/** * This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain. * This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package. * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER.PD within this package. */ #ifndef _INC_CONIO #define _INC_CONIO #include #if !defined(_UCRTBASE_STDIO_DEFINED) && __MSVCRT_VERSION__ >= 0x1400 #define _UCRTBASE_STDIO_DEFINED #define UCRTBASE_PRINTF_LEGACY_VSPRINTF_NULL_TERMINATION (0x0001) #define UCRTBASE_PRINTF_STANDARD_SNPRINTF_BEHAVIOUR (0x0002) #define UCRTBASE_PRINTF_LEGACY_WIDE_SPECIFIERS (0x0004) #define UCRTBASE_PRINTF_LEGACY_MSVCRT_COMPATIBILITY (0x0008) #define UCRTBASE_PRINTF_LEGACY_THREE_DIGIT_EXPONENTS (0x0010) #define UCRTBASE_SCANF_SECURECRT (0x0001) #define UCRTBASE_SCANF_LEGACY_WIDE_SPECIFIERS (0x0002) #define UCRTBASE_SCANF_LEGACY_MSVCRT_COMPATIBILITY (0x0004) // Default wide printfs and scanfs to the standard mode #ifndef UCRTBASE_PRINTF_DEFAULT_WIDE #define UCRTBASE_PRINTF_DEFAULT_WIDE 0 #endif #ifndef UCRTBASE_SCANF_DEFAULT_WIDE #define UCRTBASE_SCANF_DEFAULT_WIDE 0 #endif #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif _CRTIMP char *_cgets(char *_Buffer) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_SEC_WARN; _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cputs(const char *_Str); _CRTIMP int __cdecl _getch(void); _CRTIMP int __cdecl _getche(void); _CRTIMP int __cdecl _kbhit(void); #if __MSVCRT_VERSION__ >= 0x1400 int __cdecl __conio_common_vcprintf(unsigned __int64 _Options, const char *_Format, _locale_t _Locale, va_list _ArgList); int __cdecl __conio_common_vcprintf_p(unsigned __int64 _Options, const char *_Format, _locale_t _Locale, va_list _ArgList); int __cdecl __conio_common_vcprintf_s(unsigned __int64 _Options, const char *_Format, _locale_t _Locale, va_list _ArgList); int __cdecl __conio_common_vcscanf(unsigned __int64 _Options, const char *_Format, _locale_t _Locale, va_list _ArgList); __mingw_ovr int __cdecl _vcprintf(const char * __restrict__ _Format,va_list _ArgList) { return __conio_common_vcprintf(0, _Format, NULL, _ArgList); } __mingw_ovr int __cdecl _cprintf(const char * __restrict__ _Format,...) { __builtin_va_list _ArgList; int _Ret; __builtin_va_start(_ArgList, _Format); _Ret = _vcprintf(_Format, _ArgList); __builtin_va_end(_ArgList); return _Ret; } __mingw_ovr int __cdecl _cscanf(const char * __restrict__ _Format,...) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_SEC_WARN { __builtin_va_list _ArgList; int _Ret; __builtin_va_start(_ArgList, _Format); _Ret = __conio_common_vcscanf(0, _Format, NULL, _ArgList); __builtin_va_end(_ArgList); return _Ret; } __mingw_ovr int __cdecl _cscanf_l(const char * __restrict__ _Format,_locale_t _Locale,...) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_SEC_WARN { __builtin_va_list _ArgList; int _Ret; __builtin_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale); _Ret = __conio_common_vcscanf(0, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList); __builtin_va_end(_ArgList); return _Ret; } __mingw_ovr int __cdecl _vcprintf_p(const char * __restrict__ _Format,va_list _ArgList) { return __conio_common_vcprintf_p(0, _Format, NULL, _ArgList); } __mingw_ovr int __cdecl _cprintf_p(const char * __restrict__ _Format,...) { __builtin_va_list _ArgList; int _Ret; __builtin_va_start(_ArgList, _Format); _Ret = _vcprintf_p(_Format, _ArgList); __builtin_va_end(_ArgList); return _Ret; } __mingw_ovr int __cdecl _vcprintf_l(const char * __restrict__ _Format,_locale_t _Locale,va_list _ArgList) { return __conio_common_vcprintf(0, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList); } __mingw_ovr int __cdecl _cprintf_l(const char * __restrict__ _Format,_locale_t _Locale,...) { __builtin_va_list _ArgList; int _Ret; __builtin_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale); _Ret = _vcprintf_l(_Format, _Locale, _ArgList); __builtin_va_end(_ArgList); return _Ret; } __mingw_ovr int __cdecl _vcprintf_p_l(const char * __restrict__ _Format,_locale_t _Locale,va_list _ArgList) { return __conio_common_vcprintf_p(0, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList); } __mingw_ovr int __cdecl _cprintf_p_l(const char * __restrict__ _Format,_locale_t _Locale,...) { __builtin_va_list _ArgList; int _Ret; __builtin_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale); _Ret = _vcprintf_p_l(_Format, _Locale, _ArgList); __builtin_va_end(_ArgList); return _Ret; } #else _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cprintf(const char * __restrict__ _Format,...); _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cscanf(const char * __restrict__ _Format,...) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_SEC_WARN; _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cscanf_l(const char * __restrict__ _Format,_locale_t _Locale,...) