Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/boxgaming/qbjs.git synced 2024-05-12 08:00:12 +00:00

Allow QB64 keywords to be referenced with or without leading underscore (#68). Add modifier key functions (#77). Add LOC keyword (#97). Add _Inflate$ and _Deflate$ methods (#74).

This commit is contained in:
boxgaming 2024-01-13 07:14:58 -06:00
parent a6de3c57d8
commit 6591d289e6

View file

@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ Sub ConvertLines (firstLine As Integer, lastLine As Integer, functionName As Str
tvar.typeId = currType
tvar.name = parts(1)
tvar.type = UCase$(parts(3))
If tvar.type = "_UNSIGNED" Then tvar.type = tvar.type + " " + UCase$(parts(4))
If tvar.type = "_UNSIGNED" Or tvar.type = "UNSIGNED" Then tvar.type = "_UNSIGNED " + UCase$(parts(4))
AddVariable tvar, typeVars()
End If
@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ Sub ConvertLines (firstLine As Integer, lastLine As Integer, functionName As Str
loopLevel = loopLevel - 1
indent = -1
ElseIf first = "_CONTINUE" Then
ElseIf first = "_CONTINUE" Or first = "CONTINUE" Then
js = "continue;"
ElseIf UCase$(l) = "EXIT FUNCTION" Then
@ -852,13 +852,13 @@ Function ConvertSub$ (m As Method, args As String, lineNumber As Integer)
ElseIf m.name = "Write" Then
js = ConvertWrite(m, args, lineNumber)
ElseIf m.name = "_PrintString" Then
ElseIf m.name = "_PrintString" Or m.name = "PrintString" Then
js = CallMethod(m) + "(" + ConvertPrintString(args, lineNumber) + ");"
ElseIf m.name = "_PutImage" Then
ElseIf m.name = "_PutImage" Or m.name = "PutImage" Then
js = CallMethod(m) + "(" + ConvertPutImage(args, lineNumber) + ");"
ElseIf m.name = "_FullScreen" Then
ElseIf m.name = "_FullScreen" Or m.name = "FullScreen" Then
js = CallMethod(m) + "(" + ConvertFullScreen(args) + ");"
@ -918,16 +918,16 @@ Function ConvertFullScreen$ (args As String)
If argc > 0 Then
Dim arg As String
arg = UCase$(parts(1))
If arg = "_OFF" Then
If arg = "_OFF" Or arg = "OFF" Then
mode = "QB.OFF"
ElseIf arg = "_STRETCH" Then
ElseIf arg = "_STRETCH" Or arg = "STRETCH" Then
mode = "QB.STRETCH"
ElseIf arg = "_SQUAREPIXELS" Then
ElseIf arg = "_SQUAREPIXELS" Or arg = "SQUAREPIXELS" Then
End If
End If
If argc > 1 Then
If UCase$(parts(2)) = "_SMOOTH" Then doSmooth = "true"
If UCase$(parts(2)) = "_SMOOTH" Or UCase$(parts(2)) = "SMOOTH" Then doSmooth = "true"
End If
ConvertFullScreen = mode + ", " + doSmooth
@ -988,7 +988,7 @@ Function ConvertPutImage$ (args As String, lineNumber As Integer)
destImage = "undefined"
doSmooth = "false"
If EndsWith(_Trim$(UCase$(args)), "_SMOOTH") Then
If EndsWith(_Trim$(UCase$(args)), "_SMOOTH") Or EndsWith(_Trim$(UCase$(args)), "SMOOTH") Then
doSmooth = "true"
args = Left$(_Trim$(args), Len(_Trim$(args)) - 7)
End If
@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@ Function ConvertPutImage$ (args As String, lineNumber As Integer)
End If
If argc >= 4 Then destCoord = ConvertCoordParam(parts(4), True, lineNumber)
If argc >= 5 Then
If _Trim$(UCase$(parts(5))) = "_SMOOTH" Then doSmooth = "true"
If _Trim$(UCase$(parts(5))) = "_SMOOTH" Or _Trim$(UCase$(parts(5))) = "SMOOTH" Then doSmooth = "true"
End If
ConvertPutImage = startCoord + ", " + sourceImage + ", " + destImage + ", " + destCoord + ", " + doSmooth
@ -1604,7 +1604,7 @@ Function DeclareVar$ (parts() As String, lineNumber As Integer)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To UBound(parts)
If UCase$(parts(i)) = "AS" Then asIdx = i
If UCase$(parts(i)) = "_PRESERVE" Then preserve = "true"
If UCase$(parts(i)) = "_PRESERVE" Or UCase$(parts(i)) = "PRESERVE" Then preserve = "true"
If UCase$(parts(i)) = "SHARED" Then isGlobal = True
Next i
