Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/boxgaming/qbjs.git synced 2024-05-12 08:00:12 +00:00

Added compiler errors in addition to warnings. More syntax checking. Corrected support for utilizing Exit keyword in nested loops. Changed AND and OR to use bitwise operators instead of boolean for greater compatibility.

This commit is contained in:
boxgaming 2024-03-25 16:01:46 -05:00
parent 030c8ac983
commit 9005215ca0
2 changed files with 485 additions and 242 deletions


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ $Console:Only
'2) Compile to EXE only.
'3) In console, run: qb2js qb2js.bas > ../qb2js.js
Const FILE = 1
Const TEXT = 2
Const FILE = 1, TEXT = 2
Const MWARNING = 0, MERROR = 1
Const False = 0
Const True = Not False
Const PrintDataTypes = True
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Const PrintTokenizedLine = False
Type CodeLine
line As Integer
text As String
mtype As Integer
End Type
Type Method
@ -59,10 +60,11 @@ Type Label
index As Integer
End Type
Type LoopItem
Type Container
mode As Integer
type As String
label As String
line As Integer
End Type
ReDim Shared As CodeLine lines(0)
@ -181,7 +183,8 @@ Sub QBToJS (source As String, sourceType As Integer, moduleName As String)
AddJSLine 0, " for (var i=1; i <= QB.func_UBound(warnings); i++) {"
AddJSLine 0, " w.push({"
AddJSLine 0, " line: QB.arrayValue(warnings, [i]).value.line,"
AddJSLine 0, " text: QB.arrayValue(warnings, [i]).value.text"
AddJSLine 0, " text: QB.arrayValue(warnings, [i]).value.text,"
AddJSLine 0, " mtype: QB.arrayValue(warnings, [i]).value.mtype"
AddJSLine 0, " });"
AddJSLine 0, " }"
AddJSLine 0, " return w;"
@ -294,12 +297,13 @@ Sub ConvertLines (firstLine As Integer, lastLine As Integer, functionName As Str
Dim totalIndent As Integer
totalIndent = 1
Dim caseCount As Integer
Dim loopMode(100) As LoopItem ' TODO: only supports 100 levels of do/loop nesting
Dim loopLevel As Integer
Dim containers(10000) As Container ' TODO: replace hardcoded limit?
Dim cindex As Integer
Dim caseVar As String
Dim currType As Integer
Dim loopIndex As String
Dim sfix As String
Dim ctype As String
For i = firstLine To lastLine
indent = 0
@ -350,6 +354,8 @@ Sub ConvertLines (firstLine As Integer, lastLine As Integer, functionName As Str
DeclareTypeVar parts(), currType, i
End If
CheckParen lines(i).text, i
If first = "CONST" Then
ReDim As String constParts(0)
Dim As Integer constCount
@ -374,6 +380,10 @@ Sub ConvertLines (firstLine As Integer, lastLine As Integer, functionName As Str
ElseIf first = "SELECT" Then
cindex = cindex + 1
containers(cindex).type = "SELECT CASE"
containers(cindex).line = i
caseVar = GenJSVar
js = "var " + caseVar + " = " + ConvertExpression(Join(parts(), 3, -1, " "), i) + "; "
js = js + "switch (" + caseVar + ") {"
@ -426,12 +436,13 @@ Sub ConvertLines (firstLine As Integer, lastLine As Integer, functionName As Str
If Left$(_Trim$(fstep), 1) = "-" Then fcond = " >= "
loopLevel = loopLevel + 1
loopMode(loopLevel).type = "FOR"
loopMode(loopLevel).label = GenJSLabel
cindex = cindex + 1
containers(cindex).type = "FOR"
containers(cindex).label = GenJSLabel
containers(cindex).line = i
loopIndex = GenJSVar
js = "var " + loopIndex + " = 0; " + loopMode(loopLevel).label + ":"
js = "var " + loopIndex + " = 0; " + containers(cindex).label + ":"
js = js + " for (" + fvar + "=" + sval + "; " + fvar + fcond + uval + "; " + fvar + "=" + fvar + " + " + fstep + ") {"
js = js + " if (QB.halted()) { return; } "
js = js + loopIndex + "++; "
@ -440,6 +451,10 @@ Sub ConvertLines (firstLine As Integer, lastLine As Integer, functionName As Str
indent = 1
ElseIf first = "IF" Then
cindex = cindex + 1
containers(cindex).type = "IF"
containers(cindex).line = i
