/** * This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain. * This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package. * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER.PD within this package. */ #ifndef _INC_DXVA #define _INC_DXVA #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif DEFINE_GUID(DXVA_NoEncrypt, 0x1b81bed0, 0xa0c7,0x11d3, 0xb9,0x84,0x00,0xc0,0x4f,0x2e,0x73,0xc5); /* DXVA H264 */ typedef struct { __C89_NAMELESS union { __C89_NAMELESS struct { UCHAR Index7Bits : 7; UCHAR AssociatedFlag : 1; }; UCHAR bPicEntry; }; } DXVA_PicEntry_H264; #pragma pack(push, 1) typedef struct { USHORT wFrameWidthInMbsMinus1; USHORT wFrameHeightInMbsMinus1; DXVA_PicEntry_H264 InPic; DXVA_PicEntry_H264 OutPic; USHORT PicOrderCnt_offset; INT CurrPicOrderCnt; UINT StatusReportFeedbackNumber; UCHAR model_id; UCHAR separate_colour_description_present_flag; UCHAR film_grain_bit_depth_luma_minus8; UCHAR film_grain_bit_depth_chroma_minus8; UCHAR film_grain_full_range_flag; UCHAR film_grain_colour_primaries; UCHAR film_grain_transfer_characteristics; UCHAR film_grain_matrix_coefficients; UCHAR blending_mode_id; UCHAR log2_scale_factor; UCHAR comp_model_present_flag[4]; UCHAR num_intensity_intervals_minus1[4]; UCHAR num_model_values_minus1[4]; UCHAR intensity_interval_lower_bound[3][16]; UCHAR intensity_interval_upper_bound[3][16]; SHORT comp_model_value[3][16][8]; } DXVA_FilmGrainChar_H264; #pragma pack(pop) /* DXVA MPEG-I/II and VC-1 */ typedef struct _DXVA_PictureParameters { USHORT wDecodedPictureIndex; USHORT wDeblockedPictureIndex; USHORT wForwardRefPictureIndex; USHORT wBackwardRefPictureIndex; USHORT wPicWidthInMBminus1; USHORT wPicHeightInMBminus1; UCHAR bMacroblockWidthMinus1; UCHAR bMacroblockHeightMinus1; UCHAR bBlockWidthMinus1; UCHAR bBlockHeightMinus1; UCHAR bBPPminus1; UCHAR bPicStructure; UCHAR bSecondField; UCHAR bPicIntra; UCHAR bPicBackwardPrediction; UCHAR bBidirectionalAveragingMode; UCHAR bMVprecisionAndChromaRelation; UCHAR bChromaFormat; UCHAR bPicScanFixed; UCHAR bPicScanMethod; UCHAR bPicReadbackRequests; UCHAR bRcontrol; UCHAR bPicSpatialResid8; UCHAR bPicOverflowBlocks; UCHAR bPicExtrapolation; UCHAR bPicDeblocked; UCHAR bPicDeblockConfined; UCHAR bPic4MVallowed; UCHAR bPicOBMC; UCHAR bPicBinPB; UCHAR bMV_RPS; UCHAR bReservedBits; USHORT wBitstreamFcodes; USHORT wBitstreamPCEelements; UCHAR bBitstreamConcealmentNeed; UCHAR bBitstreamConcealmentMethod; } DXVA_PictureParameters, *LPDXVA_PictureParameters; typedef struct _DXVA_QmatrixData { BYTE bNewQmatrix[4]; WORD Qmatrix[4][8 * 8]; } DXVA_QmatrixData, *LPDXVA_QmatrixData; #pragma pack(push, 1) typedef struct _DXVA_SliceInfo { USHORT wHorizontalPosition; USHORT wVerticalPosition; UINT dwSliceBitsInBuffer; UINT dwSliceDataLocation; UCHAR bStartCodeBitOffset; UCHAR bReservedBits; USHORT wMBbitOffset; USHORT wNumberMBsInSlice; USHORT