The [_RESIZEHEIGHT](_RESIZEHEIGHT) function returns the user resized screen pixel height if [$RESIZE]($RESIZE):ON allows it and [_RESIZE (function)](_RESIZE-(function)) returns -1 ## Syntax > newHeight& = [_RESIZEHEIGHT](_RESIZEHEIGHT) ## Description * [_RESIZE (function)](_RESIZE-(function)) function must return true (-1) before the requested screen dimensions can be returned by the function. * The program should decide if the request is allowable for proper program interaction. ## Availability * Version 1.000 and up. ## Example(s) Resize the current screen image according to user's request. ```vb $RESIZE:ON s& = _NEWIMAGE(300, 300, 32) SCREEN s& bee& = _LOADIMAGE("qb64_trans.png") 'replace with your own image DO IF _RESIZE THEN oldimage& = s& s& = _NEWIMAGE(_RESIZEWIDTH, _RESIZEHEIGHT, 32) SCREEN s& _FREEIMAGE oldimage& END IF CLS 'Center the QB64 bee image: x = _WIDTH / 2 - _WIDTH(bee&) / 2 y = _HEIGHT / 2 - _HEIGHT(bee&) / 2 _PUTIMAGE (x, y), bee& _DISPLAY _LIMIT 30 LOOP ``` ## See Also * [$RESIZE]($RESIZE) * [_RESIZE (function)](_RESIZE-(function)) * [_RESIZEWIDTH](_RESIZEWIDTH)