[OPTION _EXPLICIT](OPTION--EXPLICIT) instructs the compiler to require variable declaration with [DIM](DIM), [REDIM](REDIM) or an equivalent statement. ## Syntax > [OPTION _EXPLICIT](OPTION--EXPLICIT) ## Description * With [OPTION _EXPLICIT](OPTION--EXPLICIT) you can avoid typos by having QB64 immediately warn in the **Status area** of new variables used without previous declaration. * Enable [OPTION _EXPLICIT](OPTION--EXPLICIT) temporarily even if a program source file doesn't contain the directive by specifying the **-e** switch when compiling via command line (*qb64 -c file.bas -e*). ## Error(s) * It's not advisable to use [OPTION _EXPLICIT](OPTION--EXPLICIT) in [$INCLUDE]($INCLUDE)d modules. ## Example(s) Avoiding simple typos with [OPTION _EXPLICIT](OPTION--EXPLICIT) results shown in the QB64 IDE Status area. ```vb OPTION _EXPLICIT DIM myVariable AS INTEGER myVariable = 5 PRINT myVariabe ``` *QB64 IDE Status will show:* **Variable 'myVariabe' (SINGLE) not defined on line 4** ## See Also * [OPTION _EXPLICITARRAY](OPTION--EXPLICITARRAY) * [DIM](DIM), [REDIM](REDIM) * [SHARED](SHARED) * [STATIC](STATIC)