The [_BACKGROUNDCOLOR](_BACKGROUNDCOLOR) function returns the current background color. ## Syntax > BGcolor& = [_BACKGROUNDCOLOR](_BACKGROUNDCOLOR) ## Description * Use it to get the current background color to restore later in a program. * Returns the closest attribute value of the background color. ## Example(s) Storing a background color for later use. ```vb SCREEN 0 COLOR 1, 3 CLS BG% = _BACKGROUNDCOLOR PRINT BG% ``` ```text 3 ``` Understanding the function output ```vb SCREEN 0 COLOR 1, 11 CLS BG% = _BACKGROUNDCOLOR PRINT BG% 'prints the attribute as 3 instead of 11 ``` ```text 3 ``` > *Explanation: SCREEN 0 background colors over 7 will return the lower intensity color attribute values: EX: attribute - 8 ## See Also * [_DEFAULTCOLOR](_DEFAULTCOLOR) * [COLOR](COLOR), [SCREEN](SCREEN) * [SCREEN (function)](SCREEN-(function)) * [Windows Libraries](Windows-Libraries)