Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/boxgaming/qbjs.git synced 2024-09-19 20:14:58 +00:00

Parsing and error handling improvements

This commit is contained in:
boxgaming 2022-06-23 08:43:19 -05:00
parent 2dc724e356
commit c19cbc10fc
3 changed files with 1784 additions and 1719 deletions

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@ -359,12 +359,9 @@ var QB = new function() {
this.func__LoadImage = async function(url) {
//var res = await fetch(url);
//var b = await res.blob();
var img = new Image();
img.src = url;
//img.src = URL.createObjectURL(b)
while (!img.complete) {
await GX.sleep(10);
@ -2097,8 +2094,8 @@ var QB = new function() {
this.sub_IncludeJS = async function(url) {
var script = document.createElement("script")
script.id = url
script.src = url
script.id = url;
script.src = url;
this.sub_Fetch = async function(url, fetchRes) {


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ Const FILE = 1
Const TEXT = 2
Const False = 0
Const True = Not False
Const OPERATORS = "+-/\*"
' Additional Debugging output - should be set to false for final build
Const PrintLineMapping = False
Const PrintTokenizedLine = False
Type CodeLine
line As Integer
@ -117,8 +119,8 @@ Sub QBToJS (source As String, sourceType As Integer, moduleName As String)
ElseIf sourceType = FILE Then
AddJSLine 0, "async function init() {"
AddJSLine 0, "try {"
' AddJSLine 0, "try {"
End If
If Not selfConvert And moduleName = "" Then AddJSLine 0, "QB.start();"
@ -139,7 +141,6 @@ Sub QBToJS (source As String, sourceType As Integer, moduleName As String)
ConvertLines 1, MainEnd, ""
If Not selfConvert And Not isGX And moduleName = "" Then AddJSLine 0, "QB.end();"
'If Not selfConvert And moduleName = "" Then End
@ -148,7 +149,11 @@ Sub QBToJS (source As String, sourceType As Integer, moduleName As String)
AddJSLine 0, " await sub_QBToJS(src, TEXT, '');"
AddJSLine 0, " var js = '';"
AddJSLine 0, " for (var i=1; i<= QB.func_UBound(jsLines); i++) {"
AddJSLine 0, " js += '/* ' + i + ':' + this.getSourceLine(i) + ' */ ' + QB.arrayValue(jsLines, [i]).value.text + '\n';"
If PrintLineMapping Then
AddJSLine 0, " js += '/* ' + i + ':' + this.getSourceLine(i) + ' */ ' + QB.arrayValue(jsLines, [i]).value.text + '\n';"
AddJSLine 0, " js += QB.arrayValue(jsLines, [i]).value.text + '\n';"
End If
AddJSLine 0, " }"
AddJSLine 0, " return js;"
AddJSLine 0, "};"
@ -180,8 +185,8 @@ Sub QBToJS (source As String, sourceType As Integer, moduleName As String)
ElseIf sourceType = FILE Then
AddJSLine 0, "};"
AddJSLine 0, "} catch (error) { console.log(error); throw error; }"
' AddJSLine 0, "} catch (error) { console.log(error); throw error; }"
End If
End Sub
@ -248,6 +253,8 @@ Sub ConvertLines (firstLine As Integer, lastLine As Integer, functionName As Str
c = SLSplit(l, parts(), True)
If c < 1 Then _Continue
If PrintTokenizedLine Then AddJSLine 0, "//// " + Join(parts(), 1, -1, "|")
Dim js As String
js = ""
Dim first As String
@ -277,9 +284,24 @@ Sub ConvertLines (firstLine As Integer, lastLine As Integer, functionName As Str
End If
If first = "CONST" Then
' TODO: add support for comma-separated list of constants
js = "const " + parts(2) + " = " + ConvertExpression(Join(parts(), 4, -1, " "), i) + ";"
AddConst parts(2)
ReDim As String constParts(0)
Dim As Integer constCount
constCount = ListSplit(Join(parts(), 2, -1, " "), constParts())
Dim constIdx As Integer
