[NEXT](NEXT) is used in a [FOR...NEXT](FOR...NEXT) counter loop to progress through the loop count. ## Syntax > [FOR](FOR) counterVariable = startValue [TO](TO) stopValue [[STEP](STEP) increment] > *{code}* > ⋮ > [NEXT](NEXT) [counterVariable] ## Description * [NEXT](NEXT) is required in a FOR loop or a [ERROR Codes](ERROR-Codes) will occur. * The FOR variable name is not required after [NEXT](NEXT). * [NEXT](NEXT) can be grouped with other NEXTs in nested FOR loops using colons like [NEXT](NEXT): [NEXT](NEXT) * [NEXT](NEXT) can also end more than one nested [FOR...NEXT](FOR...NEXT) loop using comma separated variables like [NEXT](NEXT) j, i * [NEXT](NEXT) increases the FOR loop count, so after the loop is over the counterVariable's value will be stopValue + 1 (or stopValue + increment). * [NEXT](NEXT) is also used with the [RESUME](RESUME) statement. ## Example(s) Finding the FOR variable value AFTER a simple counter loop to 10. ```vb FOR i = 1 TO 10 PRINT i; NEXT i PRINT "AFTER the LOOP, NEXT makes the value of i ="; i ``` ```text 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AFTER the LOOP, NEXT makes the value of i = 11 ``` *Result:* The last value of i = 11 although FOR only looped 10 times. **Only use the count values while inside of the loop or compensate for this behavior in your code.** ## See Also * [FOR...NEXT](FOR...NEXT) * [DO...LOOP](DO...LOOP) * [RESUME](RESUME)