The [ERL](ERL) function returns the closest previous line number before the last error. ## Syntax > *lastErrorLine&* = [ERL](ERL) ## Description * Used in an error handler to report the last line number used before the error. * If the program does not use line numbers, then ERL returns 0. * Use [_ERRORLINE](_ERRORLINE) to return the actual code line position of an error in a QB64 program. ## Example(s) Using a fake error code to return the line number position in a program. ```vb ON ERROR GOTO errorfix 1 ERROR 250 ERROR 250 5 ERROR 250 END errorfix: PRINT ERL RESUME NEXT ``` ```text 1 1 5 ``` ## See Also * [ERR](ERR) * [ERROR](ERROR) * [ON ERROR](ON-ERROR) * [_ERRORLINE](_ERRORLINE), [_INCLERRORLINE](_INCLERRORLINE), [_INCLERRORFILE$](_INCLERRORFILE$), [_ERRORMESSAGE$](_ERRORMESSAGE$) * [ERROR Codes](ERROR-Codes)