The [_DEFLATE$](_DEFLATE$) function compresses a [STRING](STRING). ## Syntax > result$ = [_DEFLATE$](_DEFLATE$)(stringToCompress$) ## Description * result$ will contain the compressed version of stringToCompress$. * To decompress the resulting string, use [_INFLATE$](_INFLATE$). ## Availability * Version 1.4 and up. ## Example(s) Compressing a long string of text. ```vb a$ = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. " PRINT "Original string (a$): "; a$ FOR i = 1 TO 15 a$ = a$ + a$ NEXT PRINT "After concatenating it into itself several times, LEN(a$) ="; LEN(a$) b$ = _DEFLATE$(a$) PRINT "After using _DEFLATE$ to compress it, LEN ="; LEN(b$) PRINT USING "(compressed size is #.###% of the original)"; ((LEN(b$) * 100) / LEN(a$)) c$ = _INFLATE$(b$) PRINT "After using _INFLATE$ to decompress it, LEN ="; LEN(c$) ``` ```text Original string (a$): The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog After concatenating it into itself several times, LEN(a$) = 1474560 After using _DEFLATE$ to compress it, LEN = 4335 (compressed size is 0.295% of the original) After using _INFLATE$ to decompress it, LEN = 1474560 ``` ## See Also * [_INFLATE$](_INFLATE$)