[$COLOR]($COLOR) is a metacommand that adds named color [CONST](CONST) in a program. ## Syntax > [$COLOR]($COLOR):0 > [$COLOR]($COLOR):32 ## Description * [$COLOR]($COLOR):0 adds [CONST](CONST) for colors 0-15. The actual constant names can be found in the file **source/utilities/color0.bi**. * [$COLOR]($COLOR):32 adds [CONST](CONST) for 32-bit colors, similar to HTML color names. The actual constant names can be found in the file **source/utilities/color32.bi**. * [$COLOR]($COLOR) is a shorthand to manually using [$INCLUDE]($INCLUDE) pointing to the files listed above. * *NOTE*: When using [$NOPREFIX]($NOPREFIX), the color constants change to **C_** (ex: **Blue** becomes **C_Blue**). ## Example(s) Adding named color constants for SCREEN 0: ```vb $COLOR:0 COLOR BrightWhite, Red PRINT "BrightWhite on red." ``` ```text Bright white on red. ``` Adding named color constants for 32-bit modes: ```vb SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(640, 400, 32) $COLOR:32 COLOR CrayolaGold, DarkCyan PRINT "CrayolaGold on DarkCyan." ``` Using [$COLOR]($COLOR) with [$NOPREFIX]($NOPREFIX): ```vb $NOPREFIX $COLOR:0 COLOR C_BrightWhite, C_Red PRINT "BrightWhite on Red." ``` ## See Also * [COLOR](COLOR), [SCREEN](SCREEN) * [_NEWIMAGE](_NEWIMAGE), [$INCLUDE]($INCLUDE) * [$NOPREFIX]($NOPREFIX) * [Metacommand](Metacommand)