The [_HYPOT](_HYPOT) function returns the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle whose legs are x and y. ## Syntax > result! = [_HYPOT](_HYPOT)(x, y) ## Parameter(s) * x and y are the floating point values corresponding to the legs of a right-angled (90 degree) triangle for which the hypotenuse is computed. ## Description * The function returns what would be the square root of the sum of the squares of x and y (as per the Pythagorean theorem). * The hypotenuse is the longest side between the two 90 degree angle sides ## Example(s) ```vb DIM leg_x AS DOUBLE, leg_y AS DOUBLE, result AS DOUBLE leg_x = 3 leg_y = 4 result = _HYPOT(leg_x, leg_y) PRINT USING "## , ## and ## form a right-angled triangle."; leg_x; leg_y; result ``` ```text 3 , 4 and 5 form a right-angled triangle. ``` ## See Also * [ATN](ATN) (arctangent) * [_PI](_PI) (function) * [Mathematical Operations](Mathematical-Operations) * [C++ reference for hypot() - source of the text and sample above](