The [_CONTROLCHR](_CONTROLCHR) statement can be used to turn OFF control character attributes and allow them to be printed. ## Syntax > [_CONTROLCHR](_CONTROLCHR) {OFF|ON} ## Description * The [OFF](OFF) clause allows control characters 0 to 31 to be printed and not format printing as normal text characters. * For example: **PRINT CHR$(13)** 'will not move the cursor to the next line and **PRINT CHR$(9)** 'will not tab. * The default [ON](ON) statement allows [ASCII](ASCII) to be used as control commands where some will not print or will format prints. * **Note:** File prints may be affected also when using Carriage Return or Line Feed/Form Feed formatting. * The QB64 IDE may allow Alt + number pad character entries, but they must be inside of [STRING](STRING) values. Otherwise the IDE may not recognize them. ## Example(s) Printing the 255 [ASCII](ASCII) characters in [SCREEN](SCREEN) 0 with 32 colors. ```vb DIM i AS _UNSIGNED _BYTE WIDTH 40, 25 CLS _CONTROLCHR OFF i = 0 DO PRINT CHR$(i); i = i + 1 IF (i AND &HF) = 0 THEN PRINT LOOP WHILE i LOCATE 1, 20 DO COLOR i AND &HF OR (i AND &H80) \ &H8, (i AND &H70) \ &H10 PRINT CHR$(i); i = i + 1 IF (i AND &HF) = 0 THEN LOCATE 1 + i \ &H10, 20 LOOP WHILE i END ``` ## See Also * [_CONTROLCHR (function)](_CONTROLCHR-(function)) * [CHR$](CHR$), [ASC](ASC) * [INKEY$](INKEY$), [_KEYHIT](_KEYHIT) * [ASCII](ASCII) (codes) * [ASCII](ASCII)