, i, (x - i) + 1) n = n + 1 END IF i = x + 1 LOOP PRINT PRINT n; "COM ports:" IF n THEN FOR i = 0 TO n - 1 DO x = 0 IF QueryDosDeviceA~&(_OFFSET(comports(i * 2)), _OFFSET(buffer), sizeofbuffer) = 0 THEN x = GetLastError~& IF x = &H7A THEN sizeofbuffer = sizeofbuffer + 1024 buffer = SPACE$(sizeofbuffer) ELSE PRINT "Error: 0x"; HEX$(x) END END IF END IF LOOP WHILE x = &H7A comports((i * 2) + 1) = LEFT$(buffer, INSTR(buffer, CHR$(0)) - 1) comports(i * 2) = LEFT$(comports(i * 2), LEN(comports(i * 2)) - 1) PRINT CHR$(&H22); comports(i * 2); CHR$(&H22); " is mapped to: "; CHR$(&H22); comports((i * 2) + 1); CHR$(&H22) NEXT END IF buffer = "" END ``` Code courtesy of Michael Calkins ## Windows Sounds > MessageBeep plays Windows alert sound files located in the *C:\windows\media* folder. Some may not be set! ```vb CONST MB_OK = 0 'beep CONST MB_ICONERROR = &H10 CONST MB_ICONQUESTION = &H20 CONST MB_ICONWARNING = &H30 CONST MB_ICONASTERISK = &H40 DECLARE LIBRARY SUB MessageBeep (BYVAL alert AS _UNSIGNED LONG) END DECLARE PRINT "OK" MessageBeep MB_OK SLEEP 2 PRINT "Error" MessageBeep MB_ICONERROR SLEEP 2 PRINT "?" MessageBeep MB_ICONQUESTION SLEEP 2 PRINT "Warning" MessageBeep MB_ICONWARNING SLEEP 2 PRINT "Asterisk" MessageBeep MB_ICONASTERISK ``` Code by Ted Weissgerber > *Note:* The sounds can be set in *Control Panel: Sounds and Audio Devices/Sounds* settings tab if not already assigned. > PlaySound plays Windows System sounds on most PC's: ```vb 'SDL-SPECIFIC CHANGES! GL only needs DECLARE LIBRARY without DLL name DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "Winmm" FUNCTION PlaySound (pszSound AS STRING, BYVAL hmod AS INTEGER, BYVAL fdwSound AS INTEGER) END DECLARE CONST SND_ALIAS = 65536 CONST SND_ASYNC = 1 x = PlaySound("SystemExclamation" + CHR$(0), 0, SND_ALIAS + SND_ASYNC) ``` > Use "SystemDefault", "SystemExclamation", "SystemExit", "SystemHand", "SystemQuestion", "SystemStart" or "SystemWelcome" ## Window Transparency > Program changes transparency of the window. Plus key increases visibility while minus key can make it completely invisible. ```vb DEFINT A-Z ' Declare windows API functions DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "user32" FUNCTION SetLayeredWindowAttributes& (BYVAL hwnd AS LONG, BYVAL crKey AS LONG, BYVAL bAlpha AS _UNSIGNED _BYTE, BYVAL dwFlags AS LONG) FUNCTION GetWindowLong& ALIAS "GetWindowLongA" (BYVAL hwnd AS LONG, BYVAL nIndex AS LONG) FUNCTION SetWindowLong& ALIAS "SetWindowLongA" (BYVAL hwnd AS LONG, BYVAL nIndex AS LONG, BYVAL dwNewLong AS LONG) END DECLARE ' Needed for acquiring the hWnd of the window DECLARE LIBRARY FUNCTION FindWindow& (BYVAL ClassName AS _OFFSET, WindowName$) ' To get hWnd handle END DECLARE DIM MyHwnd AS LONG ' Get hWnd value _TITLE "Translucent window test" MyHwnd = _WINDOWHANDLE 'FindWindow(0, "Translucent window test" + CHR$(0)) ' Set screen and draw a simple fractal which looks cooler than a black translucent window SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 32) FOR Py = 0 TO 479 FOR Px = 0 TO 639 PSET (Px, Py), _RGB32((Px OR Py) MOD 256, (Px + Py) MOD 256, Py MOD 256) NEXT Px NEXT Py ' Main loop PRINT "Press +/- to change opacity" Level = 127 SetWindowOpacity MyHwnd, Level DO Press$ = INKEY$ LOCATE 2, 1: PRINT "Opacity:"; Level ' Change window opacity whenever +/- are pressed IF Press$ = "+" AND Level < 255 THEN Level = Level + 1: SetWindowOpacity MyHwnd, Level IF Press$ = "-" AND Level > 0 THEN Level = Level - 1: SetWindowOpacity MyHwnd, Level _LIMIT 60 LOOP UNTIL Press$ = CHR$(27) SYSTEM '#### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### \ SUB SetWindowOpacity (hWnd AS LONG, Level) DIM Msg AS LONG CONST G = -20 CONST LWA_ALPHA = &H2 