Dim thenIndex As Integer
For thenIndex = 2 To UBound(parts)
If UCase$(parts(thenIndex)) = "THEN" Then Exit For
@ -463,21 +478,42 @@ Sub ConvertLines (firstLine As Integer, lastLine As Integer, functionName As Str
Dim npi As Integer
npcount = ListSplit(Join(parts(), 2, -1, " "), nparts())
For npi = 1 To npcount
js = js + "} "
indent = indent - 1
Next npi
If CheckBlockEnd(containers(), cindex, first, i) Then
js = js + "} "
indent = -1
cindex = cindex - 1
Exit For
End If
Next npi
If CheckBlockEnd(containers(), cindex, first, i) Then
js = js + "}"
indent = -1
cindex = cindex - 1
End If
End If
ElseIf first = "END" Then
If UBound(parts) = 1 Then
js = "QB.halt(); return;"
If UCase$(parts(2)) = "SELECT" Then js = "break;"
second = UCase$(parts(2))
If second = "IF" Then
If CheckBlockEnd(containers(), cindex, "END IF", i) Then
js = js + "}"
indent = -1
cindex = cindex - 1
End If
ElseIf second = "SELECT" Then
If CheckBlockEnd(containers(), cindex, "END SELECT", i) Then
js = "break;" + " }"
indent = -1
cindex = cindex - 1
End If
AddError i, "Syntax error after END"
End If
End If
ElseIf first = "SYSTEM" Then
@ -494,12 +530,13 @@ Sub ConvertLines (firstLine As Integer, lastLine As Integer, functionName As Str
End If
ElseIf first = "DO" Then
loopLevel = loopLevel + 1
loopMode(loopLevel).label = GenJSLabel
loopMode(loopLevel).type = "DO"
cindex = cindex + 1
containers(cindex).label = GenJSLabel
containers(cindex).type = "DO"
containers(cindex).line = i
loopIndex = GenJSVar
js = "var " + loopIndex + " = 0; " + loopMode(loopLevel).label + ":"
js = "var " + loopIndex + " = 0; " + containers(cindex).label + ":"
If UBound(parts) > 1 Then
sfix = FixCondition(UCase$(parts(2)), parts(), 2, "DO ")
@ -509,10 +546,10 @@ Sub ConvertLines (firstLine As Integer, lastLine As Integer, functionName As Str
js = js + " while (!(" + ConvertExpression(Join(parts(), 3, -1, " "), i) + ")) {"
End If
loopMode(loopLevel).mode = 1
containers(cindex).mode = 1
js = js + " do {"
loopMode(loopLevel).mode = 2
containers(cindex).mode = 2
End If
indent = 1
js = js + " if (QB.halted()) { return; }"
@ -521,12 +558,13 @@ Sub ConvertLines (firstLine As Integer, lastLine As Integer, functionName As Str
ElseIf first = "WHILE" Then
loopLevel = loopLevel + 1
loopMode(loopLevel).label = GenJSLabel
loopMode(loopLevel).type = "WHILE"
cindex = cindex + 1
containers(cindex).label = GenJSLabel
containers(cindex).type = "WHILE"
containers(cindex).line = i
loopIndex = GenJSVar
js = "var " + loopIndex + " = 0; " + loopMode(loopLevel).label + ":"
js = "var " + loopIndex + " = 0; " + containers(cindex).label + ":"
js = js + " while (" + ConvertExpression(Join(parts(), 2, -1, " "), i) + ") {"
js = js + " if (QB.halted()) { return; }"
js = js + loopIndex + "++; "
@ -535,12 +573,20 @@ Sub ConvertLines (firstLine As Integer, lastLine As Integer, functionName As Str
indent = 1
ElseIf first = "WEND" Then
'ctype = ""
'If cindex > 0 Then ctype = containers(cindex).type
'If ctype <> "WHILE" Then
' AddWarning i, "WEND without WHILE"
If CheckBlockEnd(containers(), cindex, first, i) Then
js = "}"
loopLevel = loopLevel - 1
cindex = cindex - 1
indent = -1
End If
ElseIf first = "LOOP" Then
If loopMode(loopLevel).mode = 1 Then
If CheckBlockEnd(containers(), cindex, first, i) Then
If containers(cindex).mode = 1 Then
js = "}"
sfix = FixCondition(UCase$(parts(2)), parts(), 2, "LOOP ")
@ -553,8 +599,9 @@ Sub ConvertLines (firstLine As Integer, lastLine As Integer, functionName As Str
js = js + ConvertExpression(Join(parts(), 3, UBound(parts), " "), i) + "))"
End If
End If
loopLevel = loopLevel - 1
cindex = cindex - 1
indent = -1
End If
ElseIf first = "_CONTINUE" Or first = "CONTINUE" Then
js = "continue;"