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_SEC_WARN; _CRTIMP int __cdecl _vcprintf(const char * __restrict__ _Format,va_list _ArgList); _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cprintf_p(const char * __restrict__ _Format,...); _CRTIMP int __cdecl _vcprintf_p(const char * __restrict__ _Format,va_list _ArgList); _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cprintf_l(const char * __restrict__ _Format,_locale_t _Locale,...); _CRTIMP int __cdecl _vcprintf_l(const char * __restrict__ _Format,_locale_t _Locale,va_list _ArgList); _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cprintf_p_l(const char * __restrict__ _Format,_locale_t _Locale,...); _CRTIMP int __cdecl _vcprintf_p_l(const char * __restrict__ _Format,_locale_t _Locale,va_list _ArgList); #endif #if defined(_X86_) && !defined(__x86_64) int __cdecl _inp(unsigned short); unsigned short __cdecl _inpw(unsigned short); unsigned long __cdecl _inpd(unsigned short); int __cdecl _outp(unsigned short,int); unsigned short __cdecl _outpw(unsigned short,unsigned short); unsigned long __cdecl _outpd(unsigned short,unsigned long); #endif _CRTIMP int __cdecl _putch(int _Ch); _CRTIMP int __cdecl _ungetch(int _Ch); _CRTIMP int __cdecl _getch_nolock(void); _CRTIMP int __cdecl _getche_nolock(void); _CRTIMP int __cdecl _putch_nolock(int _Ch); _CRTIMP int __cdecl _ungetch_nolock(int _Ch); #ifndef _WCONIO_DEFINED #define _WCONIO_DEFINED #ifndef WEOF #define WEOF (wint_t)(0xFFFF) #endif _CRTIMP wchar_t *_cgetws(wchar_t *_Buffer) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_SEC_WARN; _CRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _getwch(void); _CRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _getwche(void); _CRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _putwch(wchar_t _WCh); _CRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _ungetwch(wint_t _WCh); _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cputws(const wchar_t *_String); #if __MSVCRT_VERSION__ >= 0x1400 int __cdecl __conio_common_vcwprintf(unsigned __int64 _Options, const wchar_t *_Format, _locale_t _Locale, va_list _ArgList); int __cdecl __conio_common_vcwprintf_p(unsigned __int64 _Options, const wchar_t *_Format, _locale_t _Locale, va_list _ArgList); int __cdecl __conio_common_vcwprintf_s(unsigned __int64 _Options, const wchar_t *_Format, _locale_t _Locale, va_list _ArgList); int __cdecl __conio_common_vcwscanf(unsigned __int64 _Options, const wchar_t *_Format, _locale_t _Locale, va_list _ArgList); __mingw_ovr int __cdecl _vcwprintf(const wchar_t * __restrict__ _Format,va_list _ArgList) { return __conio_common_vcwprintf(UCRTBASE_PRINTF_DEFAULT_WIDE, _Format, NULL, _ArgList); } __mingw_ovr int __cdecl _cwprintf(const wchar_t * __restrict__ _Format,...) { __builtin_va_list _ArgList; int _Ret; __builtin_va_start(_ArgList, _Format); _Ret = _vcwprintf(_Format, _ArgList); __builtin_va_end(_ArgList); return _Ret; } __mingw_ovr int __cdecl _cwscanf(const wchar_t * __restrict__ _Format,...) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_SEC_WARN { __builtin_va_list _ArgList; int _Ret; __builtin_va_start(_ArgList, _Format); _Ret = __conio_common_vcwscanf(UCRTBASE_SCANF_DEFAULT_WIDE, _Format, NULL, _ArgList); __builtin_va_end(_ArgList); return _Ret; } __mingw_ovr int __cdecl _cwscanf_l(const wchar_t * __restrict__ _Format,_locale_t _Locale,...) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_SEC_WARN { __builtin_va_list _ArgList; int _Ret; __builtin_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale); _Ret = __conio_common_vcwscanf(UCRTBASE_SCANF_DEFAULT_WIDE, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList); __builtin_va_end(_ArgList); return _Ret; } __mingw_ovr int __cdecl _vcwprintf_p(const wchar_t * __restrict__ _Format,va_list _ArgList) { return __conio_common_vcwprintf_p(UCRTBASE_PRINTF_DEFAULT_WIDE, _Format, NULL, _ArgList); } __mingw_ovr int __cdecl _cwprintf_p(const wchar_t * __restrict__ _Format,...) { __builtin_va_list _ArgList; int _Ret; __builtin_va_start(_ArgList, _Format); _Ret = _vcwprintf_p(_Format, _ArgList); __builtin_va_end(_ArgList); return _Ret; } __mingw_ovr int __cdecl _vcwprintf_l(const wchar_t * __restrict__ _Format,_locale_t _Locale,va_list _ArgList) { return __conio_common_vcwprintf(UCRTBASE_PRINTF_DEFAULT_WIDE, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList); } __mingw_ovr int __cdecl _cwprintf_l(const wchar_t * __restrict__ _Format,_locale_t _Locale,...) { __builtin_va_list _ArgList; int _Ret; __builtin_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale); _Ret = _vcwprintf_l(_Format, _Locale, _ArgList); __builtin_va_end(_ArgList); return _Ret; } __mingw_ovr int __cdecl _vcwprintf_p_l(const wchar_t * __restrict__ _Format,_locale_t _Locale,va_list _ArgList) { return __conio_common_vcwprintf_p(UCRTBASE_PRINTF_DEFAULT_WIDE, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList); } __mingw_ovr int __cdecl _cwprintf_p_l(const wchar_t * __restrict__ _Format,_locale_t _Locale,...) { __builtin_va_list _ArgList; int _Ret; __builtin_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale); _Ret = _vcwprintf_p_l(_Format, _Locale, _ArgList); __builtin_va_end(_ArgList); return _Ret; } #else _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cwprintf(const wchar_t * __restrict__ _Format,...); _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cwscanf(const wchar_t * __restrict__ _Format,...) