Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/boxgaming/qbjs.git synced 2024-09-19 20:14:58 +00:00
2022-02-18 08:09:43 -06:00

840 lines
22 KiB

var QB = new function() {
// QB constants
var _fgColor = null;
var _bgColor = null;
var _lastX = 0;
var _lastY = 0;
var _locX = 0;
var _locY = 0;
var _lastKey = null;
var _keyBuffer = [];
var _inputMode = false;
var _haltedFlag = false;
var _runningFlag = false;
// Array handling methods
// ----------------------------------------------------
this.initArray = function(dimensions, obj) {
var a = {};
if (dimensions && dimensions.length > 0) {
a._dimensions = dimensions;
else {
// default to single dimension to support Dim myArray() syntax
// for convenient hashtable declaration
a._dimensions = [0];
a._newObj = { value: obj };
return a;
this.resizeArray = function(a, dimensions, obj, preserve) {
if (!preserve) {
var props = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(a);
for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
if (props[i] != "_newObj") {
delete a[props[i]];
a._dimensions = dimensions;
this.arrayValue = function(a, indexes) {
var value = a;
for (var i=0; i < indexes.length; i++) {
if (value[indexes[i]] == undefined) {
if (i == indexes.length-1) {
value[indexes[i]] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(a._newObj));
else {
value[indexes[i]] = {};
value = value[indexes[i]];
return value;
this.import = async function(url) {
await fetch(url).then(response => response.text()).then((response) => {
var f = new Function(response);
// Process control methods
// -------------------------------------------
this.halt = function() {
_haltedFlag = true;
_runningFlag = false;
this.halted = function() {
return _haltedFlag;
this.end = function() {
_runningFlag = false;
this.start = function() {
_runningFlag = true;
_haltedFlag = false;
this.running = function() {
return _runningFlag;
// Extended QB64 Keywords
// --------------------------------------------
this.func__Alpha = function(rgb, imageHandle) {
// TODO: implement corresponding logic when an image handle is supplied (maybe)
return _color(rgb).a * 255;
this.func__Alpha32 = function(rgb) {
// TODO: implement corresponding logic when an image handle is supplied (maybe)
return _color(rgb).a * 255;
this.func__Atan2 = function(y, x) {
return Math.atan2(y, x);
this.func__Blue = function(rgb, imageHandle) {
// TODO: implement corresponding logic when an image handle is supplied (maybe)
return _color(rgb).b;
this.func__Blue32 = function(rgb) {
// TODO: implement corresponding logic when an image handle is supplied (maybe)
return _color(rgb).b;
this.sub__Delay = async function(seconds) {
await GX.sleep(seconds*1000);
this.func__FontHeight = function(fnt) {
return 16;
this.func__FontWidth = function(fnt) {
return 8;
this.func__Green = function(rgb, imageHandle) {
// TODO: implement corresponding logic when an image handle is supplied (maybe)
return _color(rgb).g;
this.func__Green32 = function(rgb) {
// TODO: implement corresponding logic when an image handle is supplied (maybe)
return _color(rgb).g;
this.func__Height = function(img) {
// TODO: implement corresponding logic when an image handle is supplied (maybe)
return GX.sceneHeight();
this.func__InStrRev = function(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
var startIndex = +Infinity;
var strSource = "";
var strSearch = "";
if (arg3 != undefined) {
startIndex = arg1-1;
strSource = String(arg2);
strSearch = String(arg3);
else {
strSource = String(arg1);
strSearch = String(arg2);
return strSource.lastIndexOf(strSearch, startIndex)+1;
this.func__KeyDown = function(keyCode) {
// TODO: actual implementation (maybe)
// this is here just to allow converted programs to compile
return GX.keyDown(keyCode) ? -1 : 0;
this.func__KeyHit = function() {
// TODO: actual implementation (maybe)
// this is here just to support rendering loops that are using _KeyHit as the exit criteria
return 0;
this.sub__Limit = async function(fps) {
// TODO: need to incorporate time elapsed from last loop invocation
