clearid id.n = "_D2R" id.subfunc = 1 id.callname = "func_deg2rad" id.args = 1 id.arg = MKL$(FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER) id.ret = FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER regid clearid id.n = "_D2G" id.subfunc = 1 id.callname = "func_deg2grad" id.args = 1 id.arg = MKL$(FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER) id.ret = FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER regid clearid id.n = "_R2D" id.subfunc = 1 id.callname = "func_rad2deg" id.args = 1 id.arg = MKL$(FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER) id.ret = FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER regid clearid id.n = "_R2G" id.subfunc = 1 id.callname = "func_rad2grad" id.args = 1 id.arg = MKL$(FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER) id.ret = FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER regid clearid id.n = "_G2D" id.subfunc = 1 id.callname = "func_grad2deg" id.args = 1 id.arg = MKL$(FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER) id.ret = FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER regid clearid id.n = "_G2R" id.subfunc = 1 id.callname = "func_grad2rad" id.args = 1 id.arg = MKL$(FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER) id.ret = FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER regid clearid 'Clear the old id info so we set the slate for a new one id.n = "_ATAN2" 'The name of our new one id.subfunc = 1 'And this is a function id.callname = "atan2" 'The C name of the function id.args = 2 'It takes 2 parameters to work id.arg = MKL$(FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER) + MKL$(FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER) 'These simply add up to represent the 2 patameters from what I can tell id.ret = FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER 'we want it to return to us a nice _FLOAT value regid 'and we're finished with ID registration clearid 'Clear the old id info so we set the slate for a new one id.n = "_HYPOT" 'The name of our new one id.subfunc = 1 'And this is a function id.callname = "hypot" 'The C name of the function id.args = 2 'It takes 2 parameters to work id.arg = MKL$(FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER) + MKL$(FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER) 'These simply add up to represent the 2 patameters from what I can tell id.ret = FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER 'we want it to return to us a nice _FLOAT value regid 'and we're finished with ID registration clearid id.n = "_ASIN" id.subfunc = 1 id.callname = "asin" id.args = 1 id.arg = MKL$(FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER) id.ret = FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER regid clearid id.n = "_ACOS" id.subfunc = 1 id.callname = "acos" id.args = 1 id.arg = MKL$(FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER) id.ret = FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER regid clearid id.n = "_SINH" id.subfunc = 1 id.callname = "sinh" id.args = 1 id.arg = MKL$(FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER) id.ret = FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER regid clearid id.n = "_COSH" id.subfunc = 1 id.callname = "cosh" id.args = 1 id.arg = MKL$(FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER) id.ret = FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER regid clearid id.n = "_TANH" id.subfunc = 1 id.callname = "tanh" id.args = 1 id.arg = MKL$(FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER) id.ret = FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER regid clearid id.n = "_ASINH" id.subfunc = 1 id.callname = "asinh" id.args = 1 id.arg = MKL$(FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER) id.ret = FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER regid clearid id.n = "_ACOSH" id.subfunc = 1 id.callname = "acosh" id.args = 1 id.arg = MKL$(FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER) id.ret = FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER regid clearid id.n = "_ATANH" id.subfunc = 1 id.callname = "atanh" id.args = 1 id.arg = MKL$(FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER) id.ret = FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER regid clearid id.n = "_CEIL" id.subfunc = 1 id.callname = "ceil" id.args = 1 id.arg = MKL$(FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER) id.ret = FLOATTYPE - ISPOINTER regid clearid id.n = "_PI" id.subfunc = 1 id.callname = "func_pi" id.args = 0 id.ret = DOUBLETYPE - ISPOINTER regid clearid id.n = "_DESKTOPHEIGHT" id.subfunc = 1 id.callname = "func_screenheight" id.args = 0 id.ret = LONGTYPE - ISPOINTER regid clearid id.n = "_DESKTOPWIDTH" id.subfunc = 1 id.callname = "func_screenwidth" id.args = 0 id.ret = LONGTYPE - ISPOINTER regid 'Removed for command redundancy. Galleon has these already as _SCREENSHOW and _SCREENHIDE 'I just forgot about them. :P At least they're easy to remove! ;) 'clearid 'id.n = "_SHOWWINDOW" 'id.subfunc = 2 'id.callname = "glutShowWindow" 'regid 'clearid 'id.n = "_HIDEWINDOW" 'id.subfunc = 2 'id.callname = "glutHideWindow" 'regid clearid id.n = "_SCREENICON" 'name change to from _ICONIFYWINDOW to _SCREENICON to match the screenshow and screenhide id.subfunc = 2 id.callname = "glutIconifyWindow" regid