The {{KW|SPC}} function is used in [[PRINT]] and [[LPRINT]] statements to print or output a number of space characters. {{PageSyntax}} ::: '''SPC({{Parameter|count%}})''' {{Parameters}} * ''count'' designates the number of column spaces to move the cursor in a [[PRINT]] statement. ''Usage:'' * When used in a [[PRINT]] statement, ** {{Parameter|count%}} is the number of space characters to print, overwriting existing characters. ** If {{Parameter|count%}} is greater than the number of columns left in the current row, remaining space characters are printed on the next row. * When used in a [[PRINT (file statement)|PRINT #]] statement, ** {{Parameter|count%}} is the number of space characters to output. ** If {{Parameter|count%}} is less than or equal to zero, the function has no effect. ''Example:'' Using SPC to space a text print. {{CodeStart}}{{Cl|PRINT}} "123456789" {{Cl|PRINT}} "abc" ; {{Cl|SPC}}(3) ; "123"{{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}}123456789 abc 123 {{OutputEnd}} {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[PRINT]], [[PRINT (file statement)|PRINT #]] * [[LPRINT]], [[STRING$]] * [[TAB]], [[SPACE$]] {{PageNavigation}}