wQuantizerScaleCode; USHORT wBadSliceChopping; } DXVA_SliceInfo, *LPDXVA_SliceInfo; #pragma pack(pop) typedef struct { USHORT wFrameWidthInMbsMinus1; USHORT wFrameHeightInMbsMinus1; DXVA_PicEntry_H264 CurrPic; UCHAR num_ref_frames; __C89_NAMELESS union { __C89_NAMELESS struct { USHORT field_pic_flag : 1; USHORT MbaffFrameFlag : 1; USHORT residual_colour_transform_flag : 1; USHORT sp_for_switch_flag : 1; USHORT chroma_format_idc : 2; USHORT RefPicFlag : 1; USHORT constrained_intra_pred_flag : 1; USHORT weighted_pred_flag : 1; USHORT weighted_bipred_idc : 2; USHORT MbsConsecutiveFlag : 1; USHORT frame_mbs_only_flag : 1; USHORT transform_8x8_mode_flag : 1; USHORT MinLumaBipredSize8x8Flag : 1; USHORT IntraPicFlag : 1; }; USHORT wBitFields; }; UCHAR bit_depth_luma_minus8; UCHAR bit_depth_chroma_minus8; USHORT Reserved16Bits; UINT StatusReportFeedbackNumber; DXVA_PicEntry_H264 RefFrameList[16]; INT CurrFieldOrderCnt[2]; INT FieldOrderCntList[16][2]; CHAR pic_init_qs_minus26; CHAR chroma_qp_index_offset; CHAR second_chroma_qp_index_offset; UCHAR ContinuationFlag; CHAR pic_init_qp_minus26; UCHAR num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1; UCHAR num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1; UCHAR Reserved8BitsA; USHORT FrameNumList[16]; UINT UsedForReferenceFlags; USHORT NonExistingFrameFlags; USHORT frame_num; UCHAR log2_max_frame_num_minus4; UCHAR pic_order_cnt_type; UCHAR log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4; UCHAR delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag; UCHAR direct_8x8_inference_flag; UCHAR entropy_coding_mode_flag; UCHAR pic_order_present_flag; UCHAR num_slice_groups_minus1; UCHAR slice_group_map_type; UCHAR deblocking_filter_control_present_flag; UCHAR redundant_pic_cnt_present_flag; UCHAR Reserved8BitsB; USHORT slice_group_change_rate_minus1; UCHAR SliceGroupMap[810]; } DXVA_PicParams_H264; typedef struct { UCHAR bScalingLists4x4[6][16]; UCHAR bScalingLists8x8[2][64]; } DXVA_Qmatrix_H264; typedef struct { UINT BSNALunitDataLocation; UINT SliceBytesInBuffer; USHORT wBadSliceChopping; USHORT first_mb_in_slice; USHORT NumMbsForSlice; USHORT BitOffsetToSliceData; UCHAR slice_type; UCHAR luma_log2_weight_denom; UCHAR chroma_log2_weight_denom; UCHAR num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1; UCHAR num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1; CHAR slice_alpha_c0_offset_div2; CHAR slice_beta_offset_div2; UCHAR Reserved8Bits; DXVA_PicEntry_H264 RefPicList[2][32]; SHORT Weights[2][32][3][2]; CHAR slice_qs_delta; CHAR slice_qp_delta; UCHAR redundant_pic_cnt; UCHAR direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag; UCHAR cabac_init_idc; UCHAR disable_deblocking_filter_idc; USHORT slice_id; } DXVA_Slice_H264_Long; #pragma pack(push, 1) typedef struct { UINT BSNALunitDataLocation; UINT SliceBytesInBuffer; USHORT wBadSliceChopping; } DXVA_Slice_H264_Short; #pragma