$CONSOLE:ONLY _DEST _CONSOLE: _SOURCE _CONSOLE COLOR 15 PRINT "Welcome to a demostration of the Windows Console System for QB64," PRINT "as overhauled by Steve!" PRINT PRINT "First, allow me to illustrate two newly implemented commands: SLEEP and CLS" Pause CLS PRINT "And now, I'll illustrate how to change colors in the console:" FOR i = 0 TO 15 COLOR i, 15 - i PRINT "COLORS:"; i; "ON"; 15 - i NEXT PRINT Pause CLS PRINT "And now, we're going to have fun with the console size." PRINT "Our original screen should be set at 80x25 for default." PRINT "Press when ready to change modes." Pause WIDTH 120, 50 PRINT PRINT "Here we're set at 120x50." Pause WIDTH 120, 50, 120, 50 PRINT PRINT "And here we no longer have a scroll buffer; it's also 120x50." PRINT "Notice the vertical scroll bar is gone?" Pause WIDTH 100, 33, 300, 150 PRINT "And here we now have both a vertical and a hortizontal scroll bar." FOR i = 1 TO 50 PRINT "See? "; _LIMIT 10 NEXT PRINT PRINT "Be certain to scroll the bar so you can 'See' all the text." PRINT Pause WIDTH 100, 33, 100, 33 CLS PRINT "And now, prepare as I do something amazing!" Pause _CONSOLEFONT "Courier New", 16 PRINT "TaDa!! Your font is now size 16!" Pause _CONSOLEFONT "Courier New", 24 PRINT "And just in case yours was already size 16, it's now size 24!" Pause _CONSOLEFONT "Courier New", 16 CLS PRINT "And now, let's take a look at... MOUSE SUPPORT!!" LOCATE 10, 10 PRINT "<>" DO x = _CONSOLEINPUT LOCATE 12, 2: PRINT _MOUSEX, _MOUSEY, _MOUSEBUTTON(1) IF _MOUSEX >= 10 AND _MOUSEX <= 38 AND _MOUSEY = 10 AND _MOUSEBUTTON(1) THEN EXIT DO LOOP PRINT PRINT PRINT "WAAAAAAIIIIIIT A MOMENT!!" PRINT PRINT FOR i = 1 TO 40 PRINT MID$("THE CONSOLE NOW HAS MOUSE SUPPORT?!!", i, 1); _DELAY .1 NEXT PRINT PRINT PRINT "WOOOOOOOO!!!!!" PRINT Pause CLS PRINT "And, of course, I can now work with LOCATE..." LOCATE 10, 10: PRINT "LOCATE 10,10" LOCATE 20: PRINT "LOCATE 20" LOCATE , 20: PRINT "LOCATE ,20" Pause CLS PRINT "And, of course, I can now get back single character returns..." PRINT "Press any key, and I'll give you the scan code for it. quits the demo." PRINT PRINT DO x = _CONSOLEINPUT IF x = 1 THEN 'don't update for mouse input c = _CINP PRINT c; END IF LOOP UNTIL c = 1 END SUB Pause PRINT PRINT "Press to continue." SLEEP END SUB