{{DISPLAYTITLE:_CONTINUE}} The [[_CONTINUE]] statement is used in a [[DO...LOOP]], [[WHILE...WEND]] or [[FOR...NEXT]] block to skip the remaining lines of code in a block (without exiting it) and start the next iteration. It works as a shortcut to a [[GOTO]], but without the need for a [[line numbers|line label]]. {{PageSyntax}} : [[_CONTINUE]] ==Availability== * Build 20170628/55 up. {{PageExamples}} ''Example:'' {{CodeStart}} {{Cl|FOR}} i = 1 {{Cl|TO}} 10 {{Cl|IF}} i = 5 {{Cl|THEN}} {{Cl|_CONTINUE}} {{Cl|PRINT}} i; {{Cl|NEXT}} {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}} 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 {{OutputEnd}} {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[DO...LOOP]] * [[WHILE...WEND]] * [[FOR...NEXT]] * [[GOTO]] {{PageNavigation}}