CONST WS_EX_LAYERED = &H80000 Msg = GetWindowLong(hWnd, G) Msg = Msg OR WS_EX_LAYERED Crap = SetWindowLong(hWnd, G, Msg) Crap = SetLayeredWindowAttributes(hWnd, 0, Level, LWA_ALPHA) END SUB ``` Code by Jobert ## Windows User > Finds the current user's *My Documents* folder as a [STRING](STRING) value. Other environmental constants are listed below code. ```vb 'public domain CONST MAX_PATH = 260 'maximum length of path string CONST CSIDL_PERSONAL = &H5 'User's My Documents path. See environmental constants below CONST SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT = 0 CONST S_OK = 0 'environmental value found CONST S_FALSE = &H1 'folder does not exist CONST E_FAILED = &H80004005& 'folder does not exist CONST E_INVALIDARG = &H80070057& 'invalid argument parameter DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "shell32" FUNCTION SHGetFolderPathA& (BYVAL hwndOwner%&, BYVAL nFolder&, BYVAL hToken%&, BYVAL dwFlags~&, BYVAL pszPath%&) END DECLARE DIM path AS STRING DIM hr AS LONG DIM n AS LONG path = STRING$(MAX_PATH, 0) 'enlarge the string to MAX_PATH hr = SHGetFolderPathA(0, CSIDL_PERSONAL, 0, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, _OFFSET(path)) IF hr THEN PRINT "hresult: 0x" + LCASE$(HEX$(hr)) 'function returns non-zero error code END END IF n = INSTR(path, CHR$(0)) 'find terminating null path = LEFT$(path, n - 1) 'shrink the string (probably creates a temp string) PRINT CHR$(&H22); path; CHR$(&H22) END ``` Code courtesy of Michael Calkins > *Note:* When the SHGetFolderPathA& function returns a non-zero value, the 0x hexadecimal error number is printed instead. **[Vista and newer versions of Windows can also use SHGetKnownFolderPath and similar Constant values](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb776911(v=vs.85))** ```text **Windows CSIDL Environmental [LONG](LONG) Constants** CONST CSIDL_DESKTOP = &H0 '\desktop CONST CSIDL_INTERNET = &H1 'Internet Explorer(icon on desktop) CONST CSIDL_PROGRAMS = &H2 '\Start Menu\Programs CONST CSIDL_CONTROLS = &H3 'My Computer\Control Panel icon group CONST CSIDL_PRINTERS = &H4 'My Computer\Printers (installed) CONST CSIDL_PERSONAL = &H5 '\My Documents CONST CSIDL_FAVORITES = &H6 '\Favorites CONST CSIDL_STARTUP = &H7 '\Start Menu\Programs\Startup CONST CSIDL_RECENT = &H8 '\Recent CONST CSIDL_SENDTO = &H9 '\SendTo CONST CSIDL_BITBUCKET = &HA '\Recycle Bin CONST CSIDL_STARTMENU = &HB '\Start Menu CONST CSIDL_MYDOCUMENTS = &HC 'logical "My Documents" desktop icon CONST CSIDL_MYMUSIC = &HD '\My Documents\My Music folder CONST CSIDL_MYVIDEO = &HE '\My Documents\My Videos folder CONST CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY = &H10 '\Desktop CONST CSIDL_DRIVES = &H11 'My Computer CONST CSIDL_NETWORK = &H12 'Network Neighborhood (My Network Places) CONST CSIDL_NETHOOD = &H13 '\nethood CONST CSIDL_FONTS = &H14 'windows\fonts CONST CSIDL_TEMPLATES = &H15 'templates CONST CSIDL_COMMON_STARTMENU = &H16 'All Users\Start Menu CONST CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS = &H17 'All Users\Start Menu\Programs CONST CSIDL_COMMON_STARTUP = &H18 'All Users\Startup CONST CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY = &H19 'All Users\Startup CONST CSIDL_APPDATA = &H1A '\Application Data CONST CSIDL_PRINTHOOD = &H1B '\PrintHood CONST CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA = &H1C '\Local Settings\Application Data CONST CSIDL_ALTSTARTUP = &H1D 'non-localized startup(Vista only) CONST CSIDL_COMMON_ALTSTARTUP = &H1E 'common startup CONST CSIDL_COMMON_FAVORITES = &H1F 'common startup CONST CSIDL_INTERNET_CACHE = &H20 'common startup CONST CSIDL_COOKIES = &H21 'common startup CONST CSIDL_HISTORY = &H22 'common startup