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_SEC_WARN; _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cwscanf_l(const wchar_t * __restrict__ _Format,_locale_t _Locale,...) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_SEC_WARN; _CRTIMP int __cdecl _vcwprintf(const wchar_t * __restrict__ _Format,va_list _ArgList); _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cwprintf_p(const wchar_t * __restrict__ _Format,...); _CRTIMP int __cdecl _vcwprintf_p(const wchar_t * __restrict__ _Format,va_list _ArgList); _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cwprintf_l(const wchar_t * __restrict__ _Format,_locale_t _Locale,...); _CRTIMP int __cdecl _vcwprintf_l(const wchar_t * __restrict__ _Format,_locale_t _Locale,va_list _ArgList); _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cwprintf_p_l(const wchar_t * __restrict__ _Format,_locale_t _Locale,...); _CRTIMP int __cdecl _vcwprintf_p_l(const wchar_t * __restrict__ _Format,_locale_t _Locale,va_list _ArgList); #endif _CRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _putwch_nolock(wchar_t _WCh); _CRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _getwch_nolock(void); _CRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _getwche_nolock(void); _CRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _ungetwch_nolock(wint_t _WCh); #endif #ifndef NO_OLDNAMES char *__cdecl cgets(char *_Buffer) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005; #if __MSVCRT_VERSION__ >= 0x1400 __mingw_ovr int __cdecl cprintf(const char * __restrict__ _Format,...) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005 { __builtin_va_list _ArgList; int _Ret; __builtin_va_start(_ArgList, _Format); _Ret = _vcprintf(_Format, _ArgList); __builtin_va_end(_ArgList); return _Ret; } __mingw_ovr int __cdecl cscanf(const char * __restrict__ _Format,...) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005 { __builtin_va_list _ArgList; int _Ret; __builtin_va_start(_ArgList, _Format); _Ret = __conio_common_vcscanf(0, _Format, NULL, _ArgList); __builtin_va_end(_ArgList); return _Ret; } #else int __cdecl cprintf(const char * __restrict__ _Format,...) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005; int __cdecl cscanf(const char * __restrict__ _Format,...) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005; #endif int __cdecl cputs(const char *_Str) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005; int __cdecl getch(void) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005; int __cdecl getche(void) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005; int __cdecl kbhit(void) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005; int __cdecl putch(int _Ch) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005; int __cdecl ungetch(int _Ch) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005; #if (defined(_X86_) && !defined(__x86_64)) int __cdecl inp(unsigned short) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005; unsigned short __cdecl inpw(unsigned short) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005; int __cdecl outp(unsigned short,int) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005; unsigned short __cdecl outpw(unsigned short,unsigned short) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005; #endif /* __cpuid moved to intrin.h per msdn */ /* __inbyte moved to intrin.h per msdn */ /* __inbytestring moved to intrin.h per msdn */ /* __indword moved to intrin.h per msdn */ /* __indwordstring moved to intrin.h per msdn */ /* __inword moved to intrin.h per msdn */ /* __inwordstring moved to intrin.h per msdn */ /* __outbyte moved to intrin.h per msdn */ /* __outbytestring moved to intrin.h per msdn */ /* __outdword moved to intrin.h per msdn */ /* __outdwordstring moved to intrin.h per msdn */ /* __outword moved to intrin.h per msdn */ /* __outwordstring moved to intrin.h per msdn */ /* __readcr0 moved to intrin.h per msdn */ /* __readcr2 moved to intrin.h per msdn */ /* __readcr3 moved to intrin.h per msdn */ /* __readcr4 moved to intrin.h per msdn */ /* __readcr8 moved to intrin.h per msdn */ /* __readmsr moved to intrin.h per msdn */ /* __writecr0 moved to intrin.h per msdn */ /* __writecr2 moved to intrin.h per msdn */ /* __writecr3 moved to intrin.h per msdn */ /* __writecr4 moved to intrin.h per msdn */ /* __writecr8 moved to intrin.h per msdn */ /* __writemsr moved to intrin.h per msdn */ #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #include #endif