[CSNG](CSNG) converts a numerical value to the closest [SINGLE](SINGLE)-precision number. ## Syntax > singleValue! = [CSNG](CSNG)(expression) ## Parameter(s) * expression is any [TYPE](TYPE) of literal or variable numerical value or mathematical calculation. ## Description * Returns the closest [SINGLE](SINGLE) decimal point value. * Also used to define a value as [SINGLE](SINGLE)-precision up to 7 decimals. ## Example(s) ```vb A# = 975.3421222# PRINT A#, CSNG(A#) ``` ```text 975.3421222      975.3421 ``` ## See Also * [CDBL](CDBL), [CLNG](CLNG) * [CINT](CINT), [INT](INT) * [_ROUND](_ROUND)