The **LOOP** statement denotes the end of a [DO...LOOP](DO...LOOP) where the program jumps to the beginning of the loop if the optional condition is true. ## Syntax > DO > . > . > . > LOOP [{UNTIL|WHILE} *condition*] * LOOP indicates the bottom or end of a [DO...LOOP](DO...LOOP) block of code. * Either the [DO...LOOP](DO...LOOP) statement or LOOP statement can set a condition to end the loop. * When a loop uses a LOOP condition, the code inside of it will run at least ONCE. > * A [WHILE](WHILE) condition continues the loop until the condition is false. > * An [UNTIL](UNTIL) condition continues the loop until the condition is true. > * If only DO and LOOP are used the loop will never end! **Ctrl-Break** can be used to stop an endless loop! * DO LOOPs can also be exited using [EXIT DO](EXIT-DO) or [GOTO](GOTO). ## See Also * [FOR...NEXT](FOR...NEXT) {counter loop) * [WHILE...WEND](WHILE...WEND) (loop) * [UNTIL](UNTIL), [WHILE](WHILE) {conditions) * [DO...LOOP](DO...LOOP), [EXIT DO](EXIT-DO)