await GX.sleep(1000/fps);
this.func__MouseInput = function() {
return GX._mouseInput();
this.func__MouseX = function() {
return GX.mouseX();
this.func__MouseY = function() {
return GX.mouseY();
this.func__MouseButton = function(button) {
return GX.mouseButton(button);
this.func__NewImage = function(iwidth, iheight) {
return {
width: iwidth,
height: iheight
this.sub__PrintString = function(x, y, s) {
// TODO: check the background opacity mode
// Draw the text background
var ctx = GX.ctx();
ctx.fillStyle = _bgColor.rgba();
ctx.fillRect(x, y, QB.func__FontWidth(), QB.func__FontHeight());
// Draw the string
ctx.font = "16px dosvga";
ctx.fillStyle = _fgColor.rgba();
ctx.fillText(s, x, y+QB.func__FontHeight()-6);
this.func__PrintWidth = function(s) {
if (!s) { return 0; }
return String(s).length * QB.func__FontWidth();
this.func__Pi = function(m) {
if (m == undefined) {
m = 1;
return Math.PI * m;
function _rgb(r, g, b) {
return {
r: r,
g: g,
b: b,
a: 1,
rgb: function() { return "rgb(" + this.r + "," + this.g + "," + this.b + ")"; },
rgba: function() { return "rgba(" + this.r + "," + this.g + "," + this.b + "," + this.a + ")"; }
this.func__Red = function(rgb, imageHandle) {
// TODO: implement corresponding logic when an image handle is supplied (maybe)
return _color(rgb).r;
this.func__Red32 = function(rgb) {
// TODO: implement corresponding logic when an image handle is supplied (maybe)
return _color(rgb).r;
this.func__RGB = function(r, g, b) {
return this.func__RGB32(r, g, b);
this.func__RGB32 = function(r, g, b, a) {
if (a == undefined) {
a = 255;
if (b == undefined && g != undefined) {
a = g;
g = r;
b = r;
else if (b == undefined) {
g = r;
b = r;
a = a / 255;
return {
r: r,
g: g,
b: b,
a: a,
rgb: function() { return "rgb(" + this.r + "," + this.g + "," + this.b + ")"; },
rgba: function() { return "rgba(" + this.r + "," + this.g + "," + this.b + "," + this.a + ")"; }
this.func__Round = function(value) {
return Math.round(value);
this.func__ScreenExists = function() {
return true;
this.sub__Title = function(title) {
document.title = title;
this.func__Trim = function(value) {
return value.trim();
this.func__Width = function(img) {
// TODO: implement corresponding logic when an image handle is supplied (maybe)
return GX.sceneWidth();
// QB45 Keywords
// --------------------------------------------
this.func_Abs = function(value) {
return Math.abs(value);
this.func_Asc = function(value, pos) {
if (pos == undefined) {
pos = 0;
else { pos--; }
return String(value).charCodeAt(pos);
this.func_Atn = function(value) {
return Math.atan(value);
this.func_Chr = function(charCode) {
return String.fromCharCode(charCode);
this.sub_Cls = function() {
// TODO: parameter variants
var ctx = GX.ctx();
ctx.fillStyle = _bgColor.rgba();
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, QB.func__Width() , QB.func__Height());
function _color(c) {
if (c != undefined && c.r != undefined) {
return c;
return QB.func__RGB(0,0,0);
this.sub_Color = function(fg, bg) {
if (fg != undefined) {
_fgColor = _color(fg);
if (bg != undefined) {
_bgColor = _color(bg);
this.func_Command = function() {
return "";
this.func_Cos = function(value) {
return Math.cos(value);
this.func_Exp = function(value) {
return Math.exp(value);
this.func_Fix = function(value) {
if (value >=0) {
return Math.floor(value);
else {
return Math.floor(Math.abs(value)) * -1;
function _textColumns() {
return Math.floor(QB.func__Width() / QB.func__FontWidth());
function _textRows() {
return Math.floor(QB.func__Height() / QB.func__FontHeight());
this.sub_Input = async function(values, preventNewline, addQuestionPrompt, prompt) {
_lastKey = null;
var str = "";
_inputMode = true;
if (prompt != undefined) {
QB.sub_Print([prompt, QB.PREVENT_NEWLINE]);
if (prompt == undefined || addQuestionPrompt) {
QB.sub_Print(["? ", QB.PREVENT_NEWLINE]);
if (!preventNewline && _locY > _textRows()-1) {
await _printScroll();
_locY = _textRows()-1;
while (_lastKey != "Enter") {
if (_lastKey == "Backspace" && str.length > 0) {