For constIdx = 1 To constCount
Dim eqi As Integer
eqi = InStr(constParts(constIdx), "=")
If eqi < 1 Then
AddWarning i, "Invalid Const syntax: [" + constParts(constIdx) + "]"
Dim As String cleft, cright
cleft = Left$(constParts(constIdx), eqi - 1)
cright = Mid$(constParts(constIdx), eqi + 1)
js = js + "const " + cleft + " = " + ConvertExpression(cright, i) + ";"
AddConst cleft
End If
If constIdx <> constCount Then js = js + CRLF
Next constIdx
ElseIf first = "DIM" Or first = "REDIM" Or first = "STATIC" Then
js = DeclareVar(parts(), i)
@ -503,11 +525,9 @@ Sub ConvertLines (firstLine As Integer, lastLine As Integer, functionName As Str
Next j
If assignment > 0 Then
'This is a variable assignment
'If Not FindVariable(parts(1), false) Then
' If Not FindVariable(parts(1), true) then
' end if
' end if
' This is a variable assignment
' TODO: implicit variable declaration
' TODO: special case for Mid$ statement
js = RemoveSuffix(ConvertExpression(Join(parts(), 1, assignment - 1, " "), i)) + " = " + ConvertExpression(Join(parts(), assignment + 1, -1, " "), i) + ";"
@ -623,7 +643,6 @@ Function ConvertSub$ (m As Method, args As String, lineNumber As Integer)
If plen > 0 Then
If UCase$(parts(1)) = "INPUT" Then
m.name = "Line Input"
'm.jsname = "await QB.sub_LineInput"
m.jsname = "QB.sub_LineInput"
args = Join(parts(), 2, -1, " ")
End If
@ -702,66 +721,21 @@ Function ConvertFullScreen$ (args As String)
End Function
Function ConvertLine$ (args As String, lineNumber As Integer)
' TODO: This does not yet handle dash patterns
Dim firstParam As String
Dim theRest As String
Dim idx As Integer
Dim sstep As String
Dim estep As String
sstep = "false"
estep = "false"
Dim argc As Integer
ReDim parts(0) As String
Dim As String coord, lcolor, mode, style
coord = ConvertCoordParam("", True, lineNumber)
lcolor = "undefined"
mode = "undefined"
style = "undefined"
idx = FindParamChar(args, ",")
If idx = -1 Then
firstParam = args
theRest = ""
firstParam = Left$(args, idx - 1)
theRest = Right$(args, Len(args) - idx)
End If
argc = ListSplit(args, parts())
If argc >= 1 Then coord = ConvertCoordParam(parts(1), True, lineNumber)
If argc >= 2 Then lcolor = ConvertExpression(parts(2), lineNumber)
If argc >= 3 Then mode = "'" + UCase$(_Trim$(parts(3))) + "'"
If argc >= 4 Then style = ConvertExpression(parts(4), lineNumber)
idx = FindParamChar(firstParam, "-")
Dim startCord As String
Dim endCord As String
If idx = -1 Then
endCord = firstParam
startCord = Left$(firstParam, idx - 1)
endCord = Right$(firstParam, Len(firstParam) - idx)
End If
If UCase$(_Trim$(Left$(startCord, 4))) = "STEP" Then
sstep = "true"
End If
If UCase$(_Trim$(Left$(endCord, 4))) = "STEP" Then
estep = "true"
End If
idx = InStr(startCord, "(")
startCord = Right$(startCord, Len(startCord) - idx)
idx = _InStrRev(startCord, ")")
startCord = Left$(startCord, idx - 1)
startCord = ConvertExpression(startCord, lineNumber)
If (_Trim$(startCord) = "") Then startCord = "undefined, undefined"
idx = InStr(endCord, "(")
endCord = Right$(endCord, Len(endCord) - idx)
idx = _InStrRev(endCord, ")")
endCord = Left$(endCord, idx - 1)
endCord = ConvertExpression(endCord, lineNumber)
theRest = ConvertExpression(theRest, lineNumber)
' TODO: fix this nonsense
theRest = Replace(theRest, " BF", " " + Chr$(34) + "BF" + Chr$(34))
theRest = Replace(theRest, " bf", " " + Chr$(34) + "BF" + Chr$(34))