@ -1649,7 +1649,7 @@ Function DeclareVar$ (parts() As String, lineNumber As Integer)
For i = 1 To UBound(parts)
Dim p As String
p = UCase$(parts(i))
If p = "DIM" Or p = "REDIM" Or p = "SHARED" Or p = "_PRESERVE" Or p = "STATIC" Then
If p = "DIM" Or p = "REDIM" Or p = "SHARED" Or p = "_PRESERVE" Or p = "PRESERVE" Or p = "STATIC" Then
nextIdx = i + 1
End If
Next i
@ -1700,6 +1700,7 @@ Function RegisterVar$ (bvar As Variable, js As String, isGlobal As Integer, isSt
If isStatic Then
bvar.jsname = "$" + currentMethod + "__" + bvar.jsname
End If
bvar.type = NormalizeType(bvar.type)
If Not bvar.isArray Then
js = js + "var " + bvar.jsname + " = " + InitTypeValue(bvar.type) + "; "
@ -2067,7 +2068,7 @@ Sub ConvertMethods ()
' add the parameter to the local variables
Dim bvar As Variable
bvar.name = RemoveSuffix(parts(1))
bvar.type = parts(2)
bvar.type = NormalizeType(parts(2))
bvar.typeId = FindTypeId(bvar.type)
If parts(3) = "true" Then
bvar.isArray = True
@ -2079,11 +2080,11 @@ Sub ConvertMethods ()
If Not bvar.isArray Then
Dim typeName As String
typeName = UCase$(bvar.type)
If typeName = "BIT" Or typeName = "UNSIGNED BIT" Or _
typeName = "BYTE" Or typeName = "UNSIGNED BYTE" Or _
typeName = "INTEGER" Or typeName = "UNSIGNED INTEGER" Or _
typeName = "LONG" Or typeName = "UNSIGNED LONG" Or _
typeName = "_INTEGER64" Or typeName = "UNSIGNED _INTEGER64" Then
If typeName = "_BIT" Or typeName = "_UNSIGNED _BIT" Or _
typeName = "_BYTE" Or typeName = "_UNSIGNED _BYTE" Or _
typeName = "INTEGER" Or typeName = "_UNSIGNED INTEGER" Or _
typeName = "LONG" Or typeName = "_UNSIGNED LONG" Or _
typeName = "_INTEGER64" Or typeName = "_UNSIGNED _INTEGER64" Then
' lookup the variable to get the jsname
Dim varIsArray As Integer
If FindVariable(bvar.name, bvar, varIsArray) Then
@ -2779,10 +2780,17 @@ Sub PrintTypes
Next i
End Sub
Function CopyMethod (fromMethod As Method, toMethod As Method)
Sub CopyMethod (fromMethod As Method, toMethod As Method)
toMethod.type = fromMethod.type
toMethod.name = fromMethod.name
End Function
toMethod.returnType = fromMethod.returnType
toMethod.name = fromMethod.name
toMethod.uname = fromMethod.uname
toMethod.argc = fromMethod.argc
toMethod.args = fromMethod.args
toMethod.jsname = fromMethod.jsname
toMethod.sync = fromMethod.sync
End Sub
Sub AddMethod (m As Method, prefix As String, sync As Integer)
Dim mcount: mcount = UBound(methods) + 1
@ -2796,7 +2804,6 @@ Sub AddMethod (m As Method, prefix As String, sync As Integer)
methods(mcount) = m
End Sub
Sub AddExportMethod (m As Method, prefix As String, sync As Integer)
Dim mcount: mcount = UBound(exportMethods) + 1
ReDim _Preserve As Method exportMethods(mcount)
@ -2840,6 +2847,16 @@ Sub AddQBMethod (mtype As String, mname As String, sync As Integer)
m.type = mtype
m.name = mname
AddMethod m, "QB.", sync
If InStr(mname, "_") = 1 Then
' Register the method again without the "_" prefix
Dim m2 As Method
CopyMethod methods(UBound(methods)), m2
m2.name = Mid$(mname, 2)
m2.uname = UCase$(RemoveSuffix(m2.name))
Dim mcount: mcount = UBound(methods) + 1
ReDim _Preserve As Method methods(mcount)
methods(mcount) = m2
End If
End Sub
Sub AddNativeMethod (mtype As String, mname As String, jsname As String, sync As Integer)
@ -2943,7 +2960,7 @@ Sub AddVariable (bvar As Variable, vlist() As Variable)
Dim vcount: vcount = UBound(vlist) + 1
ReDim _Preserve As Variable vlist(vcount)
Dim nvar As Variable
nvar.type = bvar.type
nvar.type = NormalizeType(bvar.type)
nvar.name = bvar.name
nvar.jsname = bvar.jsname
nvar.isConst = bvar.isConst
@ -2952,9 +2969,40 @@ Sub AddVariable (bvar As Variable, vlist() As Variable)
nvar.typeId = bvar.typeId
If nvar.jsname = "" Then nvar.jsname = RemoveSuffix(nvar.name)
vlist(vcount) = nvar
