**Fast Bitmap Export routine using memory for use with 32-bit color images ONLY** ```vb PRINT "This program will create a 32 bit bitmap of the desktop!" PRINT " IN 2 SECONDS..." _DELAY 2 picture& = _SCREENIMAGE x1% = 0: y1% = 0 x2% = _WIDTH(picture&) - 1 y2% = _HEIGHT(picture&) - 1 SaveBMP32 x1%, x2%, y1%, y2%, picture&, "ScreenShot.bmp" ``` ```text SUB SaveBMP32 (x1%, x2%, y1%, y2%, image&, Filename$) TYPE BMPFormat ' Description Bytes QB64 Function ID AS STRING * 2 'File ID("BM" or 19778 AS Integer) 2 CVI("BM") Size AS LONG ' Total Size of the file 4 LOF Blank AS LONG ' Reserved 4 Offset AS LONG ' Start offset of image pixel data 4 (add one for GET) Hsize AS LONG ' Info header size (always 40) 4 PWidth AS LONG ' Image width 4 _WIDTH(handle&) PDepth AS LONG ' Image height (doubled in icons) 4 _HEIGHT(handle&) Planes AS INTEGER ' Number of planes (normally 1) 2 BPP AS INTEGER 'Bits per pixel(palette 1, 4, 8, 24) 2 _PIXELSIZE(handle&) Compression AS LONG ' Compression type(normally 0) 4 ImageBytes AS LONG ' (Width + padder) * Height 4 Xres AS LONG ' Width in PELS per metre(normally 0) 4 Yres AS LONG ' Depth in PELS per metre(normally 0) 4 NumColors AS LONG ' Number of Colors(normally 0) 4 2 ^ BPP SigColors AS LONG ' Significant Colors(normally 0) 4 END TYPE ' ' Total Header bytes = 54 DIM BMP AS BMPFormat DIM x AS LONG, y AS LONG DIM temp AS STRING * 3 DIM m AS _MEM, n AS _MEM DIM o AS _OFFSET m = _MEMIMAGE(image&) 'get image information from memory handle DIM Colors8%(255) IF x1% > x2% THEN SWAP x1%, x2% IF y1% > y2% THEN SWAP y1%, y2% _SOURCE image& pixelbytes& = 4 OffsetBITS& = 54 'no palette in 24/32 bit BPP% = 24 NumColors& = 0 '24/32 bit say zero BMP.PWidth = (x2% - x1%) + 1 BMP.PDepth = (y2% - y1%) + 1 ImageSize& = BMP.PWidth * BMP.PDepth BMP.ID = "BM" BMP.Size = ImageSize& * 3 + 54 BMP.Blank = 0 BMP.Offset = 54 BMP.Hsize = 40 BMP.Planes = 1 BMP.BPP = 24 BMP.Compression = 0 BMP.ImageBytes = ImageSize& BMP.Xres = 3780 BMP.Yres = 3780 BMP.NumColors = 0 BMP.SigColors = 0 Compression& = 0 WidthPELS& = 3780 DepthPELS& = 3780 SigColors& = 0 f = FREEFILE n = _MEMNEW(BMP.Size) 'allocate memory for file data _MEMPUT n, n.OFFSET, BMP 'place bitmap header in memory o = n.OFFSET + 54 'offset after header for RGB color data ' 'run memory reads without error checking! $CHECKING:OFF y = y2% + 1 w& = _WIDTH(image&) DO y = y - 1: x = x1% - 1 DO x = x + 1 _MEMGET m, m.OFFSET + (w& * y + x) * 4, temp 'read 3 color bytes _MEMPUT n, o, temp 'place into n memory after o offset o = o + 3 'increase offset 3 bytes per loop LOOP UNTIL x = x2% LOOP UNTIL y = y1% $CHECKING:ON _MEMFREE m OPEN Filename$ FOR BINARY AS #f t$ = SPACE$(BMP.Size) _MEMGET n, n.OFFSET, t$ PUT #f, , t$ _MEMFREE n CLOSE #f END SUB ``` Code by Steve McNeill **SUB for 32 BIT COLOR IMAGES ONLY!** ## See Also * [SAVEIMAGE](SAVEIMAGE) (QB64 Image to Bitmap SUB by Galleon) * [Program ScreenShots](Program-ScreenShots) (Member program for legacy screen modes) * [ThirtyTwoBit SUB](ThirtyTwoBit-SUB) (QB64 Image area to bitmap)