The [[LPOS]] function returns the current LPT printer head position. {{PageSyntax}} : {{Parameter|result%}} = [[LPOS]]({{Parameter|index%}}) {{PageDescription}} * {{Parameter|index%}} is the index of the printer, which can have the following values: ** 0 - LPT1: ** 1 - LPT1: ** 2 - LPT2: ** 3 - LPT3: * The LPOS function does not necessarily give the physical position of the print head because it does not expand tab characters. In addition, some printers may buffer characters. {{PageExamples}} :Prompts the user for team names and the names of players on each team. It then prints the players and their teams on the printer. {{CodeStart}}{{Cl|CLS}} {{Cl|LPRINT}} "Team Members"; {{Cl|TAB}}(76); "TEAM" : {{Cl|LPRINT}} {{Cl|INPUT}} "How many teams"; TEAMS {{Cl|INPUT}} "How many players per team";PPT {{Cl|PRINT}} {{Cl|FOR}} T = 1 TO TEAMS {{Cl|INPUT}} "Team name: ", TEAM$ {{Cl|FOR}} P = 1 TO PPT {{Cl|INPUT}} " Enter player name: ", PLAYER$ {{Cl|LPRINT}} PLAYER$; {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} P < PPT {{Cl|THEN}} {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} {{Cl|LPOS}}(0) > 55 {{Cl|THEN}} ' Print a new line if print head past column 55. {{Cl|LPRINT}} : {{Cl|LPRINT}} {{Cl|SPACE$}}(5); {{Cl|ELSE}} {{Cl|LPRINT}} ", "; 'Otherwise, print a comma. {{Cl|END}} IF {{Cl|END}} IF {{Cl|NEXT}} P {{Cl|LPRINT}} {{Cl|STRING$}}(80 - {{Cl|LPOS}}(0) - {{Cl|LEN}}(TEAM$),"."); TEAM$ {{Cl|NEXT}} T {{CodeEnd}} {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[LPRINT]] {{PageNavigation}}