pack(pop) /* HEVC Picture Entry structure */ typedef struct { __C89_NAMELESS union { __C89_NAMELESS struct { UCHAR Index7Bits : 7; UCHAR AssociatedFlag : 1; }; UCHAR bPicEntry; }; } DXVA_PicEntry_HEVC, *LPDXVA_PicEntry_HEVC; /* HEVC Picture Parameter structure */ #pragma pack(push, 1) typedef struct _DXVA_PicParams_HEVC { USHORT PicWidthInMinCbsY; USHORT PicHeightInMinCbsY; __C89_NAMELESS union { __C89_NAMELESS struct { USHORT chroma_format_idc : 2; USHORT separate_colour_plane_flag : 1; USHORT bit_depth_luma_minus8 : 3; USHORT bit_depth_chroma_minus8 : 3; USHORT log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 : 4; USHORT NoPicReorderingFlag : 1; USHORT NoBiPredFlag : 1; USHORT ReservedBits1 : 1; }; USHORT wFormatAndSequenceInfoFlags; }; DXVA_PicEntry_HEVC CurrPic; UCHAR sps_max_dec_pic_buffering_minus1; UCHAR log2_min_luma_coding_block_size_minus3; UCHAR log2_diff_max_min_luma_coding_block_size; UCHAR log2_min_transform_block_size_minus2; UCHAR log2_diff_max_min_transform_block_size; UCHAR max_transform_hierarchy_depth_inter; UCHAR max_transform_hierarchy_depth_intra; UCHAR num_short_term_ref_pic_sets; UCHAR num_long_term_ref_pics_sps; UCHAR num_ref_idx_l0_default_active_minus1; UCHAR num_ref_idx_l1_default_active_minus1; CHAR init_qp_minus26; UCHAR ucNumDeltaPocsOfRefRpsIdx; USHORT wNumBitsForShortTermRPSInSlice; USHORT ReservedBits2; __C89_NAMELESS union { __C89_NAMELESS struct { UINT32 scaling_list_enabled_flag : 1; UINT32 amp_enabled_flag : 1; UINT32 sample_adaptive_offset_enabled_flag : 1; UINT32 pcm_enabled_flag : 1; UINT32 pcm_sample_bit_depth_luma_minus1 : 4; UINT32 pcm_sample_bit_depth_chroma_minus1 : 4; UINT32 log2_min_pcm_luma_coding_block_size_minus3 : 2; UINT32 log2_diff_max_min_pcm_luma_coding_block_size : 2; UINT32 pcm_loop_filter_disabled_flag : 1; UINT32 long_term_ref_pics_present_flag : 1; UINT32 sps_temporal_mvp_enabled_flag : 1; UINT32 strong_intra_smoothing_enabled_flag : 1; UINT32 dependent_slice_segments_enabled_flag : 1; UINT32 output_flag_present_flag : 1; UINT32 num_extra_slice_header_bits : 3; UINT32 sign_data_hiding_enabled_flag : 1; UINT32 cabac_init_present_flag : 1; UINT32 ReservedBits3 : 5; }; UINT32 dwCodingParamToolFlags; }; __C89_NAMELESS union { __C89_NAMELESS struct { UINT32 constrained_intra_pred_flag : 1; UINT32 transform_skip_enabled_flag : 1; UINT32 cu_qp_delta_enabled_flag : 1; UINT32 pps_slice_chroma_qp_offsets_present_flag : 1; UINT32 weighted_pred_flag : 1; UINT32 weighted_bipred_flag : 1; UINT32 transquant_bypass_enabled_flag : 1; UINT32 tiles_enabled_flag : 1; UINT32 entropy_coding_sync_enabled_flag : 1; UINT32 uniform_spacing_flag : 1; UINT32 loop_filter_across_tiles_enabled_flag : 1; UINT32 pps_loop_filter_across_slices_enabled_flag : 1; UINT32 deblocking_filter_override_enabled_flag : 1; UINT32 pps_deblocking_filter_disabled_flag : 1; UINT32 