'''_glClearDepth:''' specify the clear value for the depth buffer {{PageSyntax}} :: SUB _glClearDepth (BYVAL depth AS DOUBLE) :: void '''_glClearDepth'''(GLdouble {{Parameter|depth}}); :: void '''_glClearDepthf'''(GLfloat {{Parameter|depth}}); ; depth : Specifies the depth value used when the depth buffer is cleared. The initial value is 1. {{PageDescription}} '''_glClearDepth''' specifies the depth value used by {{KW|_glClear}} to clear the depth buffer. Values specified by '''_glClearDepth''' are clamped to the range [0, 1]. {{PageNotes}} The type of the {{Parameter|depth}} parameter was changed from GLclampf to GLfloat for '''_glClearDepthf''' and from GLclampd to GLdouble for '''_glClearDepth'''. This change is transparent to user code. {{PageUseWith}} {{KW|_glGet}} with argument {{KW|_GL_DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE}} {{PageSeeAlso}} {{KW|_GL}} {{KW|_glClear}} {{PageCopyright}}