@echo off echo Remove temp folders. rmdir /s /q internal\temp,internal\temp2,internal\temp3,internal\temp4,internal\temp5,internal\temp6,internal\temp7,internal\temp8,internal\temp9 2>nul echo Create temp folder. md internal\temp echo Replacing dummy file in temp folder to maintain directory structure. copy internal\source\temp.bin internal\temp\temp.bin echo Pruning source folder del internal\source\undo2.bin 2>nul del internal\source\recompile.bat 2>nul del internal\source\debug.bat 2>nul del internal\source\files.txt 2>nul del internal\source\paths.txt 2>nul del internal\source\root.txt 2>nul del internal\source\bookmarks.bin 2>nul del internal\source\recent.bin 2>nul echo Culling precompiled libraries del /s internal\c\libqb\*.o 2>nul del /s internal\c\libqb\*.a 2>nul del /s internal\c\parts\*.o 2>nul del /s internal\c\parts\*.a 2>nul del /s internal\c\parts\*.o 2>nul del /s internal\c\*.o 2>nul echo Culling temporary copies of qbx.cpp, such as qbx2.cpp del internal\c\qbx2.cpp,internal\c\qbx3.cpp,internal\c\qbx4.cpp,internal\c\qbx5.cpp,internal\c\qbx6.cpp,internal\c\qbx7.cpp,internal\c\qbx8.cpp,internal\c\qbx9.cpp 2>nul echo Remove config.ini. if exist internal\config.ini del internal\config.ini echo Remove c_compiler. if exist internal\c\c_compiler rmdir /s /q internal\c\c_compiler echo Remove compiled libqb. if exist internal\c\libqb\include rmdir /s /q internal\c\libqb\include if exist internal\c\libqb\src rmdir /s /q internal\c\libqb\src echo Remove mingw64. if exist mingw64 rmdir /s /q mingw64 echo Remove mingw32 if exist mingw32 rmdir /s /q mingw64 echo Remove internal/version.txt if exist internal\version.txt del internal\version.txt echo Remove qb64.exe if exist qb64.exe del qb64.exe pause