lists_modification_present_flag : 1; UINT32 slice_segment_header_extension_present_flag : 1; UINT32 IrapPicFlag : 1; UINT32 IdrPicFlag : 1; UINT32 IntraPicFlag : 1; UINT32 ReservedBits4 : 13; }; UINT32 dwCodingSettingPicturePropertyFlags; }; CHAR pps_cb_qp_offset; CHAR pps_cr_qp_offset; UCHAR num_tile_columns_minus1; UCHAR num_tile_rows_minus1; USHORT column_width_minus1[19]; USHORT row_height_minus1[21]; UCHAR diff_cu_qp_delta_depth; CHAR pps_beta_offset_div2; CHAR pps_tc_offset_div2; UCHAR log2_parallel_merge_level_minus2; INT CurrPicOrderCntVal; DXVA_PicEntry_HEVC RefPicList[15]; UCHAR ReservedBits5; INT PicOrderCntValList[15]; UCHAR RefPicSetStCurrBefore[8]; UCHAR RefPicSetStCurrAfter[8]; UCHAR RefPicSetLtCurr[8]; USHORT ReservedBits6; USHORT ReservedBits7; UINT StatusReportFeedbackNumber; } DXVA_PicParams_HEVC, *LPDXVA_PicParams_HEVC; /* HEVC Quantizatiuon Matrix structure */ typedef struct _DXVA_Qmatrix_HEVC { UCHAR ucScalingLists0[6][16]; UCHAR ucScalingLists1[6][64]; UCHAR ucScalingLists2[6][64]; UCHAR ucScalingLists3[2][64]; UCHAR ucScalingListDCCoefSizeID2[6]; UCHAR ucScalingListDCCoefSizeID3[2]; } DXVA_Qmatrix_HEVC, *LPDXVA_Qmatrix_HEVC; /* HEVC Slice Control Structure */ typedef struct _DXVA_Slice_HEVC_Short { UINT BSNALunitDataLocation; UINT SliceBytesInBuffer; USHORT wBadSliceChopping; } DXVA_Slice_HEVC_Short, *LPDXVA_Slice_HEVC_Short; /* VPx picture entry data structure */ typedef struct _DXVA_PicEntry_VPx { __C89_NAMELESS union { __C89_NAMELESS struct { UCHAR Index7Bits : 7; UCHAR AssociatedFlag : 1; }; UCHAR bPicEntry; }; } DXVA_PicEntry_VPx, *LPDXVA_PicEntry_VPx; /* VP9 segmentation structure */ typedef struct _segmentation_VP9 { __C89_NAMELESS union { __C89_NAMELESS struct { UCHAR enabled : 1; UCHAR update_map : 1; UCHAR temporal_update : 1; UCHAR abs_delta : 1; UCHAR ReservedSegmentFlags4Bits : 4; }; UCHAR wSegmentInfoFlags; }; UCHAR tree_probs[7]; UCHAR pred_probs[3]; SHORT feature_data[8][4]; UCHAR feature_mask[8]; } DXVA_segmentation_VP9; /* VP9 picture parameters structure */ typedef struct _DXVA_PicParams_VP9 { DXVA_PicEntry_VPx CurrPic; UCHAR profile; __C89_NAMELESS union { __C89_NAMELESS struct { USHORT frame_type : 1; USHORT show_frame : 1; USHORT error_resilient_mode : 1; USHORT subsampling_x : 1; USHORT subsampling_y : 1; USHORT extra_plane : 1; USHORT refresh_frame_context : 1; USHORT frame_parallel_decoding_mode : 1; USHORT intra_only : 1; USHORT frame_context_idx : 2; USHORT reset_frame_context : 2; USHORT allow_high_precision_mv : 1; USHORT ReservedFormatInfo2Bits : 2; }; USHORT wFormatAndPictureInfoFlags; }; UINT width; UINT height; UCHAR BitDepthMinus8Luma; UCHAR BitDepthMinus8Chroma; UCHAR interp_filter; UCHAR Reserved8Bits; DXVA_PicEntry_VPx ref_frame_map[8]; UINT ref_frame_coded_width[8]; UINT ref_frame_coded_height[8]; DXVA_PicEntry_VPx frame_refs[3]; CHAR ref_frame_sign_bias[4]; CHAR