The [_HIDE](_HIDE) action is used to hide the console window opened by a [SHELL](SHELL) statement. ## Syntax > [SHELL](SHELL) [**_HIDE**] StringCommandLine$ ## Description * Allows any command line window to be hidden from view without affecting the program. * [_HIDE](_HIDE) must be used when sending ("piping") screen information to a file. * **Note:** Some commands may not work without adding CMD /C to the start of the command line. ## Example(s) Subprogram that displays long and short filenames using the DIR /X option (WindowsNT or above) in SCREEN 12: ```vb SUB LFN IF LEN(ENVIRON$("OS")) = 0 THEN EXIT SUB ' /X not available Win 9X and ME SHELL _HIDE "cmd /c dir /x > DOS-DATA.INF" ' load display data to a file OPEN "DOS-DATA.INF" FOR INPUT AS #1 IF LOF(1) THEN Header$ = SPACE$(10) + "Short" + SPACE$(16) + "Long" + SPACE$(20) + "Last Modified" tmp$ = "\ \ \ \ &" ' print using template format COLOR 14: LOCATE 2, 4: PRINT Header$ DO UNTIL EOF(1) LINE INPUT #1, line$ IF LEN(line$) AND MID$(line$, 1, 1) <> SPACE$(1) THEN ' ignore other file data cnt% = cnt% + 1 last$ = MID$(line$, 1, 20): DIR$ = MID$(line$, 26, 3) IF MID$(line$, 40, 1) <> SPACE$(1) THEN ' found line with short and long name SHFN$ = MID$(line$, 40, INSTR(40, line$, SPACE$(1)) - 1) LGFN$ = MID$(line$, 53) ELSE : SHFN$ = MID$(line$, 53): LGFN$ = "" ' found short name only END IF IF cnt% MOD 25 = 0 THEN ' pause every 25 files COLOR 14: LOCATE 29, 27 "Press a key for more files!" DO: LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> "" CLS: COLOR 14: LOCATE 2, 4: PRINT Header$ END IF COLOR 11: LOCATE (cnt% MOD 25) + 3, 4 PRINT USING tmp$; DIR$; SHFN$; LGFN$ LOCATE (cnt% MOD 25) + 3, 58: PRINT last$ END IF LOOP END IF COLOR 10: LOCATE CSRLIN + 1, 27 "Total folders and files ="; cnt% CLOSE #1 END SUB ``` *Explanation:* The above routine can also be used to place the file name info into string arrays by using the count variable cnt% to determine the index. Long file names are normally returned by **QB64**. To keep older QBasic programs compatible, you may want to only use the short names when displaying the files on the screen. ## See Also * [SHELL](SHELL), [_DONTWAIT](_DONTWAIT) * [FILELIST$ (function)](FILELIST$-(function)) ([FILES](FILES) function, member-contributed)