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/* CallbackMaker.c */
* Program to invoke all the callbacks that "freeglut" supports
#include <GL/freeglut.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
static int sequence_number = 0 ;
int reshape_called = 0, key_called = 0, special_called = 0, visibility_called = 0,
keyup_called = 0, specialup_called = 0, joystick_called = 0, mouse_called = 0,
mousewheel_called = 0, motion_called = 0, passivemotion_called = 0, entry_called = 0,
close_called = 0, overlaydisplay_called = 0, windowstatus_called = 0,
spacemotion_called = 0, spacerotation_called = 0, spacebutton_called = 0,
buttonbox_called = 0, dials_called = 0, tabletmotion_called = 0, tabletbutton_called = 0,
menudestroy_called = 0, menustatus_called = 0 ;
int reshape_width = -1, reshape_height = -1, reshape_seq = -1 ;
int key_key = -1, key_x = -1, key_y = -1, key_seq = -1 ;
int special_key = -1, special_x = -1, special_y = -1, special_seq = -1 ;
int visibility_vis = -1, visibility_seq = -1 ;
int keyup_key = -1, keyup_x = -1, keyup_y = -1, keyup_seq = -1 ;
int specialup_key = -1, specialup_x = -1, specialup_y = -1, specialup_seq = -1 ;
int joystick_a = -1, joystick_b = -1, joystick_c = -1, joystick_d = -1, joystick_seq = -1 ; /* Need meaningful names */
int mouse_button = -1, mouse_updown = -1, mouse_x = -1, mouse_y = -1, mouse_seq = -1 ;
int mousewheel_number = -1, mousewheel_direction = -1, mousewheel_x = -1, mousewheel_y = -1, mousewheel_seq = -1 ;
int motion_x = -1, motion_y = -1, motion_seq = -1 ;
int passivemotion_x = -1, passivemotion_y = -1, passivemotion_seq = -1 ;
static void
bitmapPrintf (const char *fmt, ...)
static char buf[256];
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
(void) _vsnprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args);
(void) vsnprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args);
glutBitmapString ( GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12, (unsigned char*)buf ) ;
static void
int window = glutGetWindow () ;
glDisable ( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
glMatrixMode ( GL_PROJECTION );
glOrtho(0, glutGet ( GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH ),
0, glutGet ( GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT ), -1, 1 );
glMatrixMode ( GL_MODELVIEW );
glPushMatrix ();
glLoadIdentity ();
glColor3ub ( 0, 0, 0 );
glRasterPos2i ( 10, glutGet ( GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT ) - 10 );
if ( reshape_called )
bitmapPrintf ( "Reshape %d: %d %d\n", reshape_seq, reshape_width, reshape_height );
if ( key_called )
bitmapPrintf ( "Key %d: %d(%c) %d %d\n", key_seq, key_key, key_key, key_x, key_y );
if ( special_called )
bitmapPrintf ( "Special %d: %d(%c) %d %d\n", special_seq, special_key, special_key, special_x, special_y );
if ( visibility_called )
bitmapPrintf ( "Visibility %d: %d\n", visibility_seq, visibility_vis );
if ( keyup_called )
bitmapPrintf ( "Key Up %d: %d(%c) %d %d\n", keyup_seq, keyup_key, keyup_key, keyup_x, keyup_y );
if ( specialup_called )
bitmapPrintf ( "Special Up %d: %d(%c) %d %d\n", specialup_seq, specialup_key, specialup_key, specialup_x, specialup_y );
if ( joystick_called )
bitmapPrintf ( "Joystick %d: %d %d %d %d\n", joystick_seq, joystick_a, joystick_b, joystick_c, joystick_d );
if ( mouse_called )
bitmapPrintf ( "Mouse %d: %d %d %d %d\n", mouse_seq, mouse_button, mouse_updown, mouse_x, mouse_y );
if ( mousewheel_called )