CONST CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA = &H23 'All Users\Application Data CONST CSIDL_WINDOWS = &H24 'GetWindowsDirectory() CONST CSIDL_SYSTEM = &H25 'GetSystemDirectory() CONST CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES = &H26 'C:\Program Files CONST CSIDL_MYPICTURES = &H27 '\My Documents\My Pictures CONST CSIDL_PROFILE = &H28 'USERPROFILE CONST CSIDL_SYSTEMX86 = &H29 'x86 C:\Windows\System32 or [SysWOW64](SysWOW64)(64 bit PC) CONST CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86 = &H2A 'x86 C:\Program Files on RISC CONST CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON = &H2B 'C:\Program Files\Common CONST CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMONX86 = &H2C 'x86 Program Files\Common on RISC CONST CSIDL_COMMON_TEMPLATES = &H2D 'All Users\Templates CONST CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS = &H2E 'All Users\Documents CONST CSIDL_COMMON_ADMINTOOLS = &H2F 'All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools CONST CSIDL_ADMINTOOLS = &H30 '\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools CONST CSIDL_CONNECTIONS = &H31 'Network and Dial-up Connections CONST CSIDL_COMMON_MUSIC = &H35 'All Users\My Music CONST CSIDL_COMMON_PICTURES = &H36 'All Users\My Pictures CONST CSIDL_COMMON_VIDEO = &H37 'All Users\My Video CONST CSIDL_RESOURCES = &H38 'Resource Directory CONST CSIDL_RESOURCES_LOCALIZED = &H39 'Localized Resource Directory CONST CSIDL_COMMON_OEM_LINKS = &H3A 'Links to All Users OEM specific apps CONST CSIDL_CDBURN_AREA = &H3B 'USERPROFILE\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\CD Burning 'See: [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb762181(v=vs.85) http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb762181(v=vs.85)] ``` ## Windows Version **Note that QB64 will not run on Windows 95 to ME computers currently!** ```vb DECLARE LIBRARY FUNCTION GetVersion () END DECLARE 'Just grab the "build" number... b$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(STR$((GetVersion AND &HFFFF0000) \ &H10000))) PRINT "The Windows version is: "; IF INSTR(1, b$, "095") THEN PRINT "Windows 95" IF INSTR(1, b$, "1111") THEN PRINT "Windows 95" IF INSTR(1, b$, "1381") THEN PRINT "Windows NT" IF INSTR(1, b$, "1998") THEN PRINT "Windows 98" IF INSTR(1, b$, "2222") THEN PRINT "Windows 98 SE" IF INSTR(1, b$, "3000") THEN PRINT "Windows ME" IF INSTR(1, b$, "2195") THEN PRINT "Windows 2000" IF INSTR(1, b$, "2600") THEN PRINT "Windows XP" IF INSTR(1, b$, "3790") THEN PRINT "Windows Server 2003" IF INSTR(1, b$, "6000") THEN PRINT "Windows Vista/Server" IF INSTR(1, b$, "6001") THEN PRINT "Windows Vista/Server" IF INSTR(1, b$, "6002") THEN PRINT "Windows Vista/Server" IF INSTR(1, b$, "7600") THEN PRINT "Windows 7" ``` Code courtesy of Dav **NOTE**: Microsoft depreciated GetVersion() for Windows 8 and higher - [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/sysinfoapi/nf-sysinfoapi-getversion](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/sysinfoapi/nf-sysinfoapi-getversion) ## Reference **Note: C++ Header files should be placed in the QB64 folder and are not required after a program is compiled.** **Your code contribution using the Windows Libraries could end up here!** ## See Also * [_WINDOWHANDLE](_WINDOWHANDLE) * [Windows Environment](Windows-Environment) * [DECLARE LIBRARY](DECLARE-LIBRARY), [BYVAL](BYVAL), [ALIAS](ALIAS) * [_OFFSET](_OFFSET), [_OFFSET-(function)](_OFFSET-(function)) (lp, ptr and p names) * [SDL Libraries](SDL-Libraries), [DLL Libraries](DLL-Libraries), [C Libraries](C-Libraries) * [Libraries](Libraries) * [VB Script](VB-Script) * [Windows Printer Settings](Windows-Printer-Settings)