The [_SHELLHIDE](_SHELLHIDE) function hides the console window and returns any [INTEGER](INTEGER) code sent when a program exits. ## Syntax > returnCode% = [_SHELLHIDE](_SHELLHIDE)(externalCommand$) ## Parameter(s) * The literal or variable [STRING](STRING) externalCommand$ parameter can be any external command or call to another program. ## Description * A QB64 program can return codes specified after [END](END) or [SYSTEM](SYSTEM) calls. * The returnCode% is usually 0 when the external program ends with no errors. ## Example(s) Shelling to another QB64 program will return the exit code when one is set in the program that is run. ```vb returncode% = _SHELLHIDE("DesktopSize") 'replace call with your program EXE PRINT returncode% END ``` > *Explanation:* To set a program exit code use an [INTEGER](INTEGER) parameter value after [END](END) or [SYSTEM](SYSTEM) in the called program. ## See Also * [SHELL (function)](SHELL-(function)) * [SHELL](SHELL), [_HIDE](_HIDE) * [_CONSOLE](_CONSOLE), [$CONSOLE]($CONSOLE) * [SYSTEM](SYSTEM), [END](END)