The [_OFFSET](_OFFSET) variable type stores the location of a value in memory. The byte size varies as required by the system. ## Syntax > [DIM](DIM) variable [AS](AS) **[_OFFSET](_OFFSET)** ## Description * [_OFFSET](_OFFSET) types can be created as signed or [_UNSIGNED](_UNSIGNED) at the programmer's discretion. * The type suffix for [_OFFSET](_OFFSET) is **%&** which designates the integer value's flexible size. * Offset values are only useful when used in conjunction with [_MEM](_MEM) or [DECLARE LIBRARY](DECLARE-LIBRARY) procedures. * OFFSET values are used as a part of the [_MEM](_MEM) variable [Variable Types](Variable-Types) in QB64. Variable.OFFSET returns or sets the current position in memory. * API [DECLARE LIBRARY](DECLARE-LIBRARY) parameter or [TYPE](TYPE) names may include **lp, ptr** or **p** which designates them as a pointer type. * **Warning: [_OFFSET](_OFFSET) values cannot be cast to other variable type values reliably.** * **Warning: Variable length [STRING](STRING) values can move about in memory at any time.** If you get the [_OFFSET](_OFFSET) of a variable length sting on one code line and use it on the next it may not be there anymore.** To be safe, move variable length strings into fixed length strings first.** ## Example(s) The SHBrowseForFolder function receives information about the folder selected by the user in Windows XP and 7. ```vb DECLARE CUSTOMTYPE LIBRARY FUNCTION FindWindow& (BYVAL ClassName AS _OFFSET, WindowName$) END DECLARE _TITLE "Super Window" hwnd& = FindWindow(0, "Super Window" + CHR$(0)) TYPE BROWSEINFO 'typedef struct _browseinfo '[Microsoft MSDN]( hwndOwner AS LONG ' ' HWND pidlRoot AS _OFFSET ' ' PCIDLIST_ABSOLUTE pszDisplayName AS _OFFSET ' ' LPTSTR lpszTitle AS _OFFSET ' ' LPCTSTR ulFlags AS _UNSIGNED LONG ' UINT lpfn AS _OFFSET ' ' BFFCALLBACK lParam AS _OFFSET ' ' LPARAM iImage AS LONG ' ' int END TYPE 'BROWSEINFO, *PBROWSEINFO, *LPBROWSEINFO; DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "shell32" FUNCTION SHBrowseForFolder%& (x AS BROWSEINFO) '[Microsoft MSDN]( SUB SHGetPathFromIDList (BYVAL lpItem AS _OFFSET, BYVAL szDir AS _OFFSET) '[Microsoft MSDN]( END DECLARE DIM b AS BROWSEINFO b.hwndOwner = hwnd DIM s AS STRING * 1024 b.pszDisplayName = _OFFSET(s$) a$ = "Choose a folder!!!" + CHR$(0) b.lpszTitle = _OFFSET(a$) DIM o AS _OFFSET o = SHBrowseForFolder(b) IF o THEN PRINT LEFT$(s$, INSTR(s$, CHR$(0)) - 1) DIM s2 AS STRING * 1024 SHGetPathFromIDList o, _OFFSET(s2$) PRINT LEFT$(s2$, INSTR(s2$, CHR$(0)) - 1) ELSE PRINT "Cancel?" END IF ``` ## See Also * [_WINDOWHANDLE](_WINDOWHANDLE) * [Using _OFFSET](Using--OFFSET) * [_OFFSET (function)](_OFFSET-(function)), [_MEM](_MEM) * [DECLARE LIBRARY](DECLARE-LIBRARY) * [DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY](DECLARE-DYNAMIC-LIBRARY) * [Variable Types](Variable-Types)