The [_RGB](_RGB) function returns the closest palette attribute index (legacy SCREEN modes) OR the [LONG](LONG) 32-bit color value (32-bit screens). ## Syntax > colorIndex~& = [_RGB](_RGB)(red&, green&, blue&[, imageHandle&]) ## Description * The value returned is either the closest color attribute number or a 32-bit [_UNSIGNED](_UNSIGNED) [LONG](LONG) color value. * **Return variable types must be [LONG](LONG) or resulting color may lose the [_BLUE](_BLUE) value.** * red& specifies the red component intensity from 0 to 255. * green& specifies the green component intensity from 0 to 255. * blue& specifies the blue component intensity from 0 to 255. * Intensity values outside the valid range are clipped. * Returns [LONG](LONG) 32-bit hexadecimal values from **&HFF000000** to **&HFFFFFFFF**, always with full [_ALPHA](_ALPHA). * When [LONG](LONG) values are [PUT](PUT) to file, the ARGB values become BGRA. Use [LEFT$](LEFT$)([MKL$](MKL$)(colorIndex~&), 3) to place 3 colors. * If the imageHandle& is omitted the image is assumed to be the current [_DEST](_DEST) or [SCREEN](SCREEN) page. * Colors returned are always opaque as the transparency value is always 255. Use [_ALPHA](_ALPHA) or [_CLEARCOLOR](_CLEARCOLOR) to change it. * **NOTE: Default 32-bit backgrounds are clear black or [_RGBA](_RGBA)(0, 0, 0, 0). Use [CLS](CLS) to make the black opaque.** ## Example(s) Converting the color port RGB intensity palette values 0 to 63 to 32 bit hexadecimal values. ```vb SCREEN 12 DIM hex32$(15) FOR attribute = 1 TO 15 OUT &H3C7, attribute 'set color attribute to read red = INP(&H3C9) * 4 'multiply by 4 to convert intensity to 0 to 255 RGB values grn = INP(&H3C9) * 4 blu = INP(&H3C9) * 4 hex32$(attribute) = "&H" + HEX$(_RGB32(red, grn, blu)) 'always returns the 32 bit value COLOR attribute PRINT "COLOR" + STR$(_RGB(red, grn, blu)) + " = " + hex32$(attribute) 'closest attribute NEXT ``` ```text COLOR 1 = &HFF0000A8 COLOR 2 = &HFF00A800 COLOR 3 = &HFF00A8A8 COLOR 4 = &HFFA80000 COLOR 5 = &HFFA800A8 COLOR 6 = &HFFA85400 COLOR 7 = &HFFA8A8A8 COLOR 8 = &HFF545454 COLOR 9 = &HFF5454FC COLOR 10 = &HFF54FC54 COLOR 11 = &HFF54FCFC COLOR 12 = &HFFFC5454 COLOR 13 = &HFFFC54FC COLOR 14 = &HFFFCFC54 COLOR 15 = &HFFFCFCFC ``` > *Note:* This procedure also shows how the returns from [_RGB](_RGB) and [_RGB32](_RGB32) differ in a non-32 bit screen mode. ## See Also * [_RGBA](_RGBA), [_RGB32](_RGB32), [_RGBA32](_RGBA32) * [_RED](_RED), [_GREEN](_GREEN), [_BLUE](_BLUE) * [_LOADIMAGE](_LOADIMAGE), [_NEWIMAGE](_NEWIMAGE) * [HEX$ 32 Bit Values](HEX$-32-Bit-Values), [POINT](POINT) * [SAVEIMAGE](SAVEIMAGE) * [Hexadecimal Color Values](