The [_BLEND](_BLEND) statement turns on 32 bit alpha blending for an image or screen mode and is on by default. ## Syntax > [_BLEND](_BLEND) [imageHandle&] ### Parameters * imageHandle& refers to an image in memory. If not specified, the current destination page (See [_DEST](_DEST)) is affected. ## Description * Alpha blending is on by default when loading a .PNG image to a 32-bit surface. * Normally it is used to turn blending on after a previous [_DONTBLEND](_DONTBLEND) call. * [_BLEND](_BLEND) can only be used on 32-bit surfaces, otherwise it will produce the error [ERROR Codes](ERROR-Codes). * **Note: [_DONTBLEND](_DONTBLEND) is faster than the default [_BLEND](_BLEND) unless you really need to use it in 32 bit.** * **32 bit screen surface backgrounds (black) have zero [_ALPHA](_ALPHA) so that they are transparent when placed over other surfaces.** ## Example(s) ```vb SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 32) 'CLS , _RGB(128, 128, 128) 'change background color for other results _DONTBLEND bg& = POINT(0, 0) PRINT _RED(bg&), _GREEN(bg&), _BLUE(bg&), _ALPHA(bg&) LINE (100, 100)-(200, 200), _RGBA32(255, 128, 0, 128), BF LINE (440, 100)-(540, 200), _RGBA32(0, 0, 255, 64), BF K$ = INPUT$(1) _BLEND LINE (270, 300)-(370, 400), _RGBA32(255, 128, 0, 128), BF m& = POINT(303, 302) PRINT _RED(m&), _GREEN(m&), _BLUE(m&), _ALPHA(m&) K$ = INPUT$(1) LINE (270, 300)-(370, 400), _RGBA32(0, 0, 255, 64), BF m& = POINT(303, 302) PRINT _RED(m&), _GREEN(m&), _BLUE(m&), _ALPHA(m&) ``` ```text _RGBA(255,128,0,128) onto _RGBA(0,0,255,64) results in _RGBA(95,48,64,128) ``` ## See Also * [_DONTBLEND](_DONTBLEND), [_BLEND (function)](_BLEND-(function)) * [Images](Images)