**Line numbers** or **line labels** are used to denote [GOTO](GOTO), [RUN](RUN) or [GOSUB](GOSUB) procedure lines or all code lines as in GW Basic. ## Number Syntax > **10** [GOTO](GOTO) {line number| line label} ## Label Syntax > **PictureData:** > [DATA](DATA) 0, 0, 12, 12, 14, 12, 12, 0, 0 * Line numbers are used to denote a specific line of code. No colon required. * Line labels are used to denote a specific line of code with a [colon](colon) when separating it from a code line. * [GOSUB](GOSUB) or [DATA](DATA) block line labels can be numerical or text line names. [RESTORE](RESTORE) can use the label to reuse data. * [GOSUB](GOSUB) blocks require a [RETURN](RETURN) to return to the original call or to a line label or number to return to. * [ON ERROR](ON-ERROR) [GOTO](GOTO) line label or number calls use [RESUME](RESUME) [NEXT](NEXT) or a line label or number to resume to. * [GOTO](GOTO) or [RUN](RUN) can refer to a specific numerical line number or text line label. * Line numbers are no longer required in QB or QB64 except for [GOSUB](GOSUB), [RUN](RUN) or [GOTO](GOTO) situations. * Line numbers and labels are not allowed after SUB/FUNCTION blocks. They are allowed inside SUB/FUNCTIONS though. ## See Also * [GOTO](GOTO), [RUN](RUN) * [GOSUB](GOSUB), [RETURN](RETURN) * [DATA](DATA), [RESTORE](RESTORE) * [ON ERROR](ON-ERROR), [RESUME](RESUME), [NEXT](NEXT) * [Line Number](Line-Number)