The [_AXIS](_AXIS) function returns the relative position of a specified axis number on a controller device. ## Syntax > move! = [_AXIS](_AXIS)(axis_number%) * [SINGLE](SINGLE) values returned range between -1 and 1 as maximums and 0 indicating minimum or axis center. * When the mouse is moved on the program screen, moves left or above center are negative while below or right are positive. * The *axis_number* must be a number which does not exceed the number of axis found by the [_LASTAXIS](_LASTAXIS) function. * **The number of [_DEVICES](_DEVICES) must be read before using [_DEVICE$](_DEVICE$), [_DEVICEINPUT](_DEVICEINPUT) or [_LASTAXIS](_LASTAXIS).** ## Example(s) Reading multiple controller device buttons, axis and wheels. ```vb FOR i = 1 TO _DEVICES PRINT STR$(i) + ") " + _DEVICE$(i) + " Buttons:"; _LASTBUTTON(i); ",Axis:"; _LASTAXIS(i); ",Wheel:"; _LASTWHEEL(i) NEXT DO d& = _DEVICEINPUT IF d& THEN ' the device number cannot be zero! PRINT "Found"; d&; FOR b = 1 TO _LASTBUTTON(d&) PRINT _BUTTONCHANGE(b); _BUTTON(b); NEXT FOR a = 1 TO _LASTAXIS(d&) PRINT _AXIS(a); NEXT FOR w = 1 TO _LASTWHEEL(d&) PRINT _WHEEL(w); NEXT PRINT END IF LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ = CHR$(27) 'escape key exit END ``` > *Note:* When there is no device control to read, a [FOR...NEXT](FOR...NEXT) n = 1 TO 0 loop will not run thus avoiding a control function read error. ## See Also * [_LASTWHEEL](_LASTWHEEL), [_LASTBUTTON](_LASTBUTTON), [_LASTAXIS](_LASTAXIS) * [_WHEEL](_WHEEL), [_BUTTON](_BUTTON), [_BUTTONCHANGE](_BUTTONCHANGE) * [_DEVICE$](_DEVICE$), [_DEVICES](_DEVICES) * [_MOUSEMOVEMENTX](_MOUSEMOVEMENTX), [_MOUSEMOVEMENTY](_MOUSEMOVEMENTY) (relative movement) * [Controller Devices](Controller-Devices)