bitmapPrintf ( "Mouse Wheel %d: %d %d %d %d\n", mousewheel_seq, mousewheel_number, mousewheel_direction, mousewheel_x, mousewheel_y );
if ( motion_called )
bitmapPrintf ( "Motion %d: %d %d\n", motion_seq, motion_x, motion_y );
if ( passivemotion_called )
bitmapPrintf ( "Passive Motion %d: %d %d\n", passivemotion_seq, passivemotion_x, passivemotion_y );
glMatrixMode ( GL_PROJECTION );
glPopMatrix ();
glMatrixMode ( GL_MODELVIEW );
glPopMatrix ();
glEnable ( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
printf ( "%6d Window %d Display Callback\n",
++sequence_number, window ) ;
static void
Reshape(int width, int height)
int window = glutGetWindow () ;
printf ( "%6d Window %d Reshape Callback: %d %d\n",
++sequence_number, window, width, height ) ;
reshape_called = 1 ;
reshape_width = width ;
reshape_height = height ;
reshape_seq = sequence_number ;
glutPostRedisplay () ;
static void
Key(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
int window = glutGetWindow () ;
printf ( "%6d Window %d Keyboard Callback: %d %d %d\n",
++sequence_number, window, key, x, y ) ;
key_called = 1 ;
key_key = key ;
key_x = x ;
key_y = y ;
key_seq = sequence_number ;
glutPostRedisplay () ;
static void
Special(int key, int x, int y)
int window = glutGetWindow () ;
printf ( "%6d Window %d Special Key Callback: %d %d %d\n",
++sequence_number, window, key, x, y ) ;
special_called = 1 ;
special_key = key ;
special_x = x ;
special_y = y ;
special_seq = sequence_number ;
glutPostRedisplay () ;
static void
Visibility(int vis)
int window = glutGetWindow () ;
printf ( "%6d Window %d Visibility Callback: %d\n",
++sequence_number, window, vis ) ;
visibility_called = 1 ;
visibility_vis = vis ;
visibility_seq = sequence_number ;
glutPostRedisplay () ;
static void
KeyUp(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
int window = glutGetWindow () ;
printf ( "%6d Window %d Key Release Callback: %d %d %d\n",
++sequence_number, window, key, x, y ) ;
keyup_called = 1 ;
keyup_key = key ;
keyup_x = x ;
keyup_y = y ;
keyup_seq = sequence_number ;
glutPostRedisplay () ;
static void
SpecialUp(int key, int x, int y)
int window = glutGetWindow () ;
printf ( "%6d Window %d Special Key Release Callback: %d %d %d\n",
++sequence_number, window, key, x, y ) ;
specialup_called = 1 ;
specialup_key = key ;
specialup_x = x ;
specialup_y = y ;
specialup_seq = sequence_number ;
glutPostRedisplay () ;
static void
Joystick( unsigned int a, int b, int c, int d) /* Need meaningful names */
int window = glutGetWindow () ;
printf ( "%6d Window %d Joystick Callback: %d %d %d %d\n",
++sequence_number, window, a, b, c, d ) ;
joystick_called = 1 ;
joystick_a = a ;
joystick_b = b ;
joystick_c = c ;
joystick_d = d ;
joystick_seq = sequence_number ;
glutPostRedisplay () ;
static void
Mouse(int button, int updown, int x, int y)
int window = glutGetWindow () ;
printf ( "%6d Window %d Mouse Click Callback: %d %d %d %d\n",
++sequence_number, window, button, updown, x, y ) ;
mouse_called = 1 ;
mouse_button = button ;
mouse_updown = updown ;
mouse_x = x ;
mouse_y = y ;
mouse_seq = sequence_number ;
glutPostRedisplay () ;
static void
MouseWheel(int wheel_number, int direction, int x, int y)
int window = glutGetWindow () ;
printf ( "%6d Window %d Mouse Wheel Callback: %d %d %d %d\n",
++sequence_number, window, wheel_number, direction, x, y ) ;
mousewheel_called = 1 ;
mousewheel_number = wheel_number ;
mousewheel_direction = direction ;
mousewheel_x = x ;
mousewheel_y = y ;
