The SPC function is used in [PRINT](PRINT) and [LPRINT](LPRINT) statements to print or output a number of space characters. ## Syntax > **SPC(count%)** ## Parameter(s) * *count* designates the number of column spaces to move the cursor in a [PRINT](PRINT) statement. ## Usage * When used in a [PRINT](PRINT) statement, * count% is the number of space characters to print, overwriting existing characters. * If count% is greater than the number of columns left in the current row, remaining space characters are printed on the next row. * When used in a [PRINT (file statement)](PRINT-(file-statement)) statement, * count% is the number of space characters to output. * If count% is less than or equal to zero, the function has no effect. ## Example(s) Using SPC to space a text print. ```vb PRINT "123456789" PRINT "abc" ; SPC(3) ; "123" ``` ```text 123456789 abc 123 ``` ## See Also * [PRINT](PRINT), [PRINT (file statement)](PRINT-(file-statement)) * [LPRINT](LPRINT), [STRING$](STRING$) * [TAB](TAB), [SPACE$](SPACE$)