filter_level; CHAR sharpness_level; __C89_NAMELESS union { __C89_NAMELESS struct { UCHAR mode_ref_delta_enabled : 1; UCHAR mode_ref_delta_update : 1; UCHAR use_prev_in_find_mv_refs : 1; UCHAR ReservedControlInfo5Bits : 5; }; UCHAR wControlInfoFlags; }; CHAR ref_deltas[4]; CHAR mode_deltas[2]; SHORT base_qindex; CHAR y_dc_delta_q; CHAR uv_dc_delta_q; CHAR uv_ac_delta_q; DXVA_segmentation_VP9 stVP9Segments; UCHAR log2_tile_cols; UCHAR log2_tile_rows; USHORT uncompressed_header_size_byte_aligned; USHORT first_partition_size; USHORT Reserved16Bits; UINT Reserved32Bits; UINT StatusReportFeedbackNumber; } DXVA_PicParams_VP9, *LPDXVA_PicParams_VP9; /* VP8 segmentation structure */ typedef struct _segmentation_VP8 { __C89_NAMELESS union { __C89_NAMELESS struct { UCHAR segmentation_enabled : 1; UCHAR update_mb_segmentation_map : 1; UCHAR update_mb_segmentation_data : 1; UCHAR mb_segement_abs_delta : 1; UCHAR ReservedSegmentFlags4Bits : 4; }; UCHAR wSegmentFlags; }; CHAR segment_feature_data[2][4]; UCHAR mb_segment_tree_probs[3]; } DXVA_segmentation_VP8; /* VP8 picture parameters structure */ typedef struct _DXVA_PicParams_VP8 { UINT first_part_size; UINT width; UINT height; DXVA_PicEntry_VPx CurrPic; __C89_NAMELESS union { __C89_NAMELESS struct { UCHAR frame_type : 1; UCHAR version : 3; UCHAR show_frame : 1; UCHAR clamp_type : 1; UCHAR ReservedFrameTag3Bits : 2; }; UCHAR wFrameTagFlags; }; DXVA_segmentation_VP8 stVP8Segments; UCHAR filter_type; UCHAR filter_level; UCHAR sharpness_level; UCHAR mode_ref_lf_delta_enabled; UCHAR mode_ref_lf_delta_update; CHAR ref_lf_deltas[4]; CHAR mode_lf_deltas[4]; UCHAR log2_nbr_of_dct_partitions; UCHAR base_qindex; CHAR y1dc_delta_q; CHAR y2dc_delta_q; CHAR y2ac_delta_q; CHAR uvdc_delta_q; CHAR uvac_delta_q; DXVA_PicEntry_VPx alt_fb_idx; DXVA_PicEntry_VPx gld_fb_idx; DXVA_PicEntry_VPx lst_fb_idx; UCHAR ref_frame_sign_bias_golden; UCHAR ref_frame_sign_bias_altref; UCHAR refresh_entropy_probs; UCHAR vp8_coef_update_probs[4][8][3][11]; UCHAR mb_no_coeff_skip; UCHAR prob_skip_false; UCHAR prob_intra; UCHAR prob_last; UCHAR prob_golden; UCHAR intra_16x16_prob[4]; UCHAR intra_chroma_prob[3]; UCHAR vp8_mv_update_probs[2][19]; USHORT ReservedBits1; USHORT ReservedBits2; USHORT ReservedBits3; UINT StatusReportFeedbackNumber; } DXVA_PicParams_VP8, *LPDXVA_PicParams_VP8; /* VPx slice control data structure - short form */ typedef struct _DXVA_Slice_VPx_Short { UINT BSNALunitDataLocation; UINT SliceBytesInBuffer; USHORT wBadSliceChopping; } DXVA_Slice_VPx_Short, *LPDXVA_Slice_VPx_Short; /* VPx status reporting data structure */ typedef struct _DXVA_Status_VPx { UINT StatusReportFeedbackNumber; DXVA_PicEntry_VPx CurrPic; UCHAR bBufType; UCHAR bStatus; UCHAR bReserved8Bits; USHORT wNumMbsAffected; } DXVA_Status_VPx, *LPDXVA_Status_VPx; #pragma pack(pop) #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /*_INC_DXVA */