var ctx = GX.ctx();
ctx.fillStyle = _bgColor.rgba();
ctx.fillRect(_locX * QB.func__FontWidth(), _locY * QB.func__FontHeight(), QB.func__FontWidth() , QB.func__FontHeight());
str = str.substring(0, str.length-1);
else if (_lastKey && _lastKey.length < 2) {
QB.sub__PrintString(_locX * QB.func__FontWidth(), _locY * QB.func__FontHeight(), _lastKey);
str += _lastKey;
_lastKey = null;
await GX.sleep(10);
if (!preventNewline) {
_locX = 0;
if (values.length < 2) {
values[0] = str;
else {
var vparts = str.split(",");
for (var i=0; i < values.length; i++) {
values[i] = vparts[i] ? vparts[i] : "";
_inputMode = false;
this.func_InKey = function() {
if (_keyBuffer.length < 1) {
return "";
return _keyBuffer.shift();
this.func_InStr = function(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
var startIndex = 0;
var strSource = "";
var strSearch = "";
if (arg3 != undefined) {
startIndex = arg1-1;
strSource = String(arg2);
strSearch = String(arg3);
else {
strSource = String(arg1);
strSearch = String(arg2);
return strSource.indexOf(strSearch, startIndex)+1;
this.func_Int = function(value) {
return Math.floor(value);
this.func_LCase = function(value) {
return String(value).toLowerCase();
this.func_Left = function(value, n) {
return String(value).substring(0, n);
this.func_Len = function(value) {
return String(value).length;
this.func_Log = function(value) {
return Math.log(value);
this.sub_Circle = function(step, x, y, radius, color, startAngle, endAngle, aspect) {
// TODO: implement aspect parameter
if (color == undefined) {
color = _fgColor;
else {
color = _color(color);
if (startAngle == undefined) { startAngle = 0; }
if (endAngle == undefined) { endAngle = 2 * Math.PI; }
if (step) {
x = _lastX + x;
y = _lastY + y;
_lastX = x;
_lastY = y;
var ctx = GX.ctx();
ctx.strokeStyle = color.rgba();
ctx.arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle);
this.sub_Line = function(sstep, sx, sy, estep, ex, ey, color, style, pattern) {
if (color == undefined) {
if (style == "BF") {
color = _bgColor;
else {
color = _fgColor;
else {
color = _color(color);
if (sstep) {
sx = _lastX + sx;
sy = _lastY + sy;
if (sx == undefined) {
sx = _lastX;
sy = _lastY;
_lastX = sx;
_lastY = sy;
if (estep) {
ex = _lastX + ex;
ey = _lastY + ey;
_lastX = ex;
_lastY = ey;
var ctx = GX.ctx();
if (style == "B") {
ctx.strokeStyle = color.rgba();
ctx.strokeRect(sx, sy, ex-sx, ey-sy)
else if (style == "BF") {
ctx.fillStyle = color.rgba();
ctx.fillRect(sx, sy, ex-sx, ey-sy)
else {
ctx.strokeStyle = color.rgba();
ctx.moveTo(sx, sy);
ctx.lineTo(ex, ey);
this.sub_LineInput = async function(values, preventNewline, addQuestionPrompt, prompt) {
await QB.sub_Input(values, preventNewline, addQuestionPrompt, prompt);
this.sub_Locate = function(row, col) {
// TODO: implement cursor positioning/display
if (row && row > 0 && row <= _textRows()) {
_locY = row-1;
if (col && col > 0 && col <= _textColumns()) {
_locX = col-1;
this.func_LTrim = function(value) {
return String(value).trimStart();
this.func_Mid = function(value, n, len) {
if (len == undefined) {
return String(value).substring(n-1);
else {
return String(value).substring(n-1, n+len-1);
this.sub_Print = async function(args) {
// Print called with no arguments
if (args == undefined || args == null || args.length < 1) {
args = [""];
var ctx = GX.ctx();
var preventNewline = (args[args.length-1] == QB.PREVENT_NEWLINE || args[args.length-1] == QB.COLUMN_ADVANCE);
for (var ai = 0; ai < args.length; ai++) {
if (args[ai] == QB.PREVENT_NEWLINE) {
// ignore as we will just concatenate the next arg
else if (args[ai] == QB.COLUMN_ADVANCE) {
// advance to the next column offset
_locX += 14 - _locX % 13;
else {
var str = args[ai];
var lines = String(str).split("\n");
for (var i=0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var x = _locX * QB.func__FontWidth();
var y = -1;
// scroll the screen
if (_locY < _textRows()-1) {
y = _locY * QB.func__FontHeight();
else {
y = (_locY) * QB.func__FontHeight();
// TODO: check the background opacity mode
