The [[ERASE]] statement is used to clear all data from an array. [[$STATIC]] [[Arrays|array]] dimensions are not affected. {{PageSyntax}} : ERASE ''arrayName'' [, ''arrayName2''...] {{PageDescription}} * All string array elements become null strings ("") and all numerical array elements become 0. * Multiple arrays can be erased using commas between the array names. * [[$DYNAMIC|Dynamic]] arrays must be [[REDIM]]ensioned if they are referenced after erased. * Dimension subprocedure arrays as [[STATIC]] to use [[ERASE]] and not have to REDIM. * You do not have to include array brackets in an [[ERASE]] call. {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[DIM]], [[REDIM]] * [[CLEAR]] * [[STATIC]] * [[$DYNAMIC]] * [[Arrays]] {{PageNavigation}}