The [_OFFSET](_OFFSET) function returns the memory offset of/within a given variable. ## Syntax > offset%& = [_OFFSET](_OFFSET)(variable) ## Description * The variable parameter can be any type of numerical or [STRING](STRING) variable name. * API [DECLARE LIBRARY](DECLARE-LIBRARY) parameter or [TYPE](TYPE) names may include **lp, ptr** or **p** which designates them as a pointer type. * _OFFSET function return values should be stored in [_OFFSET](_OFFSET) type variables. As no other variable type is 'elastic' like [_OFFSET](_OFFSET), there can be no guarantee that any other variable type can hold the value of an _OFFSET. * Returns the memory offset of variables, user-defined-types & elements, arrays & indices and the base offset of [STRING](STRING)s. * Offset values are currently only useful when used in conjunction with [_MEM](_MEM) or [DECLARE LIBRARY](DECLARE-LIBRARY) procedures. * OFFSET values are used as a part of the [_MEM](_MEM) variable [Variable Types](Variable-Types) in QB64; variable.OFFSET returns or sets the current position in memory. * **Warning:** QB64 variable length strings can move about in memory at any time. If you get the _OFFSET of a variable length sting on one line and use it on the next it may not be there anymore.** To be safe, move variable length strings into fixed length strings first.** ## Example(s) Using memcpy with the _OFFSET function values as parameters. ```vb DECLARE CUSTOMTYPE LIBRARY SUB memcpy (BYVAL dest AS _OFFSET, BYVAL source AS _OFFSET, BYVAL bytes AS LONG) END DECLARE a$ = "1234567890" b$ = "ABCDEFGHIJ" memcpy _OFFSET(a$) + 5, _OFFSET(b$) + 5, 5 PRINT a$ ``` ```text 12345FGHIJ ``` ## See Also * [_OFFSET](_OFFSET) (variable type) * [DECLARE LIBRARY](DECLARE-LIBRARY) * [DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY](DECLARE-DYNAMIC-LIBRARY) * [Using _OFFSET](Using--OFFSET)