The [_BIT](_BIT) datatype can return only values of 0 (bit off) and -1 (bit on). ## Syntax > [DIM](DIM) variable [AS](AS) [_UNSIGNED] [_BIT](_BIT) [* numberofbits] > [_DEFINE](_DEFINE) Letter[-Range|,...] [AS](AS) [_UNSIGNED] [_BIT](_BIT) [* numberofbits] ## Description * An [_UNSIGNED](_UNSIGNED) _BIT can hold 0 or 1 instead of 0 and -1, if you set the numberofbits you can hold larger values depending on the number of bits you have set (_BIT * 8 can hold the same values as [_BYTE](_BYTE) for example) and the information below is compromised if setting any number of bits other than 1. * If you set the variable to any other number then the least significant bit of that number will be set as the variables number, if the bit is 1 (on) then the variable will be -1 and if the bit is 0 (off) then the variable will be 0. * The least significant bit is the last bit on a string of bits (11111) since that bit will only add 1 to the value if set. The most significant bit is the first bit on a string of bits and changes the value more dramatically (significantly) if set on or off. * The _BIT datatype can be succesfully used as a [Boolean](Boolean) (TRUE or FALSE) and it requires minimal amount of memory (the lowest amount possible actually, one byte can hold 8 bits, if you want to use bits in order to decrease memory usage, use them as arrays as a _BIT variable by itself allocates 4 bytes - DIM bitarray(800) AS _BIT uses 100 bytes). * **When a variable has not been assigned or has no type suffix, the value defaults to [SINGLE](SINGLE).** * **[Keywords_currently_not_supported_by_QB64](Keywords-currently-not-supported-by-QB64)** Use a [_BYTE](_BYTE) and assign up to 8 bit values as shown below. Use a [_BYTE](_BYTE) and assign up to 8 bit values as shown below. ***Suffix Symbols** The [_BIT](_BIT) type suffix used is below the grave accent (\`), usually located under the tilde (~) key (not an apostrophe). Foreign keyboards may not have the \` key. Try Alt+96 in the IDE. > You can define a bit on-the-fly by adding a \` after the variable, like this: `variable\` = -1` > If you want an unsigned bit you can define it on-the-fly by adding ~\` instead, like this: `variable~\` = 1` > You can set the number of bits on the fly by just adding that number - this defines it as being two bits: `variable\`2 = -1` **[_BIT](_BIT)** * The **MSB** is the most significant(largest) bit value and **LSB** is the least significant bit of a binary or register memory address value. The order in which the bits are read determines the binary or decimal byte value. There are two common ways to read a byte: * **"Big-endian"**: MSB is the first bit encountered, decreasing to the LSB as the last bit by position, memory address or time. * **"Little-endian"**: LSB is the first bit encountered, increasing to the MSB as the last bit by position, memory address or time. ```text **Offset or Position: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Example: 11110000** ---------------------------------- -------- **Big-Endian Bit On Value:** 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 240 **Little-Endian Bit On Value:** 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 15 ``` > The big-endian method compares exponents of 27 down to 20 while the little-endian method does the opposite. **[_BYTE](_BYTE)** * [INTEGER](INTEGER) values consist of 2 bytes called the **HI** and **LO** bytes. Anytime that the number of binary digits is a multiple of 16 (2bytes, 4 bytes, etc.) and the HI byte's MSB is on(1), the value returned will be negative. Even with [SINGLE](SINGLE) or [DOUBLE](DOUBLE) values! ```text **16 BIT INTEGER OR REGISTER** **AH (High Byte Bits) AL (Low Byte Bits)** BIT: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 | 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ---------------------------------------|-------------------------------------- HEX: 8000 4000 2000 1000 800 400 200 100 | 80 40 20 10 8 4 2 1 | DEC: -32768 16384 8192 4096 2048 1024 512 256 | 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 ``` > The HI byte's **MSB** is often called the **sign** bit! When all 16 of the integer binary bits are on, the decimal return is -1. ## Example(s) Shifting bits in a value in QB64 versions prior to 1.3 (you can use [_SHL](_SHL) and [_SHR](_SHR) starting with version 1.3). ```vb n = 24 Shift = 3 PRINT LShift(n, Shift) PRINT RShift(n, Shift) END FUNCTION LShift&(n AS LONG, LS AS LONG) IF LS < 0 THEN EXIT FUNCTION LShift = INT(n * (2 ^ LS)) END FUNCTION FUNCTION RShift&(n AS LONG, RS AS LONG) IF RS < 0 THEN EXIT FUNCTION RShift = INT(n / (2 ^ RS)) END FUNCTION ``` ```text 192 3 ``` ## See Also * [&B](&B) (binary), [_BYTE](_BYTE) * [_SHL](_SHL), [_SHR](_SHR) * [_DEFINE](_DEFINE), [_UNSIGNED](_UNSIGNED) * [DIM](DIM) * [Binary](Binary), [Boolean](Boolean) * [Variable Types](Variable-Types) * [Converting Bytes to Bits](Converting-Bytes-to-Bits)