The [_PRINTSTRING](_PRINTSTRING) statement prints text [STRING](STRING) using graphic column and row coordinate positions. ## Syntax > [_PRINTSTRING](_PRINTSTRING)(column, row), textExpression$[, imageHandle&] ## Parameter(s) * column and row are [INTEGER](INTEGER) or [LONG](LONG) starting PIXEL (graphic) column and row coordinates to set text or custom fonts. * textExpression$ is any literal or variable [STRING](STRING) value of text to be displayed. * imageHandle& is the optional image or destination to use. Zero designates current [SCREEN (statement)](SCREEN-(statement)) page. ## Description * The starting coordinate sets the top left corner of the text to be printed. Use [_FONTHEIGHT](_FONTHEIGHT) to calculate that text or [_FONT](_FONT) position * The [_FONT](_FONT) size can affect the [SCREEN (statement)](SCREEN-(statement)) and row heights. * Custom fonts are not required. [_PRINTSTRING](_PRINTSTRING) can print all [ASCII](ASCII) characters. * [_PRINTWIDTH](_PRINTWIDTH) can be used to determine how wide a text print will be so that the screen width is not exceeded. * If the imageHandle& is omitted, the current image, page or screen destination is used. * Can use the current font alpha blending with a designated image background. See the [_RGBA](_RGBA) function example. * Use the [_PRINTMODE](_PRINTMODE) statement before printing to set how the background is rendered. * Use the [_PRINTMODE (function)](_PRINTMODE-(function)) to find the current _PRINTMODE setting. * In SCREEN 0 (text only), [_PRINTSTRING](_PRINTSTRING) works as one-line replacement for **LOCATE x, y: PRINT text$**, without changing the current cursor position. ## Availability * In versions of QB64 prior to 1.000 _PRINTSTRING can only be used in graphic, 256 color or 32 bit screen modes, not SCREEN 0.* ## Example(s) Printing those unprintable [ASCII](ASCII) control characters is no longer a problem. ```vb SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(800, 600, 256) FOR code = 0 TO 31 chrstr$ = chrstr$ + CHR$(code) + SPACE$(1) NEXT _FONT _LOADFONT("C:\Windows\Fonts\Cour.ttf", 20, "MONOSPACE") 'select monospace font _PRINTSTRING (0, 16), chrstr$ END ``` ```text ☺ ☻ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ • ◘ ○ ◙ ♂ ♀ ♪ ♫ ☼ ► ◄ ↕ ‼ ¶ § ▬ ↨ ↑ ↓ → ← ∟ ↔ ▲ ▼ ``` Making any **QB64 program window** larger using a SUB that easily converts PRINT to [_PRINTSTRING](_PRINTSTRING). ```vb Scr13& = _NEWIMAGE(320, 200, 13) 'this is the old SCREEN 13 image page to set the image Big13& = _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 256) 'use 4 X 3 aspect ratio that QBasic used when full screen SCREEN Big13& _DEST Scr13& image1& = _LOADIMAGE("Howie.BMP", 256) image2& = _LOADIMAGE("Howie2.BMP", 256) _PUTIMAGE (10, 20), image1&, Scr13& _PUTIMAGE (160, 20), image2&, Scr13& _COPYPALETTE image1&, Scr13& COLOR 151: LOCATE 2, 4: PRINTS "Screen 13 Height Reduction to 83%" LOCATE 22, 22: PRINTS CHR$(24) + " 4 X 3 Proportion" 'use concatenation LOCATE 24, 21: PRINTS CHR$(27) + " Stretched at 100%" 'instead of a semicolon! _COPYPALETTE Scr13&, Big13& 'required when imported image colors are used _PUTIMAGE , Scr13&, Big13& 'stretches the screen to double the size K$ = INPUT$(1) END SUB PRINTS (Text$) row% = (CSRLIN - 1) * _FONTHEIGHT 'finds current screen page text or font row height col% = (POS(0) - 1) * _PRINTWIDTH("W") 'finds current page text or font column width _PRINTSTRING (col%, row%), Text$ END SUB ``` > *Explanation:* The procedure above creates a larger version of a SCREEN 13 window by stretching it with [_PUTIMAGE](_PUTIMAGE). It cannot stretch PRINTed text so [_PRINTSTRING](_PRINTSTRING) must be used instead. [LOCATE](LOCATE) sets the PRINT cursor position for [CSRLIN](CSRLIN) and [POS](POS)(0) to read. The SUB then converts the coordinates to graphical ones. Then **change** [PRINT](PRINT) to PRINTS using the IDE **Search Menu**. [Download of Example 2 Bitmap images]( Rotating a text string around a graphic object. ```vb SCREEN 12 DIM row AS INTEGER, cnt AS INTEGER, cstart AS SINGLE, cend AS SINGLE DIM xrot AS INTEGER, yrot AS INTEGER, scale AS INTEGER ' _FULLSCREEN 'full screen optional cstart = 0: cend = 8 * ATN(1) xrot = 6: yrot = 60: scale = 4 row = 1 CIRCLE (320, 240), 15, 9: PAINT STEP(0, 0), 9 DO FOR i = cstart TO cend STEP .04 x = 300 + (scale * 40 - (row * xrot)) * COS(i) y = 200 + (scale * 40 - (row * yrot)) * SIN(i) cnt = cnt + 1 COLOR 7: _PRINTSTRING (x, y), "HELLO WORLD!", 0 'display IF cnt = LEN(text$) * 8 THEN cnt = 0: EXIT DO _DISPLAY COLOR 0: _PRINTSTRING (x, y), "HELLO WORLD!", 0 'erase _DELAY 0.02 NEXT LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ = CHR$(27) 'escape key exit COLOR 15 END ``` ## See Also * [_NEWIMAGE](_NEWIMAGE), [_PRINTWIDTH](_PRINTWIDTH), [_PRINTMODE](_PRINTMODE) * [_CONTROLCHR](_CONTROLCHR) (turns [ASCII](ASCII) control characters OFF or ON) * [_FONT](_FONT), [_LOADFONT](_LOADFONT), [_FONTHEIGHT](_FONTHEIGHT), [_FONTWIDTH](_FONTWIDTH) * [_SCREENIMAGE](_SCREENIMAGE), [_SCREENPRINT](_SCREENPRINT) * [Text Using Graphics](Text-Using-Graphics)