End Sub
Function NormalizeType$ (itype As String)
' Replace non-underscore prefixed type names with the underscore version
Dim otype As String
If itype = "BIT" Then
otype = "_BIT"
ElseIf itype = "_UNSIGNED BIT" Then
otype = "_UNSIGNED _BIT"
ElseIf itype = "BYTE" Then
otype = "_BYTE"
ElseIf itype = "_UNSIGNED BYTE" Then
otype = "_UNSIGNED _BYTE"
ElseIf itype = "INTEGER64" Then
otype = "_INTEGER64"
ElseIf itype = "_UNSIGNED INTEGER64" Then
otype = "_UNSIGNED _INTEGER64"
ElseIf itype = "FLOAT" Then
otype = "_FLOAT"
ElseIf itype = "OFFSET" Then
otype = "_OFFSET"
ElseIf itype = "_UNSIGNED OFFSET" Then
otype = itype
End If
NormalizeType = otype
End Function
Sub AddType (t As QBType)
Dim tcount: tcount = UBound(types) + 1
ReDim _Preserve As QBType types(tcount)
@ -3505,6 +3553,7 @@ Sub InitQBMethods
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_BackgroundColor", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_Blue", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_Blue32", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_CapsLock", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_Ceil", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_CommandCount", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_CopyImage", False
@ -3515,6 +3564,7 @@ Sub InitQBMethods
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_D2G", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_D2R", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_DefaultColor", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_Deflate", False
AddQBMethod "SUB", "_Delay", True
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_DesktopHeight", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_DesktopWidth", False
@ -3539,6 +3589,7 @@ Sub InitQBMethods
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_Green32", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_Height", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_Hypot", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_Inflate", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_InStrRev", False
AddQBMethod "SUB", "_Limit", True
AddQBMethod "SUB", "_KeyClear", False
@ -3554,6 +3605,7 @@ Sub InitQBMethods
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_MouseX", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_MouseY", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_NewImage", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_NumLock", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_OS$", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_Pi", False
AddQBMethod "SUB", "_PaletteColor", False
@ -3580,6 +3632,7 @@ Sub InitQBMethods
AddQBMethod "SUB", "_ScreenMove", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_ScreenX", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_ScreenY", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_ScrollLock", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_Sech", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_Setbit", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "_Shl", False
@ -3646,9 +3699,10 @@ Sub InitQBMethods
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "Left$", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "LCase$", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "Len", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "LOF", False
AddQBMethod "SUB", "Line", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "Loc", False
AddQBMethod "SUB", "Locate", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "LOF", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "Log", False
AddQBMethod "FUNCTION", "LTrim$", False
AddQBMethod "SUB", "Kill", False