The **semicolon** is used in a [PRINT](PRINT) statement to stop the screen print cursor immediately after the printed value. ## Usage `COLOR 13: PRINT "Value ="; value1; value2; value3` ```text 1234 5678 9012 ``` * Positive numerical values [PRINT](PRINT) will include a space before and after each value printed. Strings will not have spacing. * Use the [WRITE](WRITE) statement to print values with only commas between the values and no spacing. * A semicolon can append the next print when used at the end of a [PRINT](PRINT) statement. * Use a semicolon after text that will be [PRINT](PRINT) on the last two text rows of a [SCREEN (statement)](SCREEN-(statement)) to prevent screen rolling. * [INPUT](INPUT) statements can use the semicolon **before** the text to prevent screen rolling. **INPUT ; "text or question"; variable**. * A semicolon **after** the text will create a question mark and space after the [INPUT](INPUT) text question. Use a comma for statements. * **NOTE: Semicolons can NOT be used to combine string variables in a string variable definition!** * Use the **+** [concatenation](concatenation) operator to combine [STRING](STRING) variable definition values only! * [Semicolon](Semicolon)s cannot be used in or following a [WRITE](WRITE) statement! ## See Also * [Comma](Comma) * [PRINT](PRINT), [PRINT USING](PRINT-USING) * [WRITE](WRITE) * [INPUT](INPUT), [LINE INPUT](LINE-INPUT) * [STR$](STR$) (convert number to string) * [VAL](VAL) (convert string to number)