// Draw the text background
ctx.fillStyle = _bgColor.rgba();
ctx.fillRect(x, y, QB.func__FontWidth() * lines[i].length, QB.func__FontHeight());
ctx.font = "16px dosvga";
ctx.fillStyle = _fgColor.rgba();
ctx.fillText(lines[i], x, y+QB.func__FontHeight()-6);
_locX += lines[i].length;
if (i < lines.length-1) {
if (_locY < _textRows()-1) {
_locY = _locY + 1;
_locX = 0;
else {
await _printScroll();
if (!preventNewline) {
_locX = 0;
if (_locY < _textRows()-1) {
_locY = _locY + 1;
else {
await _printScroll();
async function _printScroll() {
var img = new Image();
img.src = GX.canvas().toDataURL("image/png");
while (!img.complete) {
await GX.sleep(10);
var ctx = GX.ctx();
ctx.fillStyle = _bgColor.rgba();
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, QB.func__Width(), QB.func__Height());
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, -QB.func__FontHeight());
this.sub_PSet = function(sstep, x, y, color) {
if (color == undefined) {
color = _fgColor;
else {
color = _color(color);
if (sstep) {
x = _lastX + x;
y = _lastY + y;
_lastX = x;
_lastY = y;
var ctx = GX.ctx();
ctx.fillStyle = color.rgba();
ctx.fillRect(x, y, 1, 1);
this.func_Right = function(value, n) {
if (value == undefined) {
return "";
var s = String(value);
return s.substring(s.length-n, s.length);
this.func_RTrim = function(value) {
return String(value).trimEnd();
this.func_Rnd = function(n) {
// TODO: implement modifier parameter
return Math.random();
this.sub_Screen = async function(mode) {
if (mode == 0) {
GX.sceneCreate(640, 400);
//GX.fontLineSpacing(_fntDefault, 2);
else if (mode < 2 || mode == 7 || mode == 13) {
GX.sceneCreate(320, 200);
//GX.fontLineSpacing(_fntDefault, 0);
else if (mode == 8) {
GX.sceneCreate(640, 200);
//GX.fontLineSpacing(_fntDefault, 0);
else if (mode == 9 || mode == 10) {
GX.sceneCreate(640, 350);
//GX.fontLineSpacing(_fntDefault, 0);
else if (mode == 11 || mode == 12) {
GX.sceneCreate(640, 480);
//GX.fontLineSpacing(_fntDefault, 0);
else if (mode.width != undefined) {
GX.sceneCreate(mode.width, mode.height);
//GX.fontLineSpacing(_fntDefault, 2);
// initialize the graphics
_fgColor = this.func__RGB(255, 255, 255);
_bgColor = this.func__RGB(0, 0, 0);
_lastX = 0;
_lastY = 0;
_locX = 0;
_locY = 0;
_lastKey = null;
_inputMode = false;
this.func_Sgn = function(value) {
if (value > 0) { return 1; }
else if (value < 0) { return -1; }
else { return 0; }
this.func_Sin = function(value) {
return Math.sin(value);
this.sub_Sleep = async function(seconds) {
var elapsed = 0;
var totalWait = Infinity;
if (seconds != undefined) {
totalWait = seconds*1000;
_lastKey = null;
while (!_lastKey && elapsed < totalWait) {
await GX.sleep(100);
elapsed += 100;
this.func_Sqr = function(value) {
return Math.sqrt(value);
this.func_Str = function(value) {
return String(value);
this.sub_Swap = function(values) {
var temp = values[1];
values[1] = values[0];
values[0] = temp;
this.func_Tan = function(value) {
return Math.tan(value);
this.func_Timer = function(accuracy) {
// TODO: implement optional accuracy
var midnight = new Date();
midnight.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return ((new Date()).getTime() - midnight.getTime()) / 1000;
this.func_UBound = function(a, dimension) {
if (dimension == undefined) {
dimension = 1;
return a._dimensions[dimension-1];
//return a.length-1;
this.func_UCase = function(value) {
return String(value).toUpperCase();
this.func_Val = function(value) {
return Number(value);
// QBJS-only methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
this.func_Fetch = async function(url) {
var response = await fetch(url);
var responseText = await(response.text());
return {
ok: response.ok,
status: response.status,
statusText: response.statusText,
text: responseText
this.func_FromJSON = function(s) {
return JSON.parse(s);
this.func_ToJSON = function(a) {
return JSON.stringify(a);
function _init() {
addEventListener("keydown", function(event) {
if (_inputMode) {
_lastKey = event.key;
addEventListener("keyup", function(event) {