'''This page is maintained for historic purposes. The usage of the DECLARE keyword explained below isn't supported by QB64. QB64 ignores any occurrences of DECLARE SUB/FUNCTION when older code is compiled. For the modern usage of the DECLARE keyword, see [[DECLARE LIBRARY]].''' ---- Declares calling sequences for external procedures written in other languages. {{PageSyntax}} : [[DECLARE]] {[[SUB]]|[[FUNCTION]]} name [ [[CDECL]] ] [ [[ALIAS]] "aliasname"] [([parameterlist, ...])] * [[CDECL]] indicates that the procedure uses the C language argument order. * [[ALIAS]] indicates the procedure name used in the object or library file. * The syntax for the parameterlist is as follows: [{ [[BYVAL]] | [[SEG]] }] variable [AS type [,[{ [[BYVAL]] | [[SEG]] }] variable2 [ [[AS]] type]]... * '''QB64 ignores DECLARE statements, so define the parameter [[TYPE]] values in the SUB!''' ''See also:'' * [[CALL]], [[CALLS]], [[SETMEM]] * [[DECLARE LIBRARY]] (QB64 Only) {{PageNavigation}}