@ -571,19 +618,19 @@ Sub ConvertLines (firstLine As Integer, lastLine As Integer, functionName As Str
ElseIf second = "DO" Or second = "WHILE" Or second = "FOR" Then
Dim lli As Integer
For lli = loopLevel To 0 Step -1
For lli = cindex To 0 Step -1
If lli > 0 Then
If loopMode(lli).type = second Then Exit For
If containers(lli).type = second Then Exit For
End If
Next lli
If lli > 0 Then
js = "break " + loopMode(lli).label + ";"
js = "break " + containers(lli).label + ";"
AddWarning i, "EXIT " + second + " without " + second + " on current line"
AddError i, "EXIT " + second + " without " + second
End If
AddWarning i, "Syntax error after EXIT"
AddError i, "Syntax error after EXIT"
End If
ElseIf first = "TYPE" Then
@ -697,8 +744,50 @@ Sub ConvertLines (firstLine As Integer, lastLine As Integer, functionName As Str
Next i
If cindex > 0 Then
AddError containers(cindex).line, containers(cindex).type + " without " + EndPhraseFor(containers(cindex).type)
End If
End Sub
Function BeginPhraseFor$ (endPhrase As String)
Dim bp As String
Select Case endPhrase
Case "NEXT": bp = "FOR"
Case "LOOP": bp = "DO"
Case "WEND": bp = "WHILE"
Case "END IF": bp = "IF"
End Select
BeginPhraseFor = bp
End Function
Function EndPhraseFor$ (beginPhrase As String)
Dim ep As String
Select Case beginPhrase
Case "FOR": ep = "NEXT"
Case "DO": ep = "LOOP"
Case "WHILE": ep = "WEND"
Case "IF": ep = "END IF"
End Select
EndPhraseFor = ep
End Function
Function CheckBlockEnd (cstack() As Container, cindex As Integer, endPhrase As String, lineNumber As Integer)
Dim As String ctype, beginPhrase
Dim success As Integer
success = True
beginPhrase = BeginPhraseFor(endPhrase)
If cindex > 0 Then ctype = cstack(cindex).type
If ctype <> beginPhrase Then
AddError lineNumber, endPhrase + " without " + beginPhrase
success = False
End If
CheckBlockEnd = success
End Function
Function FixCondition$ (word As String, parts() As String, idx As Integer, prefix As String)
' The fact that we are doing this probably means we need to improve the initial "tokenizer"
' Is this is a condition keyword with no space between the keyword and the open paren?
@ -728,7 +817,7 @@ Sub ParseExport (s As String, lineIndex As Integer)
Dim c As Integer
c = SLSplit(s, parts(), False)
AddWarning lineIndex, "ParseExport: [" + s + "]"
'AddWarning lineIndex, "ParseExport: [" + s + "]"
If FindMethod(parts(1), es, "SUB") Then
If c > 2 Then
@ -1924,9 +2013,9 @@ Function ConvertExpression$ (ex As String, lineNumber As Integer)
If uword = "NOT" Then
js = js + "!"
ElseIf uword = "AND" Then
js = js + " && "
js = js + " & "
ElseIf uword = "OR" Then
js = js + " || "
js = js + " | "
ElseIf uword = "MOD" Then
js = js + " % "
ElseIf uword = "XOR" Then
@ -2657,6 +2746,35 @@ Function FindOperator (c As String, c2 As String)
End If
End Function
Sub CheckParen (sourceString As String, lineNumber As Long)
Dim i As Integer
Dim quoteMode As Integer
Dim paren As Integer
For i = 1 To Len(sourceString)
Dim c As String
c = Mid$(sourceString, i, 1)
If c = Chr$(34) Then
quoteMode = Not quoteMode
ElseIf quoteMode Then
' skip the remaining checks and move to the next char
ElseIf c = "(" Then
paren = paren + 1
ElseIf c = ")" Then
paren = paren - 1
End If
Next i
If paren < 0 Then
AddError lineNumber, "Missing ("
ElseIf paren > 0 Then
AddError lineNumber, "Missing )"
End If
End Sub
' String literal-aware split - copy
Function SLSplit2 (sourceString As String, results() As String)
Dim cstr As String
@ -3000,6 +3118,10 @@ Sub AddWarning (sourceLine As Integer, msgText As String)
warnings(lcount).text = msgText
End Sub
Sub AddError (sourceLine As Integer, msgText As String)
AddWarning sourceLine, msgText
warnings(UBound(warnings)).mtype = MERROR
End Sub
Sub AddConst (vname As String)
Dim v As Variable