'''Radians''' are units of measure based on the value of 2 * PI. There are '''6.283185307179586''' radians in a '''360º''' rotation. * To convert from radians to degrees: '''degrees = radians * 180 / π''' = radians * 57.2958 * To convert from degrees to radians: '''radians = degrees * π / 180''' = degrees * .017453 * For other formulas and a radian chart go to the following link: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radian Radian WIKI] * Angle values sent to [[SIN]], [[COS]], [[TAN]], [[ATN]] are measured in radians. * A program can calculate PI for you using the ATN function: '''π = 4 * ATN(1#)''' ''See also:'' * [http://qb64.net/wiki/index.php?title=Mathematical_Operations#Derived_Mathematical_Functions Derived Mathematical Functions] {{PageNavigation}}