mousewheel_seq = sequence_number ;
glutPostRedisplay () ;
static void
Motion(int x, int y)
int window = glutGetWindow () ;
printf ( "%6d Window %d Mouse Motion Callback: %d %d\n",
++sequence_number, window, x, y ) ;
motion_called = 1 ;
motion_x = x ;
motion_y = y ;
motion_seq = sequence_number ;
glutPostRedisplay () ;
static void
PassiveMotion(int x, int y)
int window = glutGetWindow () ;
printf ( "%6d Window %d Mouse Passive Motion Callback: %d %d\n",
++sequence_number, window, x, y ) ;
passivemotion_called = 1 ;
passivemotion_x = x ;
passivemotion_y = y ;
passivemotion_seq = sequence_number ;
glutPostRedisplay () ;
static void
Entry(int state)
int window = glutGetWindow () ;
entry_called = 1 ;
printf ( "%6d Window %d Entry Callback: %d\n",
++sequence_number, window, state ) ;
glutPostRedisplay () ;
static void
int window = glutGetWindow () ;
close_called = 1 ;
printf ( "%6d Window %d Close Callback\n",
++sequence_number, window ) ;
static void
int window = glutGetWindow () ;
overlaydisplay_called = 1 ;
printf ( "%6d Window %d OverlayDisplay Callback\n",
++sequence_number, window ) ;
glutPostRedisplay () ;
static void
WindowStatus(int state)
int window = glutGetWindow () ;
windowstatus_called = 1 ;
printf ( "%6d Window %d WindowStatus Callback: %d\n",
++sequence_number, window, state ) ;
glutPostRedisplay () ;
static void
SpaceMotion(int x, int y, int z)
int window = glutGetWindow () ;
spacemotion_called = 1 ;
printf ( "%6d Window %d SpaceMotion Callback: %d %d %d\n",
++sequence_number, window, x, y, z ) ;
glutPostRedisplay () ;
static void
SpaceRotation(int x, int y, int z)
int window = glutGetWindow () ;
spacerotation_called = 1 ;
printf ( "%6d Window %d SpaceRotation Callback: %d %d %d\n",
++sequence_number, window, x, y, z ) ;
glutPostRedisplay () ;
static void
SpaceButton(int button, int updown)
int window = glutGetWindow () ;
spacebutton_called = 1 ;
printf ( "%6d Window %d SpaceButton Callback: %d %d\n",
++sequence_number, window, button, updown ) ;
glutPostRedisplay () ;
static void
Dials(int x, int y)
int window = glutGetWindow () ;
dials_called = 1 ;
printf ( "%6d Window %d Dials Callback: %d %d\n",
++sequence_number, window, x, y ) ;
glutPostRedisplay () ;
static void
ButtonBox(int button, int updown)
int window = glutGetWindow () ;
buttonbox_called = 1 ;
printf ( "%6d Window %d ButtonBox Callback: %d %d\n",
++sequence_number, window, button, updown ) ;
glutPostRedisplay () ;
static void
TabletMotion(int x, int y)
int window = glutGetWindow () ;
tabletmotion_called = 1 ;
printf ( "%6d Window %d TabletMotion Callback: %d %d\n",
++sequence_number, window, x, y ) ;
glutPostRedisplay () ;
static void
TabletButton(int button, int updown, int x, int y)
int window = glutGetWindow () ;
tabletbutton_called = 1 ;
printf ( "%6d Window %d TabletButton Callback: %d %d %d %d\n",
++sequence_number, window, button, updown, x, y ) ;
glutPostRedisplay () ;
static void
MenuCallback ( int menuID )
int window = glutGetWindow () ;
printf( "%6d Window %d MenuCallback - menuID is %d\n",
++sequence_number, window, menuID );
static void
MenuDestroy( void )
int window = glutGetWindow () ;
menudestroy_called = 1 ;
printf ( "%6d Window %d MenuDestroy Callback\n",
++sequence_number, window ) ;
glutPostRedisplay () ;
static void
MenuStatus( int status, int x, int y )
int window = glutGetWindow () ;
menudestroy_called = 1 ;
printf ( "%6d Window %d MenuStatus Callback: %d %d %d\n",
++sequence_number, window, status, x, y ) ;
