The [IMP](IMP) logical operator converts the result of two comparative values and returns a bit result. ## Syntax > result = firstValue [IMP](IMP) secondValue ## Description * Returns a different result from [AND](AND), [OR](OR) or [XOR](XOR) - see truth table below. * Evaluates if firstValue ***imp**lies* secondValue. **If firstValue is true then secondValue must also be true. **So if firstValue is true, and secondValue false, then the condition is false, otherwise it is true (see table below). The results of the bitwise logical operations, where *A* and *B* are operands, and *T* and *F* indicate that a bit is set or not set: | A | B | | [NOT](NOT) B | A [AND](AND) B | A [OR](OR) B | A [XOR](XOR) B | A [EQV](EQV) B | A [IMP](IMP) B | | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | | T | T | | F | T | T | F | T | T | | T | F | | T | F | T | T | F | F | | F | T | | F | F | T | T | F | T | | F | F | | T | F | F | F | T | T | **[Relational Operations](Relational-Operations) return negative one (-1, all bits set) and zero (0, no bits set) for *true* and *false*, respectively.** This allows relational tests to be inverted and combined using the bitwise logical operations. ## See Also * [Binary](Binary) * [Boolean](Boolean)