The **STICK** function returns the directional axis coordinate move of game port (&H201) joystick or USB controller devices. ## Syntax > coordinate_move% = STICK(direction%) ## QB64 Syntax > coordinate_move% = STICK(*direction%*[, *axis_number%*]) ## Description * **QB64** allows any number of coordinate pairs for more than two game device controllers. STICK will not read a mouse axis. * *axis_number* can be used as the next axis parameter for controllers with multiple axis using the SAME *directional* parameters. * The *axis_number* 1 can be omitted for the main stick column and row parameter reads. * Point of view "hats" also have 2 axis. Slide, turn or twist controls have one. The device determines the order of the axis. * Returns coordinate values from 1 to 254. QBasic only returned values from 1 to 200. * STICK(0) is required to get values from the other STICK functions. Always read it first! ```text **STICK(0) returns the column coordinate of device 1. Enables reads of the other STICK values.** **STICK(1) returns row coordinate of device 1.** STICK(2) returns column coordinate of device 2. (second joystick if used) STICK(3) returns row coordinate of device 2 if used. (QBasic maximum was 2 controllers) **STICK(4) returns column coordinate of device 3. (other joysticks if used in QB64 only!)** **STICK(5) returns row coordinate of device 3 if used.** ``` * **QB64** allows more joysticks by extending the numbers in pairs like device 3 above. EX: STICK(6): STICK(7) 'device 4 * **QB64** allows a dual stick to be read using the same first parameters and 2 as the second parameter. EX: STICK(0, 2) * **There will not be an error if you try to read too many device axis or buttons!** ## Example(s) Displays the input from 3 joysticks, all with dual sticks and 3 buttons. ```vb DO: _LIMIT 10 LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT "JOY1: STICK"; STICK(0); STICK(1); STICK(0, 2); STICK(1, 2);_ "STRIG"; STRIG(0); STRIG(1); STRIG(4); STRIG(5); STRIG(8); STRIG(9) PRINT "JOY2: STICK"; STICK(2); STICK(3); STICK(2, 2); STICK(3, 2);_ "STRIG"; STRIG(2); STRIG(3); STRIG(6); STRIG(7); STRIG(10); STRIG(11) PRINT "JOY3: STICK"; STICK(4); STICK(5); STICK(4, 2); STICK(5, 2);_ "STRIG"; STRIG(0, 3); STRIG(1, 3); STRIG(4, 3); STRIG(5, 3); STRIG(8, 3); STRIG(9, 3) LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ > "" ``` > *Explanation:* Notice the extra **QB64 only** parameters used to cater for the 2nd stick and the buttons of the 3rd joystick. Displays the Sidewinder Precision Pro Stick, Slider, Z Axis, and Hat Point of View. ```vb SCREEN 12 d = _DEVICES PRINT "Number of input devices found ="; d FOR i = 1 TO d PRINT _DEVICE$(i) buttons = _LASTBUTTON(i) PRINT "Buttons:"; buttons NEXT DO: _LIMIT 50 LOCATE 10, 1 PRINT " X Main Y Slider Z-axis POV" PRINT STICK(0, 1), STICK(1, 1), STICK(0, 2), STICK(1, 2), STICK(0, 3); STICK(1, 3); " " PRINT " Buttons" FOR i = 0 TO 4 * buttons - 1 STEP 4 PRINT STRIG(i); STRIG(i + 1); CHR$(219); NEXT PRINT LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> "" ``` > *Explanation:* Each axis on the first controller found is either STICK(0, n) or STICK(1, n) with n increasing when necessary. ```text Number of input devices found = 3 [KEYBOARD][BUTTON]] Buttons: 512 [MOUSE][BUTTON][AXIS][WHEEL] Buttons: 3 [CONTROLLER][NAME][Microsoft Sidewinder Precision Pro (USB)](NAME][Microsoft-Sidewinder-Precision-Pro-(USB))[BUTTON][AXIS] Buttons: 9 X Main Y Slider Z-axis POV 127 127 254 127 127 127 Buttons -0 -1 █ 0 0 █ 0 0 █ 0 0 █ 0 0 █ 0 0 █ 0 0 █ 0 0 █ 0 0 █ ``` > *Note:* A Sidewinder Precision Pro requires that pins 2 and 7(blue and purple) be connected together for digital USB recognition. ## See Also * [STRIG](STRIG) (function) * [ON STRIG(n)](ON-STRIG(n)) * [_DEVICES](_DEVICES), [_DEVICE$](_DEVICE$), [_LASTBUTTON](_LASTBUTTON) * [Single and Dual Stick Controllers](