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brickviking 786c050bbf Finally got the ARCH stuff working
Arch discovery needed to be outside the test for errorlevel
2022-08-26 02:00:21 +12:00

30 lines
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Executable file

@echo off
rem This script breaks when the version gets updated.
rem Can someone else work a way around that?
rem This script does not handle failure to make a directory
rem nor a failure to download the curl.cab
rem It also assumes that curl is downloaded to the users Desktop
set DLPAGE=http://skanthak.homepage.t-online.de/download
set CURLVERSION=curl-7.64.1.cab
rem grab the arch. We'll need this to extract files.
reg Query "HKLM\Hardware\Description\System\CentralProcessor\0" | find /i "x86" > NUL && set ARCH=i386|| set ARCH=amd64
rem Check if curl exists
curl --version 2>NUL 1>&2
if %ERRORLEVEL == 9009 (
mkdir internal\curl >NUL
echo Fetching %LINK%
explorer %LINK%
rem we should wait until the file is downloaded, because explorer returns straight away
"%SystemRoot%\system32\expand.exe" "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\%CURLVERSION%" /F:%ARCH%\* internal\curl
rem Add to path
) ELSE (
echo "Found curl, continuing"