theRest = Replace(theRest, " bF", " " + Chr$(34) + "BF" + Chr$(34))
theRest = Replace(theRest, " Bf", " " + Chr$(34) + "BF" + Chr$(34))
theRest = Replace(theRest, " B", " " + Chr$(34) + "B" + Chr$(34))
theRest = Replace(theRest, " b", " " + Chr$(34) + "B" + Chr$(34))
theRest = Replace(theRest, " T", " " + Chr$(34) + "T" + Chr$(34))
theRest = Replace(theRest, " t", " " + Chr$(34) + "T" + Chr$(34))
ConvertLine = sstep + ", " + startCord + ", " + estep + ", " + endCord + ", " + theRest
ConvertLine = coord + ", " + lcolor + ", " + mode + ", " + style
End Function
Function ConvertPutImage$ (args As String, lineNumber As Integer)
@ -929,10 +903,10 @@ Function ConvertCoordParam$ (param As String, hasEndCoord As Integer, lineNumber
endCoord = Right$(param, Len(param) - idx)
End If
If UCase$(_Trim$(Left$(startCoord, 4))) = "STEP" Then
If UCase$(Left$(_Trim$(startCoord), 4)) = "STEP" Then
sstep = "true"
End If
If UCase$(_Trim$(Left$(endCoord, 4))) = "STEP" Then
If UCase$(Left$(_Trim$(endCoord), 4)) = "STEP" Then
estep = "true"
End If
@ -1071,7 +1045,7 @@ Function ConvertInput$ (m As Method, args As String, lineNumber As Integer)
End If
Next i
vname = GenJSVar '"___i" + _Trim$(Str$(_Round(Rnd * 10000000)))
vname = GenJSVar
js = "var " + vname + " = new Array(" + Str$(UBound(vars)) + ");" + LF
js = js + CallMethod(m) + "(" + vname + ", " + preventNewline + ", " + addQuestionPrompt + ", " + prompt + ");" + LF
For i = 1 To UBound(vars)
@ -1346,15 +1320,12 @@ Function ConvertExpression$ (ex As String, lineNumber As Integer)
Dim word As String: word = ""
Dim bvar As Variable
Dim m As Method
Dim isOperator As Integer
Dim stringLiteral As Integer
Dim i As Integer: i = 1
While i <= Len(ex)
c = Mid$(ex, i, 1)
isOperator = InStr(OPERATORS, c)
If c = Chr$(34) Then
js = js + c
stringLiteral = Not stringLiteral
@ -1363,9 +1334,9 @@ Function ConvertExpression$ (ex As String, lineNumber As Integer)
js = js + c
If c = " " Or c = "," Or isOperator Or i = Len(ex) Then
If c = " " Or c = "," Or i = Len(ex) Then ' isOperator Or i = Len(ex) Then
If i = Len(ex) Then word = word + c
Dim uword As String: uword = UCase$(word)
Dim uword As String: uword = UCase$(_Trim$(word))
If uword = "NOT" Then
js = js + "!"
ElseIf uword = "AND" Then
@ -1374,17 +1345,20 @@ Function ConvertExpression$ (ex As String, lineNumber As Integer)
js = js + " || "
ElseIf uword = "MOD" Then
js = js + " % "
ElseIf word = "=" Then
ElseIf uword = "=" Then
js = js + " == "
ElseIf word = "<>" Then
ElseIf uword = "<>" Then
js = js + " != "
ElseIf word = "^" Then
ElseIf uword = "^" Then
js = js + " ** "
ElseIf word = ">" Or word = ">=" Or word = "<" Or word = "<=" Then
js = js + " " + word + " "
ElseIf uword = "\" Then
js = js + " / " ' Not fully compatible but will at least perform a division operation
ElseIf StartsWith(word, "&H") Or StartsWith(word, "&O") Or StartsWith(word, "&B") Then
js = js + " QB.func_Val('" + word + "') "
'ElseIf uword = ">" Or uword = ">=" Or uword = "<" Or uword = "<=" Then
' js = js + " " + word + " "
ElseIf StartsWith(uword, "&H") Or StartsWith(uword, "&O") Or StartsWith(uword, "&B") Then
js = js + " QB.func_Val('" + uword + "') "
If FindVariable(word, bvar, False) Then
@ -1393,6 +1367,7 @@ Function ConvertExpression$ (ex As String, lineNumber As Integer)
' TODO: Need a more sophisticated way to determine whether
' the return value is being assigned in the method.