glutPostRedisplay () ;
static void Idle ( void )
++sequence_number ;
main(int argc, char *argv[])
#define STRING_LENGTH 10
int freeglut_window, aux_window ;
char dummy_string[STRING_LENGTH];
int menuID, subMenuA, subMenuB;
glutInitWindowSize(500, 250);
glutInitWindowPosition ( 140, 140 );
glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DOUBLE );
glutInit(&argc, argv);
freeglut_window = glutCreateWindow( "Callback Demo" );
printf ( "Creating window %d as 'Callback Demo'\n", freeglut_window ) ;
glClearColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
glutDisplayFunc( Display );
glutReshapeFunc( Reshape );
glutKeyboardFunc( Key );
glutSpecialFunc( Special );
glutVisibilityFunc( Visibility );
glutKeyboardUpFunc( KeyUp );
glutSpecialUpFunc( SpecialUp );
glutJoystickFunc( Joystick, 100 );
glutMouseFunc ( Mouse ) ;
glutMouseWheelFunc ( MouseWheel ) ;
glutMotionFunc ( Motion ) ;
glutPassiveMotionFunc ( PassiveMotion ) ;
glutEntryFunc ( Entry ) ;
glutCloseFunc ( Close ) ;
glutOverlayDisplayFunc ( OverlayDisplay ) ;
glutWindowStatusFunc ( WindowStatus ) ;
glutSpaceballMotionFunc ( SpaceMotion ) ;
glutSpaceballRotateFunc ( SpaceRotation ) ;
glutSpaceballButtonFunc ( SpaceButton ) ;
glutButtonBoxFunc ( ButtonBox ) ;
glutDialsFunc ( Dials ) ;
glutTabletMotionFunc ( TabletMotion ) ;
glutTabletButtonFunc ( TabletButton ) ;
glutMenuDestroyFunc ( MenuDestroy );
glutMenuStatusFunc ( MenuStatus );
glutSetKeyRepeat(GLUT_KEY_REPEAT_OFF) ;
subMenuA = glutCreateMenu( MenuCallback );
glutAddMenuEntry( "Sub menu A1 (01)", 1 );
glutAddMenuEntry( "Sub menu A2 (02)", 2 );
glutAddMenuEntry( "Sub menu A3 (03)", 3 );
subMenuB = glutCreateMenu( MenuCallback );
glutAddMenuEntry( "Sub menu B1 (04)", 4 );
glutAddMenuEntry( "Sub menu B2 (05)", 5 );
glutAddMenuEntry( "Sub menu B3 (06)", 6 );
glutAddSubMenu( "Going to sub menu A", subMenuA );
menuID = glutCreateMenu( MenuCallback );
glutAddMenuEntry( "Entry one", 1 );
glutAddMenuEntry( "Entry two", 2 );
glutAddMenuEntry( "Entry three", 3 );
glutAddMenuEntry( "Entry four", 4 );
glutAddMenuEntry( "Entry five", 5 );
glutAddSubMenu( "Enter sub menu A", subMenuA );
glutAddSubMenu( "Enter sub menu B", subMenuB );
glutAttachMenu( GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON );
aux_window = glutCreateWindow( "Second Window" );
printf ( "Creating window %d as 'Second Window'\n", aux_window ) ;
glClearColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
glutDisplayFunc( Display );
glutReshapeFunc( Reshape );
glutKeyboardFunc( Key );
glutSpecialFunc( Special );
glutVisibilityFunc( Visibility );
glutKeyboardUpFunc( KeyUp );
glutSpecialUpFunc( SpecialUp );
/* glutJoystickFunc( Joystick, 100 ); */
glutMouseFunc ( Mouse ) ;
glutMouseWheelFunc ( MouseWheel ) ;
glutMotionFunc ( Motion ) ;
glutPassiveMotionFunc ( PassiveMotion ) ;
glutEntryFunc ( Entry ) ;
glutCloseFunc ( Close ) ;
glutOverlayDisplayFunc ( OverlayDisplay ) ;
glutWindowStatusFunc ( WindowStatus ) ;
glutSpaceballMotionFunc ( SpaceMotion ) ;
glutSpaceballRotateFunc ( SpaceRotation ) ;
glutSpaceballButtonFunc ( SpaceButton ) ;
glutButtonBoxFunc ( ButtonBox ) ;
glutDialsFunc ( Dials ) ;
glutTabletMotionFunc ( TabletMotion ) ;
glutTabletButtonFunc ( TabletButton ) ;
glutSetKeyRepeat(GLUT_KEY_REPEAT_OFF) ;
glutIdleFunc ( Idle );
printf ( "Please enter something to continue: " );
fgets ( dummy_string, STRING_LENGTH, stdin );
printf ( "Back from the 'freeglut' main loop\n" ) ;
return 0; /* ANSI C requires main to return int. */