The [_SCREENPRINT](_SCREENPRINT) statement simulates typing text into a Windows focused program. ## Syntax > [_SCREENPRINT](_SCREENPRINT) text$ ## Description * [Keywords currently not supported](Keywords-currently-not-supported-by-QB64) * text$ is the text to be typed into a focused program's text entry area, one character at a time. * Set the focus to a desktop program by using the [_SCREENIMAGE](_SCREENIMAGE) handle as the [_SOURCE](_SOURCE). Use the image to map the desired area. * [_SCREENCLICK](_SCREENCLICK) can also be used to set the focus to a program's text entry area on the desktop. * **Note: If the focus is not set correctly, the text may be printed to the QB64 IDE, if open, or not printed at all.** * Ctrl + letter key shortcuts can be simulated using the appropriate [ASCII](ASCII) Control character codes 1 to 26 shown below: ```text CTRL + A = CHR$(1) ☺ StartHeader (SOH) CTRL + B = CHR$(2) ☻ StartText (STX) CTRL + C = CHR$(3) ♥ EndText (ETX) CTRL + D = CHR$(4) ♦ EndOfTransmit (EOT) CTRL + E = CHR$(5) ♣ Enquiry (ENQ) CTRL + F = CHR$(6) ♠ Acknowledge (ACK) CTRL + G = CHR$(7) • [BEEP](BEEP) (BEL) CTRL + H = CHR$(8) ◘ **[Backspace]** (BS) CTRL + I = CHR$(9) ○ Horiz.Tab **[Tab]** CTRL + J = CHR$(10) ◙ LineFeed(printer) (LF) CTRL + K = CHR$(11) ♂ Vert. Tab (VT) CTRL + L = CHR$(12) ♀ FormFeed(printer) (FF) CTRL + M = CHR$(13) ♪ **[Enter]** (CR) CTRL + N = CHR$(14) ♫ ShiftOut (SO) CTRL + O = CHR$(15) ☼ ShiftIn (SI) CTRL + P = CHR$(16) ► DataLinkEscape (DLE) CTRL + Q = CHR$(17) ◄ DevControl1 (DC1) CTRL + R = CHR$(18) ↕ DeviceControl2 (DC2) CTRL + S = CHR$(19) ‼ DevControl3 (DC3) CTRL + T = CHR$(20) ¶ DeviceControl4 (DC4) CTRL + U = CHR$(21) § NegativeACK (NAK) CTRL + V = CHR$(22) ▬ Synchronous Idle (SYN) CTRL + W = CHR$(23) ↨ EndTXBlock (ETB) CTRL + X = CHR$(24) ↑ Cancel (CAN) CTRL + Y = CHR$(25) ↓ EndMedium (EM) CTRL + Z = CHR$(26) → End Of File(SUB) (EOF) ``` ## Example(s) Printing text into a Windows text editor (Notepad) and copying to the clipboard. May not work on all systems. ```vb DEFLNG A-Z SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 32) PRINT "OPENing and MAXIMIZING Notepad in 5 seconds..."; : _DELAY 5 SHELL _DONTWAIT "START /MAX NotePad.exe" 'opens Notepad file "untitled.txt" 'detect notepad open and maximized 'condition: 80% or more of the screen is white DO 'read the desktop screen image for maximized window s = _SCREENIMAGE _SOURCE s z = 0 FOR y = 0 TO _HEIGHT(s) - 1 'scan for large white area FOR x = 0 TO _WIDTH(s) - 1 c = POINT(x, y) IF c = _RGB32(255, 255, 255) THEN z = z + 1 NEXT NEXT IF z / (_HEIGHT(s) * _WIDTH(s)) > 0.8 THEN EXIT DO 'when 80% of screen is white _FREEIMAGE s 'free desktop image _LIMIT 1 'scans 1 loop per second PRINT "."; LOOP PRINT PRINT "NOTEPAD detected as OPEN and MAXIMIZED" _SCREENPRINT "HELLO WORLD" SLEEP 2 _SCREENPRINT CHR$(8) + CHR$(8) + CHR$(8) + CHR$(8) + CHR$(8) 'backspace 5 characters SLEEP 3 _SCREENPRINT "QB64!" SLEEP 2 _SCREENPRINT CHR$(1) 'CTRL + A select all SLEEP 2 _SCREENPRINT CHR$(3) 'CTRL + C copy to clipboard SLEEP 2 PRINT _CLIPBOARD$ _CLIPBOARD$ = "QB64 ROCKS!" SLEEP 2 _SCREENPRINT CHR$(22) 'CTRL + V paste from clipboard END ``` > *Explanation:* If the Windows shortcuts are set up properly, printing ASCII Control characters acts like the user selected the control + letter combinations to *Select all* (CHR$(1)), *Copy* (CHR$(3)) and *Paste* (CHR$(22)) the text with the Windows Clipboard. If the editor program's CTRL key combinations are different, use the matching letter [ASCII](ASCII) code from A = 1 to Z = 26 in the text editor. ## See Also * [_SCREENIMAGE](_SCREENIMAGE), [_SCREENCLICK](_SCREENCLICK) * [_SCREENMOVE](_SCREENMOVE), [_SCREENX](_SCREENX), [_SCREENY](_SCREENY) * [ASCII](ASCII)