' Currently, this does not support recursive calls.
' (is this still true?)
If FindMethod(word, m, "FUNCTION") Then
If m.name <> currentMethod Then
js = js + CallMethod$(m) + "()"
@ -1407,9 +1382,6 @@ Function ConvertExpression$ (ex As String, lineNumber As Integer)
End If
If c = "," And i <> Len(ex) Then
js = js + ","
ElseIf isOperator Then
If c = "\" Then c = "/" ' Not fully compatible but will at least perform a division operation
js = js + " " + c + " "
End If
word = ""
@ -1460,7 +1432,6 @@ Function ConvertExpression$ (ex As String, lineNumber As Integer)
js = js + fneg + "QB.arrayValue(" + bvar.jsname + ", [" + ConvertExpression(ex2, lineNumber) + "]).value"
End If
ElseIf FindMethod(word, m, "FUNCTION") Then
'js = js + fneg + "(" + CallMethod(m) + "(" + ConvertExpression(ex2) + "))"
js = js + fneg + "(" + CallMethod(m) + "(" + ConvertMethodParams(ex2, lineNumber) + "))"
If _Trim$(word) <> "" Then AddWarning lineNumber, "Missing function or array [" + word + "]"
@ -2016,8 +1987,12 @@ Function SLSplit (sourceString As String, results() As String, escapeStrings As
Dim count As Integer
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To Len(cstr)
Dim c As String
Dim As String c, c2
c = Mid$(cstr, i, 1)
c2 = Mid$(cstr, i, 2)
Dim oplen As Integer
oplen = FindOperator(c, c2)
If c = Chr$(34) Then
quoteMode = Not quoteMode
@ -2042,6 +2017,32 @@ Function SLSplit (sourceString As String, results() As String, escapeStrings As
results(count) = result
result = ""
End If
ElseIf oplen Then
If quoteMode Then
If oplen = 2 Then
result = result + c2
i = i + 1
result = result + c
End If
If result <> "" Then
count = UBound(results) + 1
ReDim _Preserve As String results(count)
results(count) = result
End If
count = UBound(results) + 1
ReDim _Preserve As String results(count)
If oplen = 2 Then
results(count) = c2
i = i + 1
results(count) = c
End If
result = ""
End If
result = result + c
End If
@ -2059,6 +2060,35 @@ Function SLSplit (sourceString As String, results() As String, escapeStrings As
SLSplit = UBound(results)
End Function
Function FindOperator (c As String, c2 As String)
If c2 = ">=" Then
FindOperator = 2
ElseIf c2 = "<=" Then
FindOperator = 2
ElseIf c2 = "<>" Then
FindOperator = 2
ElseIf c = "=" Then
FindOperator = 1
ElseIf c = "+" Then
FindOperator = 1
ElseIf c = "-" Then
FindOperator = 1
ElseIf c = "/" Then
FindOperator = 1
ElseIf c = "\" Then
FindOperator = 1
ElseIf c = "*" Then
FindOperator = 1
ElseIf c = "^" Then
FindOperator = 1
ElseIf c = "," Then
FindOperator = 1
FindOperator = 0
End If
End Function
' String literal-aware split - copy
Function SLSplit2 (sourceString As String, results() As String)
Dim cstr As String
@ -2653,10 +2683,6 @@ Function GXMethodJS$ (mname As String)
End If
Next i
If mname = "GXMapLoad" Or mname = "GXSceneStart" Then
jsname = "await " + jsname
End If